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User:Manderson198/User Page

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Interests and Quotes

Editorial Interests

I peruse articles that interest me, and make corrections/additions/deletions as needed. I do not have a strong preference towards subject matter, but slightly lean toward the sciences and music. I also check recently added articles and process deletion proposals if necessary. Everything I do on Wikipedia, well most everything, is objective, so don't be offended if I propose a deletion of your article.

Lately I have taken a particular interest in creating custom signatures. View my list HERE. Feel free to use any of the templates you want, on the condition you post on my talk page to let me see. Cheers.


"I do what I'm good at, and I'm good at what I do." - Anonymous

"Science and art belong to the whole world, and before them banish the barriers of nationality." - Goethe

"Every man dies, not every man really lives." - Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart

"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M.C. Escher

This footer is currently in cognito, so please don't blow his cover by changing the colors.

Main Contributions

These are my significant contributions (significant, meaning I have made a substantial change to the article in terms of content or cleanup). I have contributed to numerous other articles that may be viewed under my complete contribution list.

Articles Created

Already Contributed to:

Badminton, Carbon fiber reinforced plastic, Citral, Creatinine, Dieckmann condensation, Donna Shalala, Epstein-Barr virus, Ester, Flaccid paralysis, Halide, Iodoform, Ligands, Malonic ester synthesis, Medical cannabis, Metathesis reaction, Nitrosation, Nitrosonium, Quaternary ammonium cation, Recombinant DNA, Sallie Partington

To Do

This footer is currently in cognito, so please don't blow his cover by changing the colors.

About Manderson198

In cognito footer.

No, not free space. This messes up my entire template. I can't deal with this. I guess I need more main contributions. Well since this is hidden I will give you the answer to the riddle: the round green tree on the right of the picture...I won't tell you the prize though.

Dual licensed with the GNU General Public License
I agree to additionally license any of my contributions (for which I hold the copyright) under the GNU General Public License (GPL) version 2. Please be aware that other contributors might not do the same, so if you want to use my contributions under the GPL terms, please check the Multi-licensing guides.