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In Her Hands (French: Au bout des doigts) is a 2018 French comedy-drama film directed by Ludovic Bernard.



Mathieu Malinski is a criminal from the banlieue of Paris, but he has one gift: he has perfect pitch and can play the piano excellently without professional training. He regularly plays the public piano at the Gare du Nord, where he is also regularly hunted down by the police for his past crimes. At the train station, Pierre Geithner, artistic director of the Conservatoire national supérieur de musique, noticed him and gave him his business card because he would like to take him to the conservatory. Mathieu, however, is not interested.

One day, a gang break-in goes awry when Mathieu sits deep in thought at the mansion's piano instead of fleeing the police. He is sentenced to six months of community service, which he accepts on Pierre's offer to work as a janitor at the conservatory. Pierre forces Mathieu to take music lessons from piano teacher Elisabeth Buckingham, who teaches the higher classes, in addition to his cleaning work; this quickly brings Mathieu to the brink of giving up because it makes it clear to him that he will never be really good without a theoretical basis. Meanwhile, Pierre is struggling to keep his job as the conservatory is receiving fewer applications and Pierre's style is considered too old-fashioned. Pierre bets his co-workers everything on Mathieu's talent and, despite Mathieu's internal resistance, registers him for international piano competition the Grand Prix d'Excellence. Mathieu is expected to play the first movement of the Piano Concerto No. 2 by Rachmaninoff there—a challenge that even Elisabeth, who is soon convinced of his talent, advises against. Mathieu does not want to enter the competition, but changes his mind when his love interest Anna, herself a student at the conservatory, expresses her admiration.

Mathieu throws himself into rehearsals, which neither his clique nor his mother think much of. Pierre's wife Mathilde scolds Mathieu and questions his talent; she suspects that with the support of the autodidact, Pierre only wants to deal with the loss of his son. Mathieu loses his retires shortly before the competition. Only when his little brother David had a serious accident did he change his mind. He arrives at the competition venue at the last second and plays in front of the jury and an enthusiastic audience.

Six months later, Pierre is again recognized and sought after by the professional world, and Mathieu performs in New York City with the conservatory's orchestra.




Der Klavierspieler vom Gare du Nord war der dritte Spielfilm, bei dem Ludovic Bernard Regie führte. Die Idee zum Film kam ihm, nachdem er am Gare de Bercy einen eher unscheinbaren Jugendlichen sehr gut Klavier spielen gehört hatte.[1] Als Einfluss auf die Vorlage des Films nannte Bernard das Filmdrama Good Will Hunting.[2] Die Hauptrolle im Film übernahm Jules Benchetrit, Sohn von Samuel Benchetrit und Marie Trintignant, der für die Rolle täglich mehrere Stunden Klavier übte. Im Film ist schließlich der Kopfsatz des 2. Klavierkonzerts zu hören, das Benchetrits Klavierlehrerin Jennifer Fichet einspielte.

In Her Hands was the third film directed by Ludovic Bernard. The idea came to him when he heard a adolescent playing the piano

Die Dreharbeiten zum Film begannen am 7. Oktober 2017 und liefen bis Anfang Dezember 2017.[3] Gedreht wurde überwiegend am Conservatoire municipal de musique in Courbevoie und im Kulturzentrum La Seine Musicale in Paris. Einzelne Szenen entstanden unweit der Kathedrale Notre-Dame de Paris, am Canal Saint-Martin und im Atrium de Chaville. Die Wettbewerbsszenen wurde in der Salle Gaveau in Paris gedreht.[4] Vier Tage lang drehte das Team zudem im Gare du Nord.[5] Die Kostüme schuf Marylin Fitoussi, die Filmbauten stammen von Philippe Chiffre.
Der Klavierspieler vom Gare du Nord erlebte am 24. August 2018 im Rahmen des Festival du Film francophone d’Angoulême seine Premiere und lief am 26. Dezember 2018 in den französischen und belgischen Kinos an. Kinostart in Deutschland war am 20. Juni 2019. Zuvor war der Film in Deutschland unter anderem 2018 auf dem Braunschweig International Film Festival gezeigt worden.[6]





  1. ^ Secrets tournage – Genèse auf allocine.fr
  2. ^ Secrets tournage – Influence auf allocine.fr
  3. ^ Fabien Lemercier: Tournage imminent pour Au bout des doigts de Ludovic Bernard. cineuropa.org, 2. Oktober 2017.
  4. ^ Au bout des doigts auf filmfrance.net
  5. ^ La gare de Paris-Nord au cœur d’un film. sncf.com, 5. Dezember 2018.
  6. ^ Au bout des doigts auf crew-united.com
  7. ^ The Guardian https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jul/09/in-her-hands-review-pianist-paris-kristin-scott-thomas-karidja-toure. {{cite web}}: Missing or empty |title= (help)