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User:Mariammp/sandbox/David (Max) Petrovsky (aka Goldfarb, Bennet, Gumbolt)

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Max Petrovsky (David Lipetz)

Max Petrovsky (born David Lipetz) also known as Dr. Max Goldfarb (in US), David Petrovsky-Lipetz (Russia) and A.J. Bennett (Great Britain) was a Ukrainian socialist, member of the Jewish Bund, editor of the Jewish Daily Forward newspaper in New York, member of the Ukrainian parliament, general in Russian Red Army and the Chief Commandant of the Soviet Military High Academies, Soviet Comintern representative in Great Britain and France, head of Soviet Anglo-American secretariat. He was married to a British communist Rose Cohen. His sister Faina Nurina (born Fanny Lipetz) was the only woman in Russian history to act as Attorney General of Russia.

Early Life

David Lipetz was born in Berdichev, Ukraine in 1886 where his father was a wealthy Jewish merchant. In 1902 after his father's death David became a member of the Jewish Bund. In 1903 he moved to Paris to continue his education. In 1905 during the first Russian revolution he returned to Ukraine and was active in the labor movements in Dvinsk and Gomel. In 1906 David Lipetz was appointed the head of the Bund conference in Kiev. He was subsequently arrested and spent three months in jail. Later he was kept under home arrest, but managed to leave the country and settled in Brussels where he studied for a doctorate in Free Brussels University under Emil Vendervelde. David Lipetz got his Ph.D in economics in 1910. In 1910 he returned to Russia and worked on behalf of Bund. In 1912 he gets arrested again for his political activities and after serving a short sentence he is sent to exile. Under agreement between Central committee of Bund and Jewish Socialist Federation of US David Lipetz moves to New York where he is known as Dr. Max Goldfarb. He becomes a member of the central committee of the Jewish Socialist Federation and member of the American Socialist Party. He lectures in various cities around US and becomes an editor of the Jewish Forward. In 1917 he represents US in as a member of the American Socialist Party in a Peace Conference in Stockholm on his way to Ukraine. In 1917-1919 David Lipetz was elected president of the province of Berdichev, as well as leader of the Jewish community in the area. He also became a member of the Ukrainian Parliament (Rada). According to Francis Beckett: "He defended his city's Jews against the Bolsheviks and was twice sentenced to be executed".

Max Goldfarb (David Lipetz) Ukranian socialist,critic, member of Ukrainian Rada, Soviet military officer, 1883-1937.[1]

  1. ^ A Treasury of Jewish Quotations,edited by Joseph L. Baron,1996, p604

The Headgear Worker, Volumes 1-2 https://books.google.com/books?id=oi0eAAAAYAAJ&pg=RA2-PA4&lpg=RA2-PA4&dq=dr+max+goldfarb&source=bl&ots=MeNHalzZVh&sig=TN_ZbljrOOv65vRjK0kYLHjGUao&hl=en&sa=X&ei=3GwUVanUBoyhNpqrhIAO&ved=0CDcQ6AEwBA#v=onepage&q=dr%20max%20goldfarb&f=false

Bennet or Bennett Goldfarb [ECCI rep. to GB & Ireland; Head of Anglo-American Secretariat, C.I.; married

Rose Cohen, CPGB. Both shot in 1937] Aka Lipec, Petrovsky, Breguer, Humboldt

Dr. Goldfarb Transferred to Eductional Post in Ukraine January 1, 1924 Moscow (Apr. 23) Dr. Max Goldfarb, known under his official name as Petrovsky, formerly Chief Commandant of the Soviet Military High Academies, will shortly be appointed Commissar of Education in the Ukraine. On the occasion of Dr. Goldfarb’s retirement from the military service, the Council of Commissars adopted a resolution expressing appreciation and thanks to Goldfarb-Petrovsky for his “five years of fruitful work in preparing commandants for the Red Army.” Dr. Goldfarb is an ex bundist. http://www.jta.org/1924/01/01/archive/dr-goldfarb-transferred-to-eductional-post-in-ukraine

Revolution Has Opened Way for Him to Continue Work for the Bund, Halted in 1913 by the Romanov Autocracy — He is Member of ACW of A. 1 Published in Advance [New York], v. 1, no. 11 (May 18, 1917), pp. 1-2. Dr. Max Goldfarb, who came to America in the summer of 1913 to lecture for the Jewish Socialist Federation, soon will return to his native land of Russia to conduct agitation for the Jewish Bund and endeavor to help in the great task of organizing the workers of the new republic. Dr. Goldfarb is going back to Russia with a group of 20 or 30 political refugees, who have been invited to return at the expense of the Provisional Government. More than 1,000 refugees will return in response to this invitation, according to Dr. Goldfarb. Dr. Goldfarb said he was optimistic about the future of the Russian republic. “The press here exaggerates the internal strife in the Russian government,” he said. “I am very hopeful about the results of the revolution. I don’t believe the time is ripe for the accomplishment of Socialist ideals in Russia. Still, in my judgment, he have the right to expect more social reforms in Russia than in any other country. The Russian revolution has the experience of the time which has passed since the French revolution in 1789. Seek Universal Peace. “I would like to emphasize the fact that http://www.marxisthistory.org/history/usa/parties/lfed/jewish/1917/0518-advance-goldfarb.pdf




