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  • Highlighted means don't need to find secondary source.
  • Bold means "as cited in" added.
  • 19 {{harvtxt|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=5}}: "The total extent of the cultivated land in Bengal is nearly 29 million acres. Some of this is cropped more than once, and the total area sown under various crops is normally 35 million acres. The principal crop is rice which accounts for a little less than 26 million acres. In fact, Bengal may be described as a land of rice growers and rice eaters. The area under other staple foodgrains is small; that under wheat, for instance, is less than 200,000 acres, and the total area under food crops of all kinds other than rice is somewhat over 4 million acres. This includes land devoted to the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. The most important non-food crop is jute, which accounts normally for between 2 million and 2.5 million acres." }}
  • 19 {{efn-ua|Some land [[Multiple cropping|produced more than one crop a year]], sometimes rice in one season and other crops in another, reducing rice's yearly proportion of its total crops sown {{harv|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=10}}
  • 19 {{harv|Knight|1954|p=78}} The wheat-eating enclave in Calcutta were industrial workers who had come there from other provinces {{harv|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=31}}
  • 21 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=32–33}}
  • 23 {{harvtxt|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=4}} describes the ratio of population to land in European terms: "The area of the province is 77,442 square miles, rather more than the area of England, Wales, and one-half of Scotland. The population is a little over 60 millions, which is well in excess of that of the [entire] United Kingdom, and not much less than the aggregate population of France, Belgium, Holland, and Denmark." In terms of US states, Bengal was roughly the size of Idaho {{harv|Bulletin of the U.S. Army|1943|p=28}}
  • 23 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=4, 203}}
  • 23 {{harvtxt|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=4–5}}: "According to the Census Report of 1941, over 54% of the people of Bengal are Muslims, about 42% Hindus, and approximately 4% members of other communities. ... According to the census figures, the population of the province increased from 42.1 millions in 1901 to 60.3 millions in 1941. While the population of India increased by 37% between the years 1901 and 1941, that of Bengal increased by 43%. Nine-tenths of the people of Bengal live in about 84,000 villages. Of these nearly 70,000 are small villages, with less than a thousand inhabitants. The urban population numbers about 6 million. About two-thirds of this number live in Greater Calcutta ...".
  • 39 {{sfnm|1a1= Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a |1p=8 |2a1=Natarajan |2y=1946 |2pp=10–11| 3a1=Mukerjee|3y=2014 |3p=73 |4a1=Brennan |4y=1988 |4pp=542, 548 ''note{{nbsp}}
  • 46 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=128}}
  • 46 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=128}}
  • 49 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a|p=98}}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=23}}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=28}}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=28}}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=23–24, 28–29, 103}}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=24 }}
  • 60 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=29}}
  • 65 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=103}}
  • 67 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a |1pp=170–71 |2a1=Greenough |2y=1980 |2p=222 |3a1=J. Mukherjee |3y=2015 |3pp=40–41, 110, 191|4a1=De|4y=2006|4p=2}}
  • 67 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a |pp=19–20}}
  • 74 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a|pp=27| loc= as cited in {{harvnb|J. Mukherjee|2015|p=66}}
  • 79 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1pp=25–26|2a1=Iqbal|2y=2011|3a1=Ó Gráda |3y=2009|3p=154}}
  • 86 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=24}}
  • 86 {{sfn| Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp=17 & 192}}
  • 88 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=32}}
  • 88 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp= 23 & 193}}
  • 88 {{sfnm|1a1= Famine Inquiry Commission |1y= 1945a |1p=24|2a1=Knight|2y=1954|2pp= 48 & 280}}
  • 90 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a|pp=16–17}}
  • 95 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a |p=30, citing an August 1942 letter from the Government of Bengal to the Bengal Chamber of Commerce}}
  • 95 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=101}}
  • 95 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1p=30|2a1=Ó Gráda|2y=2015|2p=40}}
  • 110 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a |1pp=1, 144–45|2a1=Greenough|2y=1982|2pp= 104–5}}
  • 110 {{sfnm|1a1=Greenough|1y=1982|1p=106|2a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|2y=1945a|2p=33}}
  • 110 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |p=34}}
  • 112 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |p=58}}
  • 112 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a|1p=112 |2a1=Aykroyd |2y=1975|2p=74|3a1=Iqbal|3y=2011|3p=282}}
  • 112 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=55, 98}}
  • 114 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=55–58}}
  • 114 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=40, 104}}
  • 114 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |p=58}}
  • 114 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=58}}
  • 120 {{sfnm|1a1=Braund|1y=1944|2a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|2y=1945a|2p=32}}
  • 122 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=32, 65, 66, 236}}
  • 131 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a|pp=34, 37}}
  • 131 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a|pp=34, 37}}
  • 131 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp=34, 37}}
  • 131 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp=34, 37}}
  • 134 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=15}}
  • 141 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=223–25|ps= ''Annexures I and II to Appendix V'', as cited in {{harvnb|Greenough|1980|p=214}}
  • 146 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp=108–9}}
  • 146 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission |1945a|p=116}}
  • 148 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission | 1945a |pp=34, 37}}
  • 148 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=40–41}}
  • 148 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=Appendix VI, Extracts of Reports from Commissioners and District Officers, pp. 225–27}}
  • 148 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a|1p=112 |2a1=Aykroyd |2y=1975|2p=74|3a1=Iqbal|3y=2011|3p=282}}
  • 148 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p= 116}}
  • 148 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=2}}
  • 150 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=118}}
  • 150 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p= 1}}
  • 150 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p= 1}}
  • 150 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1p=120|2a1=Ó Gráda|2y=2007|2pp=21–22}}
  • 155 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=87}}
  • 225 {{sfnm|1a1=Maharatna|1y=1992|1p=268|2a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|2y=1945a|2p=136}}
  • 225 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=136–37}}
  • 227 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a |p=118}}
  • 232 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=68}}
  • 237 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1p=67|2a1=Greenough |2y=1980 |2pp=227–28}}
  • 239 {{quote|Husbands deserted wives and wives husbands; elderly dependents were left behind in the villages; babies and young children were sometimes abandoned. According to a survey carried out in Calcutta during the latter half of 1943, some breaking up of the family had occurred in about half the destitute population which reached the city.{{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a |p=68}}
  • 241 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1p=2 |2a1=J. Mukherjee|2y=2015|2p=135, citing ''The Statesman'' "Policy of Repatriation of Destitutes," 6 November 1943}}
  • 241 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=109|loc= as cited in {{harvnb|A. Sen|1981a|p=196}}
  • 245 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=118}}
  • 250 {{quote|sign=|source=|Conditions in certain famine hospitals at this time ... were indescribably bad ... Visitors were horrified by the state of the wards and patients, the ubiquitous filth, and the lack of adequate care and treatment ... [In hospitals all across Bengal, the] condition of patients was usually appalling, a large proportion suffering from acute emaciation, with 'famine diarrhoea' ... Sanitary conditions in nearly all temporary indoor institutions were very bad to start with ...{{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=138}}
  • 250 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=138}}}}</nowiki>
  • 263 {{sfnm|1a1=Greenough |1y=1980|1p=229|2a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|2y=1945a|2p=68}}
  • 265 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=166}}
  • 265 {{sfnm|1a1=Greenough |1y=1980|1pp=230–33|2a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|2y=1945a |2p=68}}
  • 273 {{sfnm|1a1=Brennan|1y=1988|1pp=552, 555, 557 |2a1=Greenough |2y=1982 |2p=169|3a1= J. Mukherjee|3y=2015|3pp=174–75|4a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|4y=1945a|4p=75}}
  • 273 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=69}}
  • 279 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission |1y=1945a |1pp=61–62; |2a1=Greenough|2y=1980|2p=214}}
  • 279 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1pp=62–63 |2a1=J. Mukherjee|2y=2015|2pp=140–42}}
  • 279 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1pp=62–63, 75, 139–40| 2a1=Brennan |2y=1988 |2p=558}}
  • 279 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1pp=2, 106 |2a1=J. Mukherjee|2y=2015|2pp=140–45}}
  • 323 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=195}}
  • 331 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=105}}
  • 331 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|pp=100–102}}
  • 335 {{sfnm|1a1=Famine Inquiry Commission|1y=1945a|1p= 83; details in ''note{{nbsp}}
  • 335 {{sfn|Famine Inquiry Commission|1945a|p=107|loc= as cited in {{harvnb|Brennan|Heathcote|Lucas|1984|p=13}}