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a. adjective
ad. adverb
anat. anatomy
art. article
ast. astronomy
bot. botany.
c. conjunction
cf. compare
chem. chemistry
e. g. for instance
fig. figurative
i. interjection
intr. intransitive
med. medicine
n. substantive, noun
nr. numeral
p. preposition
part. participle
plur. plural
pr. pronoun
pr. d. demonstrative pronoun
pr. ind. indefinite pronoun
pr. int. interrogative pronoun
pr. pers. personal pronoun
pr. rel. relative pronoun
sing. singular
tr. transitive
v. verb

Words containing a hyphen, e.g.grand-patr, grandfather, are compounded of two roots; the hyphen need not be employed in the actual use of the language, e.g. grandpatr, and the dictionary includes the unhyphenated form as well to make searching easier.

Prefixes and suffixes of derivatives are printed in italics, e. g. prototip, prototype; bonitet, goodness.

The letters in parentheses given after the names of the chemical elements, e. g. Fe in "fer, n., iron (Fe)," indicate the symbols used in chemical formulæ.




* a ad., (before numerals) each; apiece; by.
* a p., to; (before the infinitive) in order to; also before the infinitive in the following usage: il es tro prudent a monstrar sue koler (which is a shortened form of il es tro prudent a ke il monstr sue koler), he is too prudent to show his anger.
* a! i., ah!
* -a suffix., denoting a person or animal of the feminine gender.
* -a suffix., forming the second person singular of the imperative.
* a anteriore ad., to the front.
* abandonar v., to abandon; to forsake; to leave.
* a base ad., down; to the bottom.
* abat n., abbot.
** abata n., abbess.
** abateri n., abbey.
* abatar v., to fell; to cut down.
* abdikar v., to abdicate.
** abdikasion n., abdication.
* abdomin n., abdomen.
* aberar v., to aberrate; to stray; to wander.
** aberasion n., aberration; straying; wandering.
* abiet n., fir.
* Abisinia n., Abyssinia.
* abism n., abyss.
* -abl suffix., forming adjectives showing that something is possible or worthy, with a passive meaning.
* ablativ n., ablative.
* abominar v., to abominate; to detest; to abhor; to loathe.
** abominasion n., abomination.
** abominabl a., abominable.
* abonar v., to subscribe for.
** abonant part., subscriber.
** abonasion n., subscription. (N)
* abreviar v., to abbreviate; to shorten; to abridge.
** abreviasion n., abbreviation; shortening; abridgement.
* abrikos n., apricot.
* absent a., absent.
** absentitet n., absence.
* abses n., abscess.
* absint n., wormwood; absinthium.
* absolut a., absolute.
** absolutism n., absolutism.
* absolvar v., to absolve.
** absolvasion n., absolution.
* absorbar v., to absorb.
* abstinar v., to abstain (from); to refrain (from).
* abstinent a., abstinent; abstemious.
** abstinitet n., abstinence.
* abstrakt a., abstract.
* abstraktar v., to abstract.
* absurd a., absurd.
** absurditet n., absurdity.
* abundar v., to abound
** abundad n., abundance.
* abyurar v., to abjure, to forswear.
* ad p., at; by; to; on; against; with.
* -ad suffix., for forming substantives (see 81. of Grammar).
* ad-bordar / adbordar v., to land; to put into; to touch at.
* ad-dorsar / addorsar v. trans., to lean.
* a dekstre ad., to the right.
* a Deo! i., adieu! good bye! farewell!
* ad-glutinar / adglutinar v., to glue to; to agglutinate.
* adiurnar v., to adjourn; to put off; to defer; to postpone.
* administrar v., to administer.
** administrasion n., administration.
** administrator n., administrator.
* admirar v., to admire.
** admirasion n., admiration.
** admirabl a., admirable.
* admiral n., admiral.
* admiralitet n., admiralty.
* admitar v., to admit.
* a dome ad., home (to the house).
* adoptar v., to adopt.
* adorar v., to adore; to worship.
** adorasion n., adoration; worship.
** adorator n., adorer; worshiper.
** adorabl a., adorable.
* ad-pendad / adpendad n., appendage; appendix.
* ad-portar / adportar v., to fetch; to bring.
* ad-proksimar / adproksimar v., to approximate (trans.).
** ad-proksimasion / adproksimasion n., approximation.
* ad-rangar / adrangar v., to arrange.
* adres n., address; direction.
** adresar v., to address; to direct.
* adult a., adult.
* adulterar v., to commit adultery.
* adverb n., adverb.
* adverb partisipik n., participial adverb.
* advers a., adverse.
** adverser n., adversary; antagonist.
** adversitet n., adversity.
* advokat n., advocate; lawyer.
* adyektiv n., adjective.
** adyektivik a., adjective; adjectival.
* ad-yudikar / adyudikar v., to adjudge; to adjudicate.
* ad-yunktar / adyunktar v., to add; to join.
* ad-yustar / adyustar v., to watch for; to wait for; to lie in wait for.
* adyustar v., to adjust; to adapt.
** adyustasion n., adaption. (N)
* adyutant n., adjutant.
* a eksteriore ad., out; (to the) outside.
* aer n., air (atmosphere).
* afabl a., affable, friendly.
** afablitet n., affability; friendliness.
* afeksion n., affection (inclination)
* afekt n., affection (feeling)
* afektar v., to affect (pretent).
* afer n., affair; concern; matter.
* a fini ke c., in order that; that.
* afirmar v., to affirm; to assert.
** afirmasion n., affirmation; assertion.
* afirmar mediu yurad v., to confirm by oath.
* afish n., bill poster up; poster.
** afishar v., to post; to publish.
* a flanke ad., aside; to the side.
* afliktar v., to afflict; to embitter.
* aforism n., aphorism; saying; adage.
* Afrik n., Africa.
* agat n., agate.
* agensi n., agency.
* agent n., agent.
* agil a., agile; nimble.
* agitar v., to agitate.
** agitasion n., agitation.
** agitator n., agitator.
* agnel n., lamb.
* agoni n., agony.
* agr n., field; tilled land.
* agraf n., clasp.
* agreabl a., agreeable.
* agrikultur n., agriculture.
* ai n., sloth (animal).
* a inferiore ad., downward(s).
* a interiore ad., inward; (to the) inside; within.
* -aj suffix., denoting collective nouns signifying things.
* ajio n., agio; premium.
* akademi n., academy.
** akademian a., academic, and n., academician.
* akasia n., acacia.
* a ke c., that; to (used in the second clause, if the wordtro is in the former, p.e.il es tro benevolent, a ke il refus it, he is too kind to refuse it).
* aklamar v., to acclaim.
** aklamasion n., acclamation.
* akomodar v., to accommodate; to adapt.
** akomodar se v., to accomodate one's self; to submit.
** akomodasion n., accommodation; adaptation.
* a kont de p., to the account of.
* akord n., accord; agreement.
** akordar v., to accord, to agree;
** akordar se v., to agree (be on good terms).
* akreditar v., to accredit.
** akreditasion n., accreditanion. (N)
* aks n., axis; axle.
* akselerar v., to accelerate; to hasten; to hurry.
** akselerasion n., acceleration; hastening.
* aksent n., accent (mark).
* aksentuar v., to accentuate; to accent.
** aksentuasion n., accentuation; accent.
* aksept n., acceptance.
** akseptar v., to accept.
* aksidar v., to happen.
* aksident n., accident; incident.
** aksidente ad., accidentally.
* aksiom n., axiom.
* aksion n., share; stock.
** aksioner n., shareholder; stockholder.
* akt n., act; deed; action.
** aktar v., to act.
* aktiv a., active.
** aktivitet n., activity.
* aktiv n., active voice; the active.
* aktor n., actor.
** aktora n., actress.
* aktual a., actual.
** aktualitet n., actuality.
* aku n., needle.
* akua n., water.
** akuatr a., watery (water-like).
* akuafort n., aquafortis; nitric acid.
* akuarium n., aquarium.
* akuavit n., brandy.
* akuil n., eagle.
* akuirar v., to buy; to purchase.
* akumular v., to accumulate.
** akumulator n., accumulator.
** akumulasion n., accumulation.
* akurat a., accurate.
** akuratitet n., accuracy.
* akusar v., to accuse.
* akusativ n., accusative.
** akusativik a., accusative; accusatival.
* akustik n., acoustics.
* akut a., acute; sharp.
** akutitet n., sharpness, acuteness.
** akutifikar v., to sharpen.
* al n., wing.
** alar v., to wing; to add wings to.
** aled part., winged.
* -al ad. suffix., used instead of'-ik, if the root ends in-ik.
* alabastr n., alabaster.
* alambik n., alembic.
* alarm n., alarm.
** alarmar v., to alarm.
* alaud n., lark.
* alb n., alb.
* Albania n., Albania.
* alberg n., inn.
** albergar v., to harbor; to entertain.
** albergist n., innkeeper.
* albom n., album.
* alé n., avenue; alley; walk; path.
** aleatr a., like an alley or path.
* alegori n., allegory.
** alegoriik a., allegoric(al)
* alegr a., cheerful; merry; gay.
** alegritet n., cheerfulness; mirth.
* alektar v., to allure; to entice.
** alektasion n., allurement; enticement.
* alen n., awl.
* alfabet n., alphabet.
* alfenid n., alfenide.
* algebra n., algebra.
** algebraik a., argebraic.
* alians n., alliance.
* alienar v., to alienate.
** alienik a., alien.
** alienasion n., alienation.
** alienia n., alien country; alien land.
* aligator n., alligator.
* aliment n., aliment; food; nutriment; nourishment.
** alimentar v., to feed; to nourish.
** alimentasion n., alimentation; nurturing; nourishing.
** alimentos a., alimental; nutritive; nutritious.
* aline n., new paragraph.
* Aljeria n., Algeria.
* alkali n., alkali.
** alkaliik a., alkaline.
* alkimi n., alchemy.
** alkimiist n., alchemist.
** alkimiistik a., alchemistic.
* alkohol n., alcohol.
* alkov n., alcove.
* almanak n., almanac.
* almosin n., alms.
* aln n., alder.
* aloe n., aloe.
* Alpi n., Alps.
* Alsasia n., Alsace.
* alt a., high; lofty.
** altitet n., height; loftiness; altitude.
** alteskar v., to grow tall.
* altar n., altar.
* alternar v., to alternate.
** alternasion n., alternation.
* alternativ n., alternative.
* aludar v., to allude; to refer.
** aludasion n., allusion; reference.
* alum n., alum.
* aluminium n., aluminium; aluminum (Al).
* -am suffix., forming the first person plural of the imperative.
* amar v., to love; to like.
** amator n., lover.
** amabl a., amiable.
** amabilitet n., amiability.
** amor n., love.
** amoros a., amorous.
** amorositet n., amorousness.
* amalgam n., amalgam.
** amalgamar v., to amalgamate.
** amalgamasion n., amalgamation. (N)
* amason n., an Amazon.
* ambasad n., embassy.
** ambasader n., ambassador.
* ambigu n., ambiguous.
** ambiguitet n., ambiguity.
* ambisi n., ambition.
** ambisios a., ambitious.
* ambl n., amble.
** amblar v., to amble.
** amblator n., ambler; pacer.
* ambrosi n., ambrosia.
** ambrosian a., ambrosial.
* ambular v., to walk.
* amen! i., amen!
* amer a., bitter.
* Amerik n., America.
** Amerikan a., American, and n., American.
* ametist n., amethyst.
* amfibi n., amphibian.
** amfibian a., amphibian.
* amidon n., starch.
** amidonar v., to starch.
* amik n., friend.
** amikad n., friendship.
* a minu ad., at least.
* amnesti n., amnesty; pardon.
** amnestiar v., to amnesty; to pardon.
* amoniak n., ammonia.
* amortisar v., to extinguish (a debt); to amortize.
** amortisasion n., extinction (of a debt); amortization.
* ampl a., ample.
** amplitet n., amplitude.
** amplifikar v., to amplify.
** amplifikasion n., amplification. (N)
* amputar v., to amputate.
** amputasion n., amputation.
* amulet n., amulet.
* amusar v., to amuse; to divert; to entertain.
* an n., anus.
** anik a., anal.
* -an suffix., forming derivative adjectives indicating appurtenance to some one or something.
* anali n., annals.
* analis n., analysis.
** analisar v., to analyze.
* analog a., analogous.
* ananas n., pineapple.
* anapest n., anapest.
** anapestik a., anapestic.
* anarki n., anarchy.
** anarkiik a., anarchic.
** anarkiist n., anarchist.
** anarkiism n., anarchism.
* anat n., duck.
* anatem n., anathema.
* Anatolia n., Asia Minor; Anatolia.
* anatomi n., anatomy.
** anatomiik a., anatomical.
** anatomiist n., anatomist.
* -and suffix., forming the gerundive.
* andar v., to go; to attend (a school).
* andar a kontre v., to go and meet.
* Andalusia n., Andalusia.
* andar anteriore v., to precede; to go before.
* andar tro lente v., to be slow (of a timepiece, etc.)
* andar tro velose v., to be fast (of a timepiece, etc.)
* anekdot n., anecdote.
* aneks n., annex.
** aneksar v., to annex.
** aneksasion n., annexation. (N)
* anel n., ring.
** anel rotik n., felloe.
* angel n., angel.
* angin n., angine.
* angl n., fish-hook.
** anglar v., to angle.
* Anglia n., England.
** Anglik a., English; in English; English-speaking.
* Anglian a., English; pertaining to England; and n., Englishman.
* angoran a., Angora.
* anguil n., eel.
* angul n., angle; corner.
* angust n., anxiety; distress; straits.
** angustar v., to cause anxiety to; to distress.
* anim n., soul.
** animar v., to animate; to vivify; to enliven.
** animasion n., animation. (N)
* animal n., animal.
** animalik a., animal.
* animal rapas n., beast of prey.
* anis n., anise.
* aniversar n., anniversary.
* ankor ad., still; yet.
** ankorfoa ad., once more; once again.
* ankr n., anchor.
** ankrar v., to anchor.
* anonim a., anonymous.
** anonimitet n., anonymitiy.
* ans n., handle; haft; hilt.
* ansian a., ancient; old, and n., old man.
** ansianitet n., age; ancientness.
** ansianeskar v., to grow old; to age.
* -ant suffix., forming the active participle.
* ante p., before (temporal and local).
* ante ke c., before.
* anterior a., anterior; former; previous.
** anteriore ad., anteriorly; previously; first; before; in front; foremost.
* anti- prefix., corresponding to the prepositionkontr.
* antialkoholik a., antialcoholic.
* antifon n., antiphon; anthem.
** antifonik a., antiphonal.
* antik a., antique.
** antikitet n., antiquity.
* Antili n., Antilles.
* antilop n., antelope.
* antimon n., antimony; stibium (Sb).
* antipap n., antipope.
* antipati n., antipathy.
* antipatiik a., antipathetic.
* antipod n., antipode.
* anu n., year.
** anuik a., annual; yearly.
* anular v., to annul; to cancel; to abolish; to abrogate; to repeal; to quash; to annihilate.
** anulasion n., annulment, abrogation. (N)
* anunsi n., announcement.
** anunsiar v., to announce.
* aort n., aorta.
* a otr-loke ad., elsewhere; somewhere else.
* apanaj n., appanage.
** apanajar v., to appanage.
* aparar v., to appear (be or become visible); to rise (of heavenly bodies).
* aparat n., apparatus.
* apart ad., apart; separately; aside.
* apartenar v., to belong; to appertain.
* apati n., apathy.
** apatiik a., apathetic.
* apel n., appeal.
** apelar v., to appeal.
* apenini n., Apennines.
* aperiar v., to open.
** aperiad n., opening.
* apetit n., appetite.
* api n., bee.
** apieri n., beehive.
* aplaudar v., to applaud.
* apo! i., away! begone!
* apo-andar / apoandar v., to go away; to go off.
* apologi n., apology (defence).
** apologiik a., apologetic.
** apologiist n., apologist.
* apopleksi n., apoplexy.
** apopleksiik a., apoplectic.
* apo-prendar / apoprendar v., to take away.
* apo-pusar / apopusar v., to put away; to cast off.
* apo-selar / aposelar v., to sail away.
* apostat a., apostate.
* a posteriore ad., to the rear.
* apostol n., apostle.
** apostolik a., apostolic.
* apostrof n., apostrophe (').
* apostrofar v., to apostrophize; to address.
** apostrofad n., apostrophe; address.
* apotek n., apothecary shop; drugstore; pharmacy.
** apoteker n., apothecary.
* aprendar v., to learn.
** aprendabl a., learnable.
* april n., April.
* aprobar v., to approve.
* aproksimativ a., approximate; approximative.
** aproksimative ad., approximately; approximatively.
* apropriar v., to appropriate.
* apt a., apt; skillful.
** aptitet n., aptitude; skill.
* ar n., are (100 square meters)
* -ar suffix., the infinitive ending.
* arar v., to till; to cultivate.
* Arabia n., Arabia.
* arabesk n., arabesque.
* arak n., arrack.
* aran n., spider.
* arbitr n., arbiter, umpire.
* arbitraj n., arbitration.
* arbitrar a., arbitrary.
** arbitraritet n., arbitrariness.
* arbor n., tree.
* arbust n., shrub; bush.
* ardar v., to glow.
** ardor n., ardor; glow; heat; fire.
** ardoros a., hot; heated; ardent; fiery.
* aren n., arena.
* arendar v., to rent; to hire.
** arendator n., tenant; hirer.
* areometr n., areometer; hydrometer.
* arest n., arrest.
** arestar v., to arrest.
* a revisad! i., until we meet again!
* argent n., silver (Ag).
** argentar v., to silver.
* argil n., clay; argil.
** argilos a., argillaceous; clayey.
* argon = n., argon.
* argument n., argument.
* argumentar v., to argue.
** argumentasion n., argumentation. (N)
* aria n., aria; air; tune.
* aristokrat n., aristocrat.
* aristokrati n., aristocracy.
* aritmetik n., arithmetic.
* arivar v., to arrive; to arrive at.
* ark n., bow; arche; arc.
* arkatr a., arched. (P)
** arkad n., arcade; archway.
** arker n., archer; bowman.
* arkan a., secret; hidden; concealed.
* arki- prefix., signifying superiority.
* arkiangel n., archangel.
* arkiduk n., archduke.
* arkiepiskop n., archbishop.
* arkitekt n., architect.
* arkiv n., archives.
* arm n., arm; weapon.
** armar v., to arm.
* armatur n., armature.
* arm-emblem n., escutcheon; coat of arms; arms.
* Armenia n., Armenia.
* armi n., army.
* armiik / de armi a., army.
* arogant a., arrogant.
** arogantitet n., arrogance.
* aromat n., aroma; fragrance.
** aromatik a., aromatic; fragrant.
* arorut n., arrowroot.
* arsen n., arsenic (As).
* arsenal n., arsenal.
* art n., art.
** artist n., artist.
* arter n., artery.
* artifisi n., artifice.
** artifisios a., artful; ingenious.
* artifisial a., artificial.
* artikl n., article (in paper; also part of speech).
* artikl definit, indefinit n., definite, indefinite article.
* artileri n., artillery.
** artileriist n., artillerist.
* artishok n., artichoke.
* as n., ace (cards).
* asasinar v., to assassinate; to murder.
** asasinasion n., assassination; murder.
** asasinator n., assassin; murderer.
* asbest n., asbestos.
* asekurar v., to secure; to make certain; to assure; to insure.
** asekurasion n., assurance; insurance.
* asendar v., to ascend; to mount; to rise.
* asension n., the Ascension.
* asenti n., assent.
** asentar v., to assent.
* aser n., maple-tree.
* aserb a., acerb; acrid; tart.
* asesor n., assesor;
* asfalt n., asphalt.
* Asia n., Asia.
** Asian a., Asian, Asiatic.
* asid a., acid; sour.
** asidad n., acid.
** asiditet n., acidity.
* asidu a., assiduous.
** asiduitet n., assiduity.
* asier n., steel.
** asierar v., to steel; to harden; to temper.
** asierik a., steel.
* asignar v., to assign.
* asil n., asylum.
* a siloke ad., hither; here; to this place.
* asin n., ass.
* -asion suffix., which, with a verbal root, forms nouns denoting action.
* Asiria n., Assyria.
* asistar v., to assist.
** asistant part., assistant.
* asket n., ascetic.
* asosiar v., to associate (trans.).
** asosiasion n., association.
** asosied part., associate.
* asot n., azote; nitrogen (N).
* asparg n., asparagus.
* aspekt n., aspect; view; sight; prospect.
** aspektar v., to view; to behold.
* aspirar v., to aspire.
* astmat n., asthma.
* astr n., star; heavenly body.
* astrolog n., astrologer.
* astrologi n., astrology.
* astronom n., astronomer.
* astronomi n., astronomy.
* astronomiik a., astronomical.
* astusi n., craft; cunning; art.
** astusios a., crafty; cunning; artful; sly.
* a superiore ad., up; upward; aloft.
* asur a., azure.
* atak n., attack; assault.
** atakar v., to attack; to assault; to assail.
* -ate suffix., forming the second person plural of the imperative.
* ateism n., atheism.
* ateist n., atheist.
* a teloke ad., thither; there.
* atend n., waiting.
** atendar v., to wait; to await.
* atension n., attention.
** atensionos a., attentive.
* atest n., testimony.
** atestar v., to attest; to testify; to depose; to witness.
** atestator n., witness.
* atinar v., to attain; to reach.
* -ativ suffix., used with a verbal root to form adjectives indicating ability to do something.
* Atlantik (osean) n., Atlantic Ocean.
* atlas n., atlas.
* atlet n., athlete.
** atletik a., athletic.
* atmosfer n., atmosphere.
* atom n., atom.
* -ator suffix., used with a verbal root form a noun denoting a person or thing acting.
* -atr suffix., forming adjectives showing a resemblance to the root, whether this be a noun or an adjective.
* atraktar v., to attract.
** atraktasion n., attraction.
* atrap n., trap; snare; pitfall.
** atrapar v., to entrap; to ensnare.
* audiar v., to hear.
** audia! i., hello!; ho!; hear!; hark!
* audiens n., audience.
* audit n., hearing (the sense)
* augment n., augment.
** augmentar v., to augment.
** augmentasion n., augmentation.
* august n., August.
* auksion n., auction.
** auksionar v., to auction.
* a ulteriore e a siteriore ad., to and fro.
* aur n., gold (Au).
** aurar v., to gild.
** aurasion n., gilding.
* auskultar v., to listen; to auscultate.
* Austria n., Austria
* Australia n., Australia.
* aut pr., self (emphatic: myself, himself, etc., according to context).
* autentik a., authentic.
* auto- prefix., signifying self-, auto-.
* autobiografi n., autobiography.
* automat n., automaton.
** automatik a., automatic.
** automate ad., automatically.
* automobil a., automobile; self-moving. n., [vehikl] automobile.
* autor n., author.
* autorisar v., to authorize; to empower, to entitle.
** autorisasion n., authorization. (N)
* autoritet n., authority.
* -av suffix., forming the imperfect.
* avar v., to have.
* avansar v., to advance.
** avanse ad., beforehand; in advance.
* avar a., avaricious, and ni., miser; niggard.
** avaritet n., avarice.
* aven n., oats.
* aveniar v., to occur.
* aventur n., adventure.
* aversion n., aversion.
* avertar v., to hint.
** avertasion n., hint.
* avar famel v., to be hungry; to hunger.
* avid a., eager; avid.
** aviditet n., avidity; eagerness.
* avis n., advice; news.
** avisar v., to advise.
* avar koneks v., to be connected.
* avar lok v., to take place.
* avar nesesitet de v., to need.
* avar pasientitet v., to have patience.
* avar permit a v., to have permission for; may; to be allowed.
* avar siti v., to thirst; to be thirsty.
* avar sukses ko kk v., to succeed with anything (mi avav sukses ko voyaj - my journey succeeded, resulted well).
* avar tendens = v., to have a tendency; to tend to.