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Explosion-Proof Magazine

Explosion-Proof magazine is an American literary journal published with the intent to illustrate the necessity of print for a functioning democracy free of undue censorship Explosion-Prooflooks to redefine how our youth views and experiences the media, literature and all things 21st century.

The publication was founded in the fall of 2010 by Marian Leitner, Alex Ludlum, and Nick Green and is currently based in New York City with contributing writers from across the United States.


Established in response to dissatisfaction with the death of intellectualism as well as apathy among members of the millenial generation, the content in Explosion-Proof strives to point out the absurdities of the modern world. Its quarterly editions are composed of social criticism, essays, poetry, plays, and short fiction.

Creation Myth

Explosion-Proof get its name in memoriam of our co-founding editor who, in a misguided attempt to comply with the trends of the times, was reading his Kindle in bed when the lithium-ion battery exploded. He died in the resulting fire. Therefore, we vowed to publish only in print which, while note trendy, we can guarantee won't explode...."