User:Legoktm/AWB/TR/All copyright templates
- {{CopyrightedFreeUseProvidedThat}} → {{Copyrighted free use provided that}}
- {{FreeArtLicense}} → {{FAL}}
- {{Free software screenshot}} → {{Free screenshot}}
- {{Gpl}} → {{GPL}}
- {{Kremlin.Ru}}, {{Президент.рф}}, {{Президент.РФ}} → {{}}
- {{Lgpl}} → {{LGPL}}
- {{MultilicenseFogen}} → {{Multilicense replacing placeholder}}
- {{Albumcover}} → {{Non-free album cover}}
- {{Non-free image}}, {{Non free historic image}} → {{Non-free historic image}}
- {{Fair use logo}} → {{Non-free logo}}
- {{Fair use rationale}}, {{Non-free fair use rationale}}, {{Non-free rationale}}, {{Nonfree use rationale}}, {{Nfur}} → {{Non-free use rationale}}
- {{Album cover fur}} → {{Non-free use rationale album cover}}
- {{OAL}}, {{Open Audio Licence}} → {{Open Audio License}}
- {{Out of copyright}} → {{Out of copyright in}}
- {{Pd-author}}, {{PD-Author}} → {{PD-author}}
- {{Self2}} → {{Self}}
- {{Wikipedia screenshot}} → {{Wikipedia-screenshot}}
- {{Wrong license}}, {{Wrong licence}} → {{Wrong-license}}
- {{Cc-by-1.0}}, {{CC-BY}} → {{Cc-by}}
- {{CC-by-2.0}} → {{Cc-by-2.0}}
- {{CC-by-2.5}} → {{Cc-by-2.5}}
- {{CC-BY-3.0}}, {{CC-by-3.0}}, {{This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.}} → {{Cc-by-3.0}}
- {{Cc-by-all}} → {{Cc-by-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0}}
- {{Cc-3.0-by-us}} → {{Cc-by-3.0-us}}
- {{Cc-by-sa-1.0}}, {{CC-by-SA}}, {{CC-BY-SA}}, {{CC-by-sa}}, {{CC-BY-SA license}} → {{Cc-by-sa}}
- {{CC-BY-SA-2.0}}, {{CC-by-sa-2.0}} → {{Cc-by-sa-2.0}}
- {{Cc-by-sa-2.0 (UK)}} → {{Cc-by-sa-2.0-uk}}
- {{CC-BY-SA-2.5}}, {{Cc-by-sa 2.5}}, {{CC-by-sa-2.5}} → {{Cc-by-sa-2.5}}
- {{CC-by-sa-3.0}}, {{CC-BY-SA-3.0}}, {{CC-SA-3.0}}, {{CC-BY-SA 3.0}} → {{Cc-by-sa-3.0}}
- {{Cc-by-sa-any}}, {{Cc-by-sa-all}} → {{Cc-by-sa-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0}}
- {{Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated-with-disclaimers}} → {{Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated}}
- {{Cc-sa-1.0}} → {{Cc-sa}}
- {{Cc-0}} → {{Cc-zero}}
- {{Polishsymbol}}, {{PD-Polishsymbol}}, {{PD-Coa-Poland}} → {{PD-PolishGov}}
- {{PD-money-Romania}} → {{PD-RO-exempt}}
- {{PD-UA-Exempt}}, {{UA-PD-Exempt}} → {{PD-UA-exempt}}
- {{GFDL 1.2}} → {{GFDL-1.2}}
- {{GFDL-no-disclaimers}}, {{GDFL}}, {{Gfdl}} → {{GFDL}}
- {{GFDL-Author}} → {{GFDL-author}}
- {{Gfdl-self}}, {{GFDL-self-no-disclaimers}}, {{GFDL-Self}} → {{GFDL-self}}
- {{GFDL-self-en}} → {{GFDL-self-with-disclaimers}}
- {{GFDL-en}} → {{GFDL-with-disclaimers}}
- {{PD-old-3d}} → {{PD-art-3d}}
- {{PD-old-70-3d}} → {{PD-art-70-3d}}
- {{PD-Art-YorckProject}} → {{PD-art-YorckProject}}
- {{Pd-bain}} → {{PD-Bain}}
- {{PD}}, {{Pd}}, {{Publicdomain}}, {{PublicDomain}}, {{PD-Because}}, {{Pd-because}}, {{Public Domain}}, {{PD-other}}, {{Public domain}} → {{PD-because}}
- {{Pd-chem}} → {{PD-chem}}
- {{Pdfont}} → {{PD-font}}
- {{Pd-ineligible}}, {{PD-inelegible}}, {{NoCopyright}}, {{Nocopyright}}, {{PD-INELIGIBLE}}, {{PD-recycling}}, {{Pd-inelligible}}, {{AO-sobimatu}}, {{PD-simple}}, {{PD-trivial}}, {{Pd-Ineligible}}, {{PD-Ineligible}} → {{PD-ineligible}}
- {{Pd-ineligible-USonly}}, {{PD-ineligible USonly}}, {{PD-ineligibleUSonly}} → {{PD-ineligible-USonly}}
- {{Pd-link}} → {{PD-link}}
- {{Pd-old}}, {{PD-Old}}, {{PD-old-100}} → {{PD-old}}
- {{PD-flag-70}}, {{PD-Finland}}, {{Pd-old-70}}, {{PD-Old-70}} → {{PD-old-70}}
- {{PD-Open Clipart Library}} → {{PD-OpenClipart}}
- {{No rights reserved}}, {{NoRightsReserved}}, {{Norightsreserved}}, {{PD-Release}}, {{CopyrightedFreeUse}} → {{PD-release}}
- {{Pd-self}}, {{PD-self/Proposed}}, {{PD-SELF}}, {{PD-Self}}, {{Pdself}} → {{PD-self}}
- {{Pd-shape}} → {{PD-shape}}
- {{Pd-text}}, {{PD-Text}} → {{PD-text}}
- {{Pd-textlogo}}, {{PD-Textlogo}}, {{PDTextlogo}}, {{PDtextlogo}}, {{PD-text-logo}} → {{PD-textlogo}}
- {{PD-US-Patent}} → {{PD-US-patent}}
- {{PD-US-patent-no-notice}} → {{PD-US-patent-no notice}}
- {{Pd-user}} → {{PD-user}}
- {{PDart}}, {{PD art}}, {{PD-Art}}, {{PD Art}}, {{PD-art-life-50}}, {{Pd-art}}, {{PD-Bridgeman}} → {{PD-art}}
- {{PD-Brazil}} → {{PD-Brazil-exempt}}
- {{PD-EE}} → {{PD-EE-exempt}}
- {{PD-Coa-Lithuania}}, {{PD-LithuaniaGov}} → {{PD-LT-exempt}}
- {{PD-ThaiGov}} → {{PD-TH-exempt}}
- {{PD-ar-Photo}} → {{PD-AR-Photo}}
- {{PD-canada}} → {{PD-Canada}}
- {{PD-CHN}} → {{PD-China}}
- {{PD-Col}} → {{PD-Colombia}}
- {{Anonymous-EU}}, {{PD-Anonymous-EU}} → {{PD-EU-no author disclosure}}
- {{HK-PD}} → {{PD-HK}}
- {{PD-IDOld-Art30}} → {{PD-ID}}
- {{PD-India-old}}, {{Pd-india}}, {{PD-India-Cinema}} → {{PD-India}}
- {{PD-IL}}, {{PD-Israel}} → {{PD-Israel-Photo}}
- {{PD-Italia}} → {{PD-Italy}}
- {{PD-NewZealand}} → {{PD-NZ}}
- {{PD-NZ-50-years}} → {{PD-NZ-Crown}}
- {{PD-Sultanate of Oman}} → {{PD-Oman}}
- {{Polishpd}}, {{Polish-PD}}, {{PolandPD}}, {{PD-Polish}}, {{Poland-PD}} → {{PD-Poland}}
- {{PD-pre-1978}}, {{PD-pre1978}} → {{PD-Pre1978}}
- {{PD-SAGov}} → {{PD-South-Africa}}
- {{PD-US-1996}}, {{PD-US-URAA}} → {{PD-URAA}}
- {{US-PD}}, {{PD-1923}}, {{Pd-us}}, {{Pd-1923}}, {{Pd-US}}, {{PD-pre-1923}}, {{PD-pre1923}}, {{PD-US-1923}} → {{PD-US}}
- {{Pd-1923-abroad}}, {{PD-1923-abroad}} → {{PD-US-1923-abroad}}
- {{PD-USGov-LOC}}, {{PD-USGov-LoC}} → {{PD-US-LOC}}
- {{PD-no-renew}}, {{PD-US-no-renew}}, {{PD-Pre1964}}, {{PD-US-no-renewal}}, {{PD-US-no renewal}}, {{PD-US-norenewal}}, {{PD-US-not-renewed}}, {{PD-no renewal}} → {{PD-US-not renewed}}
- {{PD-VE-Photo}} → {{PD-VE-Pic}}
- {{PD-ZW-photo}}, {{PD-ZW-other}} → {{PD-ZW}}
- {{PD-Australia-CC}}, {{AustraliaGov}} → {{PD-AustraliaGov}}
- {{PD-UKGov}} → {{PD-BritishGov}}
- {{PD-MYGov}} → {{PD-MalaysiaGov}}
- {{PD-RomanianGov}} → {{PD-RomaniaGov}}
- {{PD-BIHGov}} → {{PD-SCGGov}}
- {{PD-SRBGov}} → {{PD-SerbiaGov}}
- {{PD USGov}}, {{Pd-usgov}}, {{Pd-us-gov}}, {{PD-USGOV}}, {{PD-USgov}}, {{PD-usgov}}, {{USGov-PD}} → {{PD-USGov}}
- {{PD-USGov-USAID}} → {{PD-USGov-AID}}
- {{PD-USGov-Senate}} → {{PD-USGov-Congress}}
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Coast Guard}} → {{PD-USGov-DHS-CG}}
- {{FEMA}}, {{PD-USGov-FEMA}} → {{PD-USGov-DHS-FEMA}}
- {{PD-USGov-DOC-BEA-Census}}, {{PD-USGov-Census}}, {{Pd-USCensus}}, {{PD-Census}}, {{PD-USCensus}} → {{PD-USGov-DOC-Census}}
- {{PD-USGov-NOAA}}, {{PD-NOAA}} → {{PD-USGov-DOC-NOAA}}
- {{PD-USGov-FAA}} → {{PD-USGov-DOT-FAA}}
- {{PD-FBI}} → {{PD-USGov-FBI}}
- {{PD-USGov-NIH}} → {{PD-USGov-HHS-NIH}}
- {{PD-USGov-DOI}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior}}
- {{PD-USGov-BLM}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior-BLM}}
- {{PD-USGov-FWS}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior-FWS}}
- {{HABS}}, {{PD-USGovt-HABS}}, {{PD-HABS}}, {{PD-USGov-HAER}}, {{PD-USGov-HALS}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior-HABS}}
- {{PD-USGov-NPS}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior-NPS}}
- {{PD-USGov-USGS}}, {{PD-USGS}} → {{PD-USGov-Interior-USGS}}
- {{PD-USGov-DOD}}, {{PD-USMilitary}}, {{PD-US-Military}}, {{PD-USGOV-MILITARY}} → {{PD-USGov-Military}}
- {{PD-USGov Military Air Force Maxwell}}, {{PD-USAF}}, {{PD-USGov-USAF}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-Air Force}}
- {{PD-USGov-Military-Air National Guard}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-Air-National-Guard}}
- {{PD-USGov-Army}}, {{PD-USgov-Military-Army}}, {{Pd-USGov-Military-Army}}, {{USGov-Military-Army}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-Army}}
- {{PD-USGov-Military-DVI}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-DVIC}}
- {{PD-USGov-USMC}}, {{PD-USGov-Marines}}, {{PD-USMC}}, {{PD-US-Marines}}, {{PD-USGov-Military-Marine Corps}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-Marines}}
- {{U.S. Navy images}}, {{PD-USN}}, {{PD-USGov-Mil-Navy}}, {{PD-USGov-Navy}} → {{PD-USGov-Military-Navy}}
- {{Money-US}} → {{PD-USGov-money}}
- {{PD-NASA}}, {{US-Gov-NASA}}, {{PD-NASA-image}} → {{PD-USGov-NASA}}
- {{PD-USGov-WH}} → {{PD-USGov-POTUS}}
- {{PD-USGov-DOS}} → {{PD-USGov-State}}
- {{PD-TVA}} → {{PD-USGov-TVA}}
- {{PD-USGov-Agriculture}} → {{PD-USGov-USDA}}
- {{PD-Worldwind}} → {{PD-WorldWind}}
- {{PD-Florida}}, {{PD-FloridaGov}}, {{PD-FLgov}} → {{PD-FLGov}}
- {{No license}}, {{Otherlicense}}, {{No license selected}}, {{Db-unksource}}, {{Db-i4}}, {{Db-f4}} → {{Di-no license}}
- {{Db-nopermission}}, {{Db-f11}}, {{No permission}} → {{Di-no permission}}
- {{Imagevio}}, {{PUIdisputed}}, {{PUI}}, {{Pui}}, {{PUF}} → {{Puf}}
- {{Non-free 2d art}} → {{Non-free 2D art}}
- {{Non-free 3d art}} → {{Non-free 3D art}}
- {{Non-free building}} → {{Non-free architectural work}}
- {{Boardgamecover}} → {{Non-free board game cover}}
- {{Book cover}} → {{Non-free book cover}}
- {{Non-free characters}} → {{Non-free character}}
- {{Non-free icon}} → {{Non-free computer icon}}
- {{CopyrightedFreeUse-DPRK}} → {{CopyrightedFairUse-DPRK}}
- {{Non-free game cover}} → {{Non-free video game cover}}
- {{Non-free newspaper}}, {{Non-free newspaper cover}} → {{Non-free newspaper image}}
- {{Old-50}} → {{Non-free Old-50}}
- {{Non-free Olympics logo}} → {{Non-free Olympics media}}
- {{Non-free movie poster}}, {{Non-free film poster}} → {{Non-free poster}}
- {{Non-free cereal box cover}} → {{Non-free product cover}}
- {{Microsoft screenshot}} → {{Non-free Microsoft screenshot}}
- {{Non-free flag}} → {{Non-free symbol}}
- {{Non-free television}} → {{Non-free television screenshot}}
- {{Non-free stamp of Turkey}} → {{Non-free Turkish Crown Copyright}}
- {{Non-free game screenshot}} → {{Non-free video game screenshot}}
- {{Non-free website screenshot}} → {{Non-free web screenshot}}
- {{Wikimedia logo}}, {{Copyright by Wikimedia}} → {{Non-free Wikimedia logo}}
- {{Non-free BCRP}} → {{Non-free with NC}}
- {{Non-free media data}} → {{Non-free image data}}
- {{Single rationale}}, {{Albumrationale}} → {{Album rationale}}
- {{Book cover fur}} → {{Non-free use rationale book cover}}
- {{Poster rationale}} → {{Film poster rationale}}
- {{Icon FUR}}, {{Non-free use rationale icon}} → {{Icon rationale}}
- {{Logo fur}} → {{Non-free use rationale logo}}
- {{FUR poster}} → {{Non-free use rationale poster}}
- {{University rationale}} → {{School rationale}}
- {{Software screenshot rationale}}, {{Software rationale}} → {{Non-free use rationale software screenshot}}
- {{Seal rationale}}, {{Crest rationale}}, {{Flag rationale}} → {{Symbol rationale}}
- {{Video rationale}}, {{Dvd rationale}}, {{Film cover fur}}, {{DVD rationale}} → {{Non-free use rationale video cover}}
- {{Vgrationale}}, {{Video game screenshot rationale}}, {{Video game rationale}} → {{Non-free use rationale video game screenshot}}
- {{Web rationale}} → {{Website screenshot rationale}}
- {{FOP-USonly}} → {{FoP-USonly}}
- {{Ir-FOP}} → {{Freedom of panorama}}
- {{Mugshot}} → {{Ir-Mugshot}}
- {{Ticket Scan}} → {{Ir-Ticket}}
- {{Trademarked}}, {{Non-free trademark}} → {{Trademark}}
[edit]- {{BSDu}} → {{BSD}}
- {{AgenciaBrasil}}, {{ABr}}, {{Agencia Brasil}} → {{Cc-by-sa-2.5-br}}
- {{PD-Albania-extempt}}, {{PD-Albania-Exempt}} → {{PD-Albania-exempt}}
- {{Some web site 2}} → {{Somewebsite}}
- {{WorldCoin}}, {{WorldCoinGallery}} → {{World coin gallery}}
- {{GFDL 1.2-en}} → {{GFDL-1.2-en}}
- {{Non-free advertisement}} → {{Non-free promotional}}
- {{PermissionAndFairUse}} → {{Non-free restricted use}}
- {{Historic fur}} → {{Non-free use rationale historic}}
- {{MoneyCardScan}} → {{Ir-MoneyCard}}