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Adverse Effects and Dosage information on Wikipedia


Many drugs have a long list of side effects, which would be largely useless without some idea of which are common or serious. Drug labelling also varies by country so there is no single source to use. Wikipedia does not include dose and titration information except when they are notable or necessary for the discussion in the article and when comparing the drug with others in its class, or with older and newer drugs.

There are many interactions between different drugs as well, these are held in ever changing databases and would be impossible for Wikipedia to accurately represent fully.

To find out more information on a specific drug, use the links in its drug box.


FDA US drug labelling Dailymed More accessible US drug labelling EMEA Europian labelling

Wikipedia talk:Introduction


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AWB proj banner module


public string ProcessArticle(string ArticleText, string ArticleTitle, int wikiNamespace, out string Summary, out bool Skip) { Regex header = new Regex(@"\{\{Help Project}}", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); Summary = "Adding {{Help Project}} banner"; Skip = (header.Match(ArticleText).Success); if (!Skip) { int insertPos = ArticleText.LastIndexOf("}}"); if (insertPos < 0) insertPos = 0; ArticleText = ArticleText.Insert(insertPos,"{{Help Project}} \r\n\r\n"); } return ArticleText; }

[[#AWB proj banner module|]]

Hereditary Disease Foundation


HDAC article


Huntington's Disease Society of America is a national non-profit organization committed to finding a cure for Huntington's disease. Huntington's disease is an incurable degenerative disease of the nervous system that affects movement, thinking, and some aspects of personality. The disease is genetically transmitted. They perform extensive education outreach and support for patient's and families affected by Huntington's disease. The organization provides grants funding more than 40 research scientists and 17 Huntington disease laboratories. Grants from the organization have aided tests for early detection of the disease. [1] They also provide matching grants for local fundraisers. [2]

The organization was founded in 1967 as the Committee to Combat Huntington's Disease, by Marjorie Guthrie, whose ex-husband, folk singer Woody Guthrie, had died that year of the disease.

The HDSA has a Center of Excellence located at University of California, Los Angeles which is focused on treating people with Huntington's disease.

differences explained


There were really no self-support or advocacy organizations prior to 1967, when Marjorie Guthrie started the Committee to Combat Huntington’s Disease, or CCHD as it was usually called. CCHD was the really the first such organization, and my father, Milton Wexler, initially started a California chapter of CCHD in the summer of 1968, following the diagnosis of my mother with HD at that time. In 1971, this California chapter separated from CCHD to form an independent foundation, which became the Hereditary Disease Foundation or HDF in 1974, the name it has had ever since. Meanwhile CCHD eventually morphed into the Huntington’s Disease Society of America, or HDSA, which it is today.

The main differences between the two organizations were ones of priorities: CCHD had a broad agenda, focusing on educating families and physicians about Huntington’s, lobbying Congress for more research dollars, and raising public awareness to overcome stigma and increase sensitivity toward persons and families struggling with Huntington’s. The top priority of the Hereditary Disease Foundation was raising private money to support basic biological research, to directly recruit scientists for interdisciplinary workshops on the disease, and to fund grants and post-doctoral fellowships especially to young investigators to get them interested in the disease. Following the identification of the genetic mutation associated with HD in 1993, HDSA greatly increased its support for research as well.

HDF proposed article


Category:Medical research institutes