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User:Lordpalandus/Gravity Well (game)

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Gravity Well (game)


Gravity Well is a computer game made for the PC made by Software Engineering, Inc.


Gravity Well is a 2-D space fighter game. The purpose of Gravity Well is to land on planets and moons and place your flag on them. Then you wait for a freighter to arrive to create a base. Generally you will have to defend the planet from invading fighters, while you wait for a freighter.

When a freighter arrives it builds a base first. The base has 4 automatic defense turrets to defend itself from enemy fighters. It starts with 0 resources. To acquire resources you must wait for a second freighter to arrive to build a colony. The colony automatically mines ore which is then processed and sent to the base as resources. Once a colony has been built the planet will then start producing base facilities and a starport (provided a final freighter doesn't arrive first).

There are two types of planets in the game: planets and moons. Planets are bright green in color and will produce all base facilities. Moons are a dull grey in color and cannot build a colony. This means that a moon must be resupplied by a planet with freighters to be able to build any base facilities.

Freighters automatically fly towards marked planets (a planet your flag is placed on) and moons. You do not have to click a key or anything. Freighters have 2 automatic defense turrets on them to provide minimal defense from an enemy fighter. Freighters are the mainstay in your conquest of the galaxy. They should be protected at all costs, especially because they can be captured by enemy fighters (or your fighter) by firing at them enough. What constitutes as enough depends on the freighter; sometimes you just destroy the freighter. Freighters will travel in up to groups of 3 towards uncolonized (or in this case, a planet/moon without a base) or colonized planets/moons. Freighters will first go to planets over moons if there is an option to choose between the two, even if the moon is closer.

