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User:Mcapdevila/Bearing compass

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Dial of a bearing compass

A bearing compass, is a nautical instrument used to determine Bearing (navigation) of observed objects. (Delay: angle formed by the north and the visual to a certain object in the sea). Used in navigation to determine the angle between the direction of an object and north or another reference point. Provides the absolute bearing, which is the clockwise angle between magnetic north or true north and the object. For example, an object to the east would have an absolute orientation of 90 degrees is true it is called true declination, if the north is magnetic it is called magnetic declination. It is commonly used by geologists, surveyors and navigators to obtain precise directions on the ground. [1]

Sailors use successive demarcations of fixed reference points along with simple geometric techniques to determine their position, course and speed. In addition, making successive demarcations of other vessels, together with simple geometry techniques, can help the navigator to determine if there is a risk of collision and to decide what measures should be taken to avoid the danger. [1]


Illustration of an old bearing compass

The simplest and most common type has a compass or horizontal compass or compass rose and an observation device: a pinnule, alidade or visor that allows you to observe the object and simultaneously read the angle formed with the magnetic north. which allows the observer to simultaneously read the angle marked by the compass with respect to magnetic north.

More complex versions, such as prismatic compasses, use electronic optical systems to display digital markings while viewing the object through the optical system. There are also more complex types such as binoculars which, by means of an electronic-optical system, allow the marking to be viewed digitally at the same time as the object is observed through the optical system of the binoculars. [2]

See also



  1. ^ a b MotorBoating. p. 68. ISSN 1531-2623. Retrieved 2024-05-24.
  2. ^ Field & Stream. p. 155. ISSN 8755-8599. Retrieved 2024-05-24.