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The Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil is the thing that caused
mankind to make the moral judgments of right and wrong. My new book will explain why we suffer on this earth because of this tree
called morality. Also discussed is the word “righteous” and the difference between the carnal nature and the spiritual laws.
I was born in Reno, Nevada, and is the son of Raymond and Mildred L. Jones. He was a pastor, prophetic speaker, and teacher, until he found himself homeless. For two years he lived on the streets of

Orlando; then God the Father brought him back to his place of birth. He now is a mentor and teacher.

“There is a way which seemed right unto a man, but the end thereof is the ways of death.” In these times of mass division in the body of Christ; and the great confusion of what is good and evil. We see that the division is causing the rise of the spirit of the anti-Christ. Causing many to stumble, and this spirit will use religion as a covering much like Adam did with fig leaves.

We as humanity need to keep our minds stayed upon Jesus Christ,
and religion will use man’s emotions, morality, and natural affections to keep him in the spirit of bondage. This person will always be kept in fear of death and in roots of bitterness of
hard bondage by not trusting in the words of Christ.

So many saints of God are bitter and bound up because there is no unity in the body to bring justice. There is none to proclaim what
is right or wrong, so let me ask a question. What does being right or wrong have to do with getting into heaven, and is being a right or good moral person all it takes to please God?

So are we free, or do we have freedom in captivity?

The doctrines devil and tradition of man have replace the Word of God
and the Holy Spirit in the Church today.
Religion has used man’s earthy emotions, sensual natural affections, and devilish doctrine of morality to keep him in the spirit of Bondage. These fallen people having the fear of death and the root of bitterness of
hard bondage…shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and teachings of demons…

So many saints of God are bitter, fearful, and bound that many are looking for other religious experience to fill the void by changing
…the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man.
Therefore, God also gave them up to
uncleanness through lusts, covetousness, idolatry,
charismatic witchcraft, and all other forms of rebellion,
which brings dishonor to their own bodies as well as the Church of God.

The tree in the mist of the garden of our soul in my opinion is the
worshipping of Satan, and will be done for the Anti- Christ. One day in the distant future, the son of perdition will
have man in worship of him through witchcraft and spiritualism.

As the religion of Satanism grows in popularity, it will one day be
the Anti- Christ principles or standards in coming closer to Satan. One will follow and reverence more doctrines of devils
continuously for the next generations to come.
Therefore, I believe that all humanity can only see the world altered by the unrepented soul of humanity’s
thinking through his reprobated personality.

Thinking about my reprobated personality of the soul God took me on a twenty-six year quest from going to mountaintop to mountaintop.
“Make haste, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of spices.”
The soul is defined as the mind, will, and emotional state of the person. Therefore, our soul can help humanity deal with the
behaviors becoming delivered from the reprobated soul.
Satan used the personality of woman as his psychological cadaver by observing her spiritual ego, and soul.

Man and woman were ignorant of the fact that Satan had study man
and challenged to deceive Eve by controlling the mind, will, and emotional state of mankind.
Being that the woman was emotional more in tuned with her senses. The prince of darkness
chooses to speak to the personality of the emotional man (female) rather than to personality of the logical man (male).

This book will instruct the saint and sinner a like to know the
following about what is true righteousness, to define true morality,
traditional value, and what is the meaning of natural law. I must warn the potential reader before they start that this book is not politically correct and may offend those who are not open minded,
In this book we will study many aspects of the true meaning of morality and the beginnings of origin of right and wrong,
and doctrines that are in the Church today, and whether they are of God or not.
Have you been seduced by the serpent’s lies, we’ll see? I hope this book will be enlightening to you and yours,
and may the grace of Lord Jesus Christ be with you, as he shows you the truth that will make you free.

[A Tree Called Morality ISBN: 1-60610-309-1] Enjoy, Michael Tsaphah