Being interested in Australian history post European settlement and being an avid beer drinker, what better subject can there be for a Wikipedia page, by combining both subjects in the form of a page on James Squire.
John Boston was an early brewer in the colony of Australia. He did not use the traditional ingredients of Malt, Yeast, Hops and Water. He used Maize and was bittered with the leaves and stalks of the love-apple.
Henry Kable was known for being a businessman, but was convicted of burglary at Thetford, Norfolk, England, on 1 February 1783 and was transported on the First Fleet to Australia
James Bloodsworth was a convict master bricklayer and builder responsible for the construction of most of the colony's buildings between 1788 and 1800. He was transported on the First Fleet to Australia
John Baughan, an ingenious man, formerly a convict, who had undertaken to build a man powered grain mill.
John Cadman. From convict to Superintendent of Government Boats at Sydney.
Robert Sidaway, a convict of the first fleet and first theatre owner in Sydney.
Carrington page had 1 line of information on it, so you can say that I created it.
I am expecting that I will have some input in a number of pages over time and I am interested in keeping track of what I've done. Hopefully my work will have some value to the community and the information I add is concise.
Now which pages have I tinkered with? Hmm let me see........