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User:Marilyn Hamilton

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Marilyn Hamilton (née, Marilyn Louise Herbert, October 19, 1947, in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) is a Canadian

author, researcher, professor/learning designer, coach, facilitator, activist and city futurist. She is the founder

of Integral City Meshworks Inc. and TDG Global Learning Connections.



Hamilton, M. (1998). Ethnographic Codebook Developed for Doctoral Research. In The Berkana Community of

Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and Organizational Leadership Practices in a Self-Organizing

Online Microworld (2007 ed., Vol. 1). Abbotsford, BC: TDG Holdings Inc. Hamilton, M. (1999). The Berkana Community of Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and

Organizational Leadership Practices in a Self-Organizing Online Microworld. Unpublished doctoral dissertation.

http://www.universal-publishers.com/book.php?method=ISBN&book=1581123302 Hamilton, M., & Stevenson, B. (2000). Journeys to Wellness: A Workbook to Discover Personal Paths to Wholeness.

Abbotsford, BC.: TDG Global Learning Connections. Hamilton, M. (2008). Integral City: Evolutionary Intelligences for the Human Hive. Gabriola Island BC: New Society


Other Writings:


Hamilton, M. (1998a). Building the Leadership Organization. In T. Anderson (Ed.), Transforming Leadership:

Equipping Yourself and Coaching Others to Build a Leadership Organization. Boca Raton: St. Lucie Press. Hamilton, M. (1998b). Ethnographic Codebook Developed for Doctoral Research. In The Berkana Community of

Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and Organizational Leadership Practices in a Self-Organizing

Online Microworld (2007 ed., Vol. 1). Abbotsford, BC: TDG Holdings Inc. Hamilton, M. (1999). The Berkana Community of Conversations: A Study of Leadership Skill Development and

Organizational Leadership Practices in a Self-Organizing Online Microworld. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,

Columbia Pacific University, Novato, California. Hamilton, M. (2003). Abbotsford Values Systems Flower Map (Publication. Retrieved July 24, 2008:

http://www.integralcity.com/Maple%20Leaf%20Meme%20Proj/Spiral.flower.icity.pdf Hamilton, M. (2005). Bio-Security (pp. 5). Royal Roads University: Royal Roads University Case Writing Workshop. Hamilton, M. (2005). The Quest: Four Questions That Can Release the Potential of Your City. Paper presented at the

Canadian Institute of Planners: Frontiers in Planning and Design. Hamilton, M. (2006a). The Dinosaur, the Runaway Train and the House of Cards: A Study of the Human Factors in Bio-

Security in the Global Village. Paper presented at the World Planners Congress. Hamilton, M. (2006b). Integral Framework for Sustainable Planning: A Prototype for Emergent Well Being. Paper

presented at the World Planners Congress. Hamilton, M. (2007a). Approaching Homelessness: An Integral Reframe. World Futures: The Journal of General

Evolution, Volume 63(2), 107-126. Hamilton, M. (2007b). Personal Wellbeing Index: Toronto. Abbotsford, BC: Integral City, A Division of TDG Holdings

Inc. Hamilton, M. (2008). Integral Methods from the Margins: Finding Myself in the Research - A Retrospective of

Integral Leadership Development Methods Using Online Dialogue Analysis, a Competency Development Framework and

Action Research. Paper presented at the Conference - Integral Theory in Action: Serving Self, Community and Kosmos. Hamilton, M. (2010). Mapping the Values of Abbotsford and Developing a Prototype for an Integral Vital Signs

Monitor of City Wellbeing Abbotsford, BC, Canada: Integral City Meshworks Inc. Hamilton, M. (2010). Abbotsford Integral Vital Signs Monitor. Abbotsford: Integral City Meshworks Inc. Hamilton, M. (2010). Meshworking Integral Intelligences for Resilient Environments; Enabling Order and Creativity

in the Human Hive. Paper presented at the Enacting an Integral Future Conference.

Hamilton, M., & Stevenson, B. (2000). Journeys to Wellness: A Workbook to Discover Personal Paths to Wholeness.

Abbotsford, BC.: TDG Global Learning Connections. Hamilton, M., & MacLeod, J. (2009). Invisible Cities: Confronting Urban Challenges from the Inside-Out. In M.

Dengler & C. R. Casal (Eds.), Cities to Last: tt30 Sustainable Cities: Club of Rome. Wills, E. H., Hamilton, M., & Islam, G. (2007a). Subjective Well-being in Cities: Individual or Collective? A Cross

Cultural Analysis. Paper presented at the Wellbeing in International Development Conference. Wills, E. H., Hamilton, M., & Islam, G. (2007b). Subjective Wellbeing in Bogotá (B), Belo Horizonte (BH) and

Toronto (T): A Subjective Indicator of Quality of Life for Cities. Bogotá: World Bank.

Marilyn Hamilton 21:00, 23 January 2011 (UTC)