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Following the public exposure of top-secret CIA mind-control experiments, first in the U.S. Congress subcommittee hearings and then in the Rockefeller Commission report, the MKULTRA program was forced underground by going public: and MKULTRA-Foods (corp.) tumbled forth into the world. On this auspicious occasion Mr. "Mister" Kincaid, famously known as Mr. Kincaid, (although referred to simply as "MK" by his friends), stepped forward to become the premiere Executive Officer of MKULTRA-Foods. His first directive was to define the role of the corporation, and on this count his vision was clear. "Food is the lifeblood of living organisms," he would say, "and so foodstuffs will generate the biochemical receptivity needed to develop "subliminal nutrition control" (SNC) and broker in a new area of freedom-loving mind-control." The post-top-secret history of MKULTRA moved towards the final frontier of mind-plying nutritional psychotechnologies thanks in no small part to German innovation. So it is that MKULTRA-Foods seeks to widen the influence that we have over the chemical make-up of the masses. The proper mind-development of nations requires that we extend our control into viscous vicissitudes of verity. Enter "Liquid Bacon" and become plasmic with the amniotic yolk of systematic will.