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Metropolis Management Act


III. Each of the said Parishes which at the Time of the passing of this Act, contains more than Two thousand rated Householders shall be divided into Wards; and it shall be lawful for such Person or Persons as maybe, appointed for this Purpose as herein provided to determine and set out, on or before the Tenth Day of October next, the Number, Extent, Limits, and, Boundary Lines of such Wards, but so, nevertheless that no Ward shall contain less than Five hundred rated Householders, and that the whole Number of Wards in any Parish shall not exceed Eight; and the Person, or Persons, setting out such Wards in any Parish shall apportion among the several Wards the Number of Vestrymen to be elected for such Parish, and shall, in assigning the Number of Vestry-men to each Ward, have regard, as, far as as in his or their Judgment it is practicable, as well to the Number of Persons rated to the Relief of the Poor in each Ward as to the aggregate Amount of the Sums at which all such Persons are rated ; and the Number of Vestrymen assigned to each Ward shall be a Number divisible by Three; and a Copy of the Particulars of such Division and Apportionment shall be forthwith transmitted to One of Her Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, and also to the Vestry Clerk of the Parish to which such Division and Apportionment relate; and if Her Majesty, by the Advice of Her Privy Council, approve of such Division and Apportionment, the Particulars thereof shall be published in the London Gazette; and the Parish shall, after such Publication; be deemed to be divided into such Wards so determined and set out, and such Division shall continue and be in force until the same be altered as herein provided; and the Number of Vestrymen assigned to each Ward shall be the Number to be elected for such Ward until altered as aforesaid...

  • Parish of St Marylebone[1] Ward One (9), Ward Two (9), Ward Three (15), Ward Four (15), Ward Five (18), Ward Six (18), Ward Seven (18) and Ward Eight (18)
  • Parish of Lambeth[2] No.1 or North Marsh Ward (18), No.2 or South Marsh Ward (12), No.3 or Bishop's Ward (12), No.4 or Prince's Ward (15), No.5 or Vauxhall Ward (24), No.6 or Stockwell Ward (15), No.7 or Brixton Ward (15) and No.8 or Norwood Ward (9).
  • Parish of St George Hanover Square[3] Dover Ward (6), Conduit Ward (9), Grosvenor Ward (12), Brook Ward (15), Curzon Ward (12), Knightsbridge Ward (27) and The Out Ward (27) (wards used existing act)
  • Parish of St Mary, Islington[4] Ward One (9), Ward Two (12), Ward Three (15), Ward Four (18), Ward Five (18), Ward Six (15), Ward Seven (15) and Ward Eight (18).
  • Parish of St Leonard, Shoreditch[5] No.1 or Moorfields Ward (18), No.2 or Church Ward (21), No.3 or Hoxton Ward (21), No.4 or Wenlock Ward (18), No.5 or Whitmore Ward (12), No.6 or Kingsland Ward (12), No.7 or Haggerstone Ward (9), and No.8 or Acton Ward (9).
  • Parish of St Pancras[6] Ward One (9), Ward Two (12), Ward Three (18), Ward Four (15), Ward Five (15), Ward Six (15), Ward Seven (18) and Ward Eight (18).
  • Parish of Paddington:[7] Ward One (12), Ward Two (18), Ward Three (18) and Ward Four (24).
  • Parish of St Matthew, Bethnal Green[8] No.1 or East Ward (9), No. 2 or North Ward (9), No. 3 or West Ward (15) and No. 4 or South Ward (15).
  • Parish of St Mary Newington, Surrey[9] No. 1 or St. Mary's Ward (18), No. 2 or Trinity Ward (18), No 3 or St. Paul's Ward (15), and No. 4 or St. Peter's Ward (21).
  • Parish of Camberwell[10] No. 1 or St. George's West Ward (12), No. 2 or St. George's East Ward (12), No. 3 or Camden Ward (12), No. 4 or North Peckham Ward (15), No. 5 or South Peckham Ward (15) and No. 6 or Camberwell and Dulwich Ward (18).
  • Parish of St James, Westminster[11] Ward No. 1 (12), Ward No.2 (12), Ward No.3 (15), Ward No.4 (9),
  • Parish of St James and St John Clerkenwell[12] One (12), Two (15), Three (12), Four (18) and Five (18).
  • Parish of Chelsea[13] Ward No.1 (9), Ward No.2 (18), Ward No.3 (21), Ward No.4 (12)
  • Parish of St Mary Abbotts, Kensington[14] The Holy Trinity, Brompton Ward (27), St John's Notting Hill and St James Norland (27), St Mary Abbotts Ward (30)
  • Parish of St Luke, Chelsea[15] One (12), Two (6), Three (9), Four (12), Five (9).
  • Parish of St George the Martyr, Southwark[16] No.1 Ward (18), No.2 Ward (18) and No.3 Ward (15)
  • Parish of Bermondsey[17] No.1 Ward (9), No.2 Ward (9), No.3 Ward (9) and No.4 Ward (9)
  • Parish of St George in the East[18] No.1 or North Ward (18) and No.2 or South Ward (18)
  • Parish of St Martin in the Fields[19] Ward No.1 (12), Ward No.2 (12), Ward No.3 (12)
  • Hamlet of Mile End Old Town[20] No.1 or North Ward (15), No.2 or East Ward (12), No.3 or West Ward (18), No.4 or Centre Ward (21) and No.5 or South Ward (18).
  • Parish of St Mary, Whitechapel[21] No.1 or East Ward (15), No.2 or Middle Ward (9) and No.3 or South Ward (12).
  • Parish of St Margaret, Westminster[22] Ward No.1 (12), Ward No.2 (9) and Ward No.3 (15)
  • Parish of St John the Evangelist, Westminster[23] Ward No.1 (9), Ward No.2 (15) and Ward No.3 (12)
  • Parish of St Paul, Deptford[24] No.1 or North Ward (15), No.2 or South Ward (21), No.3 or East Ward (18) and No.4 or West Ward (18).
  • Parish of Greenwich[25] No.1 or Church Ward (15), No.2 or Ravensbourne Ward (12), No. 3 or Hospital Ward (12) and No. 4 or Blackheath Ward (9)
  • Parish of Clapham, Surrey[26] No.1 or the North Ward (21) and No.2 or the South Ward (15).
  • Parish of Hackney[27] No.1 or Stamford Hill Ward (15), No.2 or West Ward (18), No.3 or De Beauvoir Town Ward (18), No.4 or Dalston Ward (18), No.5 or Hackney Ward (18), No.6 or Homerton Ward (15) and No.7 or South Ward (18).
  • Parish of Lewisham (including Sydenham Chapelry)[28] No.1 or Blackheath Ward (9), No.2 or Sydenham Ward (12), and No.3 or Lewisham Ward (15).
  1. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  2. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  3. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  4. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  5. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  6. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  7. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  8. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  9. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  10. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  11. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  12. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  13. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  14. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  15. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  16. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  17. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  18. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  19. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  20. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  21. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  22. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  23. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  24. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  25. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  26. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  27. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.
  28. ^ "No. 21802". The London Gazette. 20 October 1855.

LXVIII. Upon the Commencement of this Act all Sewers vested

in the Metropolitan Commissioners of Sewers which are situate in any Parish mentioned in Schedule (A.) to this Act (except such Sewers as are mentioned in Schedule (D.) to this Act), with the Walls, Defences, Banks, Outlets, Sluices, Flaps, Penstocks, Gullies, Grates, Works, and Things thereunto appertaining, and the Materials thereof, with all Rights of Way and Passage used and enjoyed by such Com- missioners over or to such Sewers, Works, and Things, and all other Rights concerning or incident to such Sewers, Works, and Things, shall become vested in the Vestry of such Parish; and all Sewers vested in the said Metropolitan Commissioners which are situate within any District mentioned in Schedule (B.) to this Act, except as before excepted, with all such Works and Things as aforesaid appertaining

thereto, and all Rights of Way and Passage used and enjoyed by such Commissioners over or to such Sewers, Works, and Things, and all other Rights concerning or incident to such Sewers, Works, and Things, shall become vested in the Board of Works for such District ; and all Sewers made and to be made within any such Parish or District, except Sewers and Works vested or to be vested in the Metropolitan Board of Works, as herein-after mentioned, shall be vested in such Vestry and Board respectively

XCVI. Every Vestry and District Board shall, within their Parish or District (exclusively of any other Persons whatsoever), execute the Office of and be Surveyor of Highways, and have all such Powers, Highways, Authorities, and Duties, and be subject to all such Liabilities, as any Surveyor of Highways in England is now or may hereafter be invested with or liable to by virtue of his Office, under the Laws for the Time being in force, so far as such Powers, Authorities, Duties and Liabilities are not inconsistent with this Act ; but all, Expenses which under any such Law ought to be defrayed by Highway Rates shall be defrayed by means of the Rates to be raised' under this Act, and all Monies which would be applicable in aid of such Highway Rates shall be applied in aid of the said Rates to be raised under this Act, and no such Vestry or Board shall be subject to any Provisions concerning the Accounts of Surveyors of Highways, or requiring any. Returns to be made to any Special Sessions ; and all Streets being Highways., and the Pavements, Stones, and other Materials thereof, and all other Things provided for the Purposes thereof by any Surveyor; of. Highways, or by any Person 'serving the Office of Sur- veyor of Highways, or by any Vestry or District Board under this Act, shall vest in and be under the Management and Control of the 'Vestry or District Board of the Parish or District in which such Highways are situate.

CXXV. It shall be lawful for every Vestry and District Board and District they are hereby required to appoint and employ a sufficient number of Persons, or to contract with any Company or Persons, for the sweeping and cleansing of the several Streets within their Parish or District, and for collecting and removing all Dirt, Ashes, Rubbish, Ice, Snow, and Filth, and for the cleansing out and emptying of Privies and Cesspools, Sewers and Drains, in or under Houses and Places within their Parish or District ; and such Company or Persons are herein-after referred to as Scavengers

CXXX. Every Vestry and District Board shall cause the several Streets within their Parish or District to be well and sufficiently lighted

CXXXI No Slaughter-house to be licensed... without Notice to Vestry or District Board

CXLI Metropolitan Board to regulate naming of Street and numbering of Houses.

CXLIV The Metropolitan Board of Works shall have Power to make, widen, or improve any Streets, Roads, or Ways, for facilitating the Passage and Traffic between different Parts of the Metropolis, or to contribute and join with any Persons in any such Improvements as aforesaid, and to take, by Agreement or by Gift, any Land, Rights in Land, or Property, for the Purposes aforesaid (or otherwise) for the Improvement of the Metropolis, on such Terms and Conditions as they may think fit; and such Board, where it appears to them that further Powers are required for the Purpose of any Work for the Improvement of the Metropolis or public Benefit of the Inhabitants thereof, may make Applications to Parliament for that Purpose, and the Expenses of such Application may be defrayed as other Expenses of the said Board: Provided always, that before the Metropolitan Board of Works commence any such Works the estimated Expense whereof shall exceed Fifty thousand Pounds the Plan of such Works, together with an Estimate of the Cost of carrying the same into execution, shall be submitted by such Board to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Works and Public Buildings; and no such Plan shall be carried into effect until the same has been approved by such Commissioners ; and no such Works shall be commenced in Cases where the estimated Expense thereof shall exceed the Sum of One hundred thousand Pounds without the previous Sanction of Parliament.