M.F.T.N. front man, John Littlefield began writing songs for an album he had been wanting to put out for quite some time. The song "Get Home" has been around the longest, it was penned in the summer of 2004. In the fall of 2008, John Littlefield formed a band called "J.L.B", which consisted of former bassist Chris Ashley, former drummer Chat Jefferson and acoustic guitar/vocalist John Littlefield. The band played a total of 4 shows together and then decided to part ways in October 2009; this of course after the trio decided to record an LP and had already began production on the drum tracks. Six months after J.L.B. split up, John Littlefield had the itch to play again, and decided to resurrect the old drum tracks and start finishing the project which would then later become, "Mercy For The Nation". This name was going to be the album title for John Littlefield's solo record. In the spring of 2009 John met Michael Manion, a 20 year old guitarist from Oakville, MO. As soon as John heard the first guitar solo from Manion, he wanted no one else to be the lead guitarist for his band. The duo finished the debut record throughout June, July & August of 2009. Chris Ashley then came in a performed the bass tracks. The album was set to be titled "John Littlefield - Mercy For The Nation", but the two thought it be a good idea to name the band after the title of the album. So therefore, in the summer of 2009, Mercy For The Nation took loud guitars, phat low end bass, an abundant drum sound, dynamic vocals and put together 12 original songs to make up a versatile, epic, rock sound.