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Since I'm a Japanese, it is said that I cannot waive nor disclaim my moral right (ja:著作者人格権). Thus, it seems that I cannot put my works into Public domain. Or, even if I state so, there remains some doubts about its validity.

Therefore, I tried to state copyrighted-freeuse for the first option. In addition, in case one would prefer GFDL or cc-by-sa, I added dual-licensing tag, though this might not be necessary (i.e. if "freeuse" can be treated as "free under any license", then it can be put under GFDL or CCPL or any).

Following tag is created experimentally, based on Template:LicenseFreeUse by Ilmari Karonen and Template:DualLicenseWithCC-BySA-Future by Phoenix-forgotten. I added cc-by-sa-2.1-jp.

- Marsian / talk 06:36, 17 January 2006 (UTC)


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