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User:Legendary Ranger

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Well hey everybody I am Wayne. I am fairly knowledgeable and i like to make many minor edits like on punctuation errors and word usage. I won't bug you as long as you don't bug me. I have many hobbies and passions such as music,videogames,surfing the web, marching in the band(5th best band at Bands of America!),going to the beach,watching television,going to school,and working. Many people think being in the band is for weaklings,believe me,it's much much harder then it looks to march around a field. You have to master technique after technique,repeat your parts over and over until you and the band get it perfect, and to top it off you have to memorize hard music. It is painstakingly hard and brutal work; however, when your on a field in Maryland at the Bands of America Championships and everyone's giving it their all because they know its what we've been practicing for months on end,the feeling of pride is well,there's no words to describe it.And no,I'm not some band geek,I'm a teen who leads a normal life,yet refuses to be like his friends, who sit on the couch all day,or play computer games like WoW all day. I'm a friendly person,who has a good sense of humor and sarcasm.Well, theirs me!

This user lives in the U.S. State of North Carolina.

Legendary Ranger And then there was one. (talk) (contribs)

Water Droplet
Honeybee landing
Water Droplet splashing