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User:Magnus Manske/Image submission

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Submit an image by email


You own an image that would be useful for Wikipedia, and you would like us to use it? Just email it to some@where.org. Please provide the following data in your email:

  1. A brief description of what the picture shows, where and when it was taken
  2. Who took the picture
  3. Why you can give us the picture, e.g. "I took this picture myself", or "My grandma took this picture and left it to me"
  4. The license you would like to use. A default statement could be "I hereby release the attached picture under Creative Commons CC-BY-SA-3.0". Note that you will keep the copyright on the picture.
  5. How you would like the image to be attributed, e.g., an additional mention of your web page where the image can be found as well. By default, the person who took the picture will be attributed by name.
  6. What Wikipedia article the picture could be used in

Points 1-4 are essential; if you do not give the information, we will have to ask you again about it, and it will delay or even prevent your image from being used on Wikipedia.

If you have further questions, look here, or mail to some@one.org.