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User:MarkAHershberger/Music Sandbox

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Nagai, Iwai and Obata, Kenhachiro, "Seiyo gakufu Nihon zokkyokushu", pub. Miki Shoten, Osaka, 1895. English title, "A Collection of Japanese Popular Music."

From http://www.mutopiaproject.org/ftp/Traditional/J95016-Shigin-Cho/J95016-Shigin-Cho.ly and http://www.mutopiaproject.org/cgibin/piece-info.cgi?id=1769

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% 0
    \partial 4   b'4  | 
%    b'4 s2. | 
% 1
    b'4 b'16 [ b'16 b'8 ] b'16 [ b'16 b'8 ] a'4 | 
% 2
    \numericTimeSignature \time 3/4  
    b'16 [ d''8. ] e''16 [ d''8. ] b'8. [ a'16 ] | 
% 3
    \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4  
    a'4 ( b'8 [ e'8 ] d'4 e'8 ) r8 | 
% 4
    e'4 fis'8. [ a'16 ] a'4 b'8 [ b'8 ] | 
% 5
    a'4 b'8 [ d''8 ] e''8 [ d''8 ] b'4 | 
% 6
    b'8. [ a'16 ] a'16 [ a'16 ] a'4. ^\fermata r8 r8 | 
% 7
    e''4 e''8 [ d''8 ] d''4 d''8 [ b'8 ] | 
% 8
    a'4 a'8 [ b'8 ] d''8 [ b'8 ] a'4 ( | 
% 9
    \time 5/4  
    b'8 [ e'8 ] d'4 e'4 ) r4 d'4 | 
\barNumberCheck #10
    \numericTimeSignature \time 4/4  
    e'8. [ fis'16 ] a'4 b'8 [ b'8 ] a'4  |
% 11
    b'8 [ d''8 ] e''8 [ d''8 ] c''4 ( b'8. [ a'16 ) ] | 
% 12
    a'16 [ a'16 ] a'4. ^\fermata r4 
\bar "|."