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Dobar dan! Hallo! Bonjour! Hello! ¡Hola!

My interests


I'm interested in languages, movies and art. I'm currently studying English and Spanish. If I really enjoy a movie I like to check on its background (actors, director, etc). In my free time I like drawing, painting and crafting. My favorite food is chocolate and I love dogs.

Translation SS19

Suggestions for translation


>>> Freiburger Münster ~4500 words

>>> Europa-Park ~2000 words

>>> Türkisch für Anfänger ~3000 words

My final project


I will work on the translation of a coastal village in Croatia called "Njivice". I chose this topic, because I spent every summer of my childhood there and I think it deserves an English wiki page of its own, because it's a great location for summer vacation.

Translating from : Njivice DE and Njivice HR

to: Njivice EN


Njivice, Croatia