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User:Lee wei/Vertex New Media

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Vertex New Media is a VNM is a entertainment production cum media agency which provides a wide range of services to cover clients’ requisite on developing its brand and intending to produce its own audio or video production.

The Personnel


Edmond Teh is the co-founder of Vertex Music and currently is also the Managing Director of Vertex New Media Sdn Bhd as well as the partner in-charge of the artiste & production department.

A law graduate from University of Manchester, Edmond started his music career by producing and composing songs for Eric Lim, Michael Wong and other portfolios are as the followings:

林健辉 – 让我靠近你 (词/曲/制作)

<光良 – 期限 (词/曲)>

林耀亮 – 下一回,早一点 (曲/制作) 曾繁彬 – 贿赂爱情 (曲/制作)

曾国辉 – Believe In Love (词/曲/制作”广告版”)

钟盛忠 – 恨自己 (词/曲/制作)

陈奕 – 暗恋我 (词/曲)

袁耀发 – 催眠术(曲)

陈势安 – Can You Feel Smile (曲/制作)

罗豪 – 催眠术 (曲/制作), 终于了解 (词/曲/制作) 李政发 – 撤退 (词/曲/制作) 郑冰来 – 再抱你一遍 (制作) 陈晓燕 – 我还是爱着你 (制作) 王翎蓓 – 在你身边就好 (制作) 傅健颖 – 那一天 (制作) 李 政发/郑冰来 – 那年的夏天 (曲/制作) 陈晓燕/王翎蓓/傅健颖 –美丽的一天 (曲/制作) 新秀5强 – 我们会再见 (曲/制作) 钟晓玉 – 小小可爱 (曲/制作),傻傻的 (曲/制作),卸妆 (曲/制作), 喜欢这样想念 (制作),我试着 (曲/制作),甜品 (词/曲/制作),只要你微笑 (制作),在乎 (制作),小雨 (词/曲/制作) ,水壶 (制作),暗黑奇兵 (词/曲/制作),天空又亮起来 (曲/制作),Stellar (曲/制作),回到原点 (词/曲/制作),天天真 (曲/制作),Sarikei (曲/制作),请排队 (制作),暗恋我 (词/曲/制作),糖衣 (制作),转世 (曲/制作),Be Myself (词/曲/制作)

Edmond also has a strong track records for producing various commercial jingles form premium clients including: Ogawa, Sony, Gintell, Denise, Channel V, Astro, Mediacorp and many others. Recently Edmond has further produce and direct together with the Vertex team for Sony Alpha’s 1st Malaysia Photography Reality Show – Double Exposure. He has also produced Malaysia 1st Music Photo Album “Stellar” for in-house artiste Stella Chung as well new signing artiste Jyin Poh which already on the line up to release her 1st debut album soon. Edmond currently is also co-hosting Malaysia 1st Cantonese Weekly Sports Show – Sports Express at Astro Wah Loi Toi (Channel 311) together with MY FM DJ Jack Lim.

Ryan is the co-founder of Vertex Music as well as the Marketing & Promotion Director of Vertex New Media (VNM) Sdn Bhd. Being the longest ever Chinese TV Kid Show Programme host in Malaysia, Ryan has moves further to expand his career in the corporate world.

A regular voice over talent for TV and Radio commercials and various premium corporate events’ emcee, Ryan plays an important role in the team to strategize clients’ as well as in-house artistes’ promotion.

More of Ryan’s portfolios can be found at http://www.vnewmedia.com/profile.html?itemid=5

