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Same-sex marriage in Europe : Constitutional monarchy versus republic


A common observation is that the legal recognition of same-sex couples has a far higher percentage and level among constitutional monarchies, compared to republics. Monarchies were pioneers too at every important legislative steps. This contradicts the opinon, frequently expressed among republicans, that constitutional monarchies are outdated and less democratic than republics.


Hereditary monarchies

Among the 10 hereditary monarchies, there are currently 9 countries (90%) offering legal recognition, including :

  • 6 countries (60% : Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Norway & Sweden) celebrating same-sex marriages
  • 2 offering "marriage-like" unions, civil unions (United Kingdom, Liechtenstein)
  • one partnership with a substantial level of rights (Luxemburg).

Moreover, as seen upper in this page, Luxembourg & United Kingdom consider marriage. Hence, should these legislations be implemented as planned by their respective government, 9 monarchies out of ten (90%) would then all offer to same-sex couples a legal recognition with a "marriage level of granted rights" (including 8 marriages, 80 %). Only Monaco would then be without legislation on the matter.

Non-hereditary monarchies

Among the two non-hereditary monarchies (Andorra and Vatican), Andorra proposes a recognition with a partnership with a moderate level of rights granted.


Moreover, monarchies have always been pioneers : the Netherlands for rights granted to unregistered couples (1979), Denmark for civil unions (1989) and the Netherlands for marriage (2001). See table in "same-sex marriage legislation around the world". And, for not less than 9 years between April 2001 and June 2010, same-sex marriage in Europe was only offered by monarchies.



In comparison, 12 republics out of 39 offers recognition (30,8%). This includes :

  • 2 offering marriages (Portugal, Iceland) = 5 %
  • 4 offering civil unions (Finland, Switzerland, Austria, Hungary).

Hence a total of 6 out of 39 with legal recognition with a "marriage-leveled rights" (15,4%)

Should every upper-mentioned proposed legal changes occur, this would lead to :

  • 14 republics out of 39 offering recognition (35,9%, + Greece and Malta) including :
    • 4 marriages (Portugal, Iceland, Finland, Slovenia)
    • 3 offering civil unions (Switzerland, Austria, Hungary).

Hence a total of 7 out of 39, offering legal recognition with "marriage-leveled rights" (18%) with 10,25% of marriage.

Moreover, whole of the 9 upper-mentioned countries that constitutionally bars the posibility of marriage are Eastern Europe republics !

Same-sex union in Brazil

Region State City
. Federal District Brasília
North Region Amazonas Manaus
Pará Marabá
Rondônia Cacoal
Tocantins Dianópolis, Palmas
Northeast Region Alagoas State of Alagoas, Maceió (2x)
Bahia Salvador
Pernambuco Recife
Sergipe Aracaju
Central-West Region Mato Grosso do Sul Vicentina
Southeast Region Minas Gerais Manhuaçu
Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro (2x)
São Paulo Araçatuba, Bragança Paulista, Cajamar, Franca, Franco da Rocha, Hortolândia, Jacareí, Jardinópolis (2x), Limeira, Porto Feliz, Ribeirão Preto, São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo
South Region Paraná Campo Largo
Rio Grande do Sul Porto Alegre, Soledade
Santa Catarina Itajaí

My favorite summary about situation in USA

Same-sex legal relationships in the United States
LEGAL MARRIAGE by statute or any assembly decision: Connecticut - New Hampshire - New York - Vermont - Washington - District of Columbia - Coquille Indian Tribe - Suquamish tribe

Legislation that have to come into force : - Maryland (01/01/2013) -- Maine (29/12/2012)
Current propositions : ---
Intentions (present or once) : California - Illinois - Rhode Island - Minnesota - New Jersey - New Mexico

A BALLOT IN FAVOR OF MARRIAGE by statute: Proposed ballot :
MARRIAGE LEGALIZED by courts: Massachusetts - Iowa - California (Jun 16-Nov 5, 2008)
Out-of-State MARRIAGE RECOGNIZED: Rhode Island° (from Massachusetts) according to Attorney General Patrick C. Lynch

Maryland - California (conditional)

Civil unions permitted: Connecticut (exp. 10/1/10) - Delaware* - Hawaii** - Illinois - New Jersey - Rhode Island

Propositions : Minnesota - Utah

Domestic partnerships permitted: California (= civil union)*** - District of Columbia (= Civil union) - Maine - Oregon (= Civil union)*** - Nevada (= Civil union)*** - Washington (= Civil union)*
Pack of rights statutorily granted to couples: Colorado*** - Maryland - Wisconsin****
Marriage undefined : New Mexico - Rhode Island (except recognition) °
Marriage prohibited by statute or any assembly decision : States & territories : - Illinois - Indiana - Minnesota - Pennsylvania - Puerto Rico - West Virginia - Wyoming

Native Tribes : Navajo Nation & Cherokee Nation
Together with other legislation above* :
States & territories : Delaware - Washington

Marriage and civil union prohibited by statute: Alaska - Montana
Marriage prohibition permitted by constitutional amendment: Hawaii (but civil union permitted) **
Marriage prohibited by constitutional amendment : Alaska - Arizona (Const. amendment first rejected) - Mississippi - Missouri - Montana - Nevada - Tennessee

Ballot proposed : Minnesota (yet illegal by statute)
Together with other legislation above*** :
Domestic partnerships permitted : California - Oregon - Nevada
Pack of rights granted : Colorado

Marriage and civil union prohibited by constitutional amendment: Alabama - Arkansas - Florida - Georgia - Idaho - Kansas - Kentucky - Louisiana - Michigan - North Carolina - North Dakota - Ohio - Oklahoma - South Carolina - Texas - Utah - Wisconsin

Together with other legislation above**** :
Domestic partnerships permitted : Wisconsin

Marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships prohibited by constitutional amendment : Nebraska - South Dakota - Virginia

New official map :

My former and outdated map :