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LTEC 5010 Terminology Project


This page is a sandbox for LTEC/CECS 5010 at the University of North Texas. We are using this page to learn Wiki markup. If you're part of the class you should have instructions on what to add to this page.

World Wide Web


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this World_wide_web article on Wikipedia.



You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Wiki article on Wikipedia.

Word Processing


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Word_processing article on Wikipedia.



You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Spreadsheet article on Wikipedia.

Presentation Program


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Presentation_software article on Wikipedia.

File Transfer Protocol


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Ftp article on Wikipedia.



You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this File_compression article on Wikipedia.

Web 2.0


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Web_2.0 article on Wikipedia.

Open Source


You can find the definition of Open source by viewing this open_source article on Wikipedia.



You can find the definition of Twitter by viewing this Twitter article on Wikipedia.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Http article on Wikipedia.

Project Management


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Project_management article on Wikipedia.

Internet Forum


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Internet_forum article on Wikipedia.

Domain Name


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Domain Name article on Wikipedia.

Semantics Web


You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Semantics_Web article on Wikipedia.



You can find the definition of Wiki by viewing this Internet article on Wikipedia.