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The article does a good job with discussing various topics about the subject itself. It goes into different categories such as the causes, effects, and reconciliation policies of the motherhood penalty. There were not many distractions when reading the article as each section had a subcategory with a title that discussed what the title displayed. The article is not necessarily neutral as it does tend to lean towards the injustices women have in the working field than in comparison to men. A lot of areas in this article, however, include descriptions of what mothers should be which I do not find fair or necessary. For example, a section states that mothers are expected to complete the "childcare, cooking, and cleaning" of the household, which is not a factual statement but rather based on assumption. Other parts of the article mention how certain employers will use adjectives to describe woman in a biased way such as less competent or less committed simply because they have children. An idea that was underrepresented throughout this article was the fact that there is not a fatherhood penalty. Although there is a section in the article that is called "Motherhood vs. fatherhood", I believe the subject of the matter should be elaborated on more. Especially, since it is a perfect example of the gender wage gap. Besides that part, the rest of the article does a good job representing and explaining the motherhood penalty. When checking the citations within the article, a majority of them are independent sources and reliable publishers which is a good sign. When clicking upon the citations, they all support the claims that were made. The citations in this article played a very large part as almost every sentence has one. Most of the sources that were used were relatively close to date. Something that could be added would be data from a more up to date resource as the most recent one was from 2013. Before having clicked on the talk page, I was not very sure as to what areas this article could improve in. However, after having read a couple talk posts, people gave suggestions such as expanding on the cultural tension between mothers and workers, looking further into the other economic theories, or discussing where the theories come from. The conversation within the talk page is mainly receiving feedback on the article and ways in which one can improve and then the receiving end thanking the others for their input. The article was rated with start-class meaning that it was a preliminary article with plenty of room for improvement. Although, we have not necessarily discussed this specific topic in class, we do have this continuous theme in which women are under appreciated in their field. Whether this be because they do not get paid the same or because they are not acknowledged for their accomplishments, I believe having these articles are necessary to educate and bring awareness to the subject.