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User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Procellariidae

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Family Procellariidae - Petrels, Shearwaters, Diving Petrels [1]

Procellariidae   genera: 16
Procellariidae   species: 100
Procellariidae   subspecies: 43

Procellariidae   Breeding Range: AO, TrO, Worldwide, SO, IO, AN, PAL, NA, PO, SA [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Southern giant petrel Macronectes giganteus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SO, AN Gmel 1789 1
Northern giant petrel Macronectes halli Mathews, 1912 SO Math 1912 2
Northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis (Linnaeus, 1761) NA, PAL Linn 1761 3
Southern fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides (Smith, A, 1840) SO, AN Smit 1840 4
Antarctic petrel Thalassoica antarctica (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SO, AN Gmel 1789 5
Cape petrel Daption capense (Linnaeus, 1758) SO, AN Linn 1758 6
Snow petrel Pagodroma nivea (Forster, G, 1777) SO, AN Fors 1777 7
Blue petrel Halobaena caerulea (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SO Gmel 1789 8
Broad-billed prion Pachyptila vittata (Forster, G, 1777) SO Fors 1777 9
Salvin's prion Pachyptila salvini (Mathews, 1912) IO Math 1912 10
MacGillivray's prion Pachyptila macgillivrayi (Mathews, 1912) IO, AO Math 1912 11
Antarctic prion Pachyptila desolata (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SO, AN Gmel 1789 12
Slender-billed prion Pachyptila belcheri (Mathews, 1912) SO Math 1912 13
Fairy prion Pachyptila turtur (Kuhl, 1820) SO Kuhl 1820 14
Fulmar prion Pachyptila crassirostris (Mathews, 1912) SO Math 1912 15
Kerguelen petrel Aphrodroma brevirostris (Lesson, RP, 1831) SO Less 1831 16
Great-winged petrel Pterodroma macroptera (Smith, A, 1840) SO Smit 1840 17
White-headed petrel Pterodroma lessonii (Garnot, 1826) SO Garn 1826 18
Grey-faced petrel Pterodroma gouldi (Hutton, FW, 1869) SO Hutt 1869 19
Atlantic petrel Pterodroma incerta (Schlegel, 1863) AO Schl 1863 20
Providence petrel Pterodroma solandri (Gould, 1844) PO Goul 1844 21
Magenta petrel Pterodroma magentae (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) PO Gigl 1869 22
Murphy's petrel Pterodroma ultima Murphy, 1949 PO Murp 1949 23
Soft-plumaged petrel Pterodroma mollis (Gould, 1844) SO Goul 1844 24
Zino's petrel Pterodroma madeira Mathews, 1934 AO Math 1934 25
Fea's petrel Pterodroma feae (Salvadori, 1900) AO Salv 1900 26
Desertas petrel Pterodroma deserta Mathews, 1934 AO Math 1934 27
Bermuda petrel Pterodroma cahow (Nichols & Mowbray, 1916) AO Nich 1916 28
Black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata (Kuhl, 1820) AO Kuhl 1820 29
Jamaican petrel Pterodroma caribbaea Carte, 1866 AO Cart 1866 30
Juan Fernandez petrel Pterodroma externa (Salvin, 1875) PO Salv 1875 31
Vanuatu petrel Pterodroma occulta Imber & Tennyson, 2001 PO Imbe 2001 32
Kermadec petrel Pterodroma neglecta (Schlegel, 1863) PO Schl 1863 33
Herald petrel Pterodroma heraldica (Salvin, 1888) IO, PO Salv 1888 34
Trindade petrel Pterodroma arminjoniana (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) IO, AO Gigl 1869 35
Henderson petrel Pterodroma atrata (Mathews, 1912) PO Math 1912 36
Phoenix petrel Pterodroma alba (Gmelin, JF, 1789) PO Gmel 1789 37
Barau's petrel Pterodroma baraui (Jouanin, 1964) IO Joua 1964 38
Hawaiian petrel Pterodroma sandwichensis (Ridgway, 1884) PO Ridg 1884 39
Galapagos petrel Pterodroma phaeopygia (Salvin, 1876) PO Salv 1876 40
Mottled petrel Pterodroma inexpectata (Forster, JR, 1844) IO, PO Fors 1844 41
White-necked petrel Pterodroma cervicalis (Salvin, 1891) PO Salv 1891 42
Black-winged petrel Pterodroma nigripennis (Rothschild, 1893) PO Roth 1893 43
Chatham petrel Pterodroma axillaris (Salvin, 1893) PO Salv 1893 44
Bonin petrel Pterodroma hypoleuca (Salvin, 1888) PO Salv 1888 45
Gould's petrel Pterodroma leucoptera (Gould, 1844) PO Goul 1844 46
Collared petrel Pterodroma brevipes (Peale, 1849) PO Peal 1849 47
Cook's petrel Pterodroma cookii (Gray, GR, 1843) PO Gray 1843 48
Masatierra petrel Pterodroma defilippiana (Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869) PO Gigl 1869 49
Stejneger's petrel Pterodroma longirostris (Stejneger, 1893) PO Stej 1893 50
Pycroft's petrel Pterodroma pycrofti Falla, 1933 PO Fall 1933 51
Mascarene petrel Pseudobulweria aterrima (Bonaparte, 1857) IO Bona 1857 52
St. Helena petrel Pseudobulweria rupinarum (Olson, 1975) AO Olso 1975 53
Tahiti petrel Pseudobulweria rostrata (Peale, 1849) PO Peal 1849 54
Beck's petrel Pseudobulweria becki (Murphy, 1928) PO Murp 1928 55
Fiji petrel Pseudobulweria macgillivrayi (Gray, GR, 1860) PO Gray 1860 56
Grey petrel Procellaria cinerea Gmelin, JF, 1789 SO Gmel 1789 57
White-chinned petrel Procellaria aequinoctialis Linnaeus, 1758 SO Linn 1758 58
Spectacled petrel Procellaria conspicillata Gould, 1844 SO Goul 1844 59
Black petrel Procellaria parkinsoni Gray, GR, 1862 PO Gray 1862 60
Westland petrel Procellaria westlandica Falla, 1946 PO Fall 1946 61
Streaked shearwater Calonectris leucomelas (Temminck, 1836) PO Temm 1836 62
Scopoli's shearwater Calonectris diomedea (Scopoli, 1769) AO Scop 1769 63
Cory's shearwater Calonectris borealis (Cory, 1881) AO Cory 1881 64
Cape Verde shearwater Calonectris edwardsii (Oustalet, 1883) AO Oust 1883 65
Wedge-tailed shearwater Ardenna pacifica (Gmelin, JF, 1789) IO, PO Gmel 1789 66
Buller's shearwater Ardenna bulleri (Salvin, 1888) PO Salv 1888 67
Sooty shearwater Ardenna grisea (Gmelin, JF, 1789) Worldwide Gmel 1789 68
Short-tailed shearwater Ardenna tenuirostris (Temminck, 1836) PO Temm 1836 69
Pink-footed shearwater Ardenna creatopus (Coues, 1864) PO Coue 1864 70
Flesh-footed shearwater Ardenna carneipes (Gould, 1844) IO, PO Goul 1844 71
Great shearwater Ardenna gravis (O'Reilly, 1818) AO Reil 1818 72
Christmas shearwater Puffinus nativitatis Streets, 1877 PO Stre 1877 73
Manx shearwater Puffinus puffinus (Brünnich, 1764) AO Brün 1764 74
Yelkouan shearwater Puffinus yelkouan (Acerbi, 1827) AO Acer 1827 75
Balearic shearwater Puffinus mauretanicus Lowe, 1921 AO Lowe 1921 76
Bryan's shearwater Puffinus bryani Pyle, Welch & Fleischer, RC, 2011 PO Pyle 2011 77
Black-vented shearwater Puffinus opisthomelas Coues, 1864 PO Coue 1864 78
Townsend's shearwater Puffinus auricularis Townsend, CH, 1890 PO Town 1890 79
Newell's shearwater Puffinus newelli Henshaw, 1900 PO Hens 1900 80
Rapa shearwater Puffinus myrtae Bourne, 1959 PO Bour 1959 81
Fluttering shearwater Puffinus gavia (Forster, JR, 1844) PO Fors 1844 82
Hutton's shearwater Puffinus huttoni Mathews, 1912 PO Math 1912 83
Audubon's shearwater Puffinus lherminieri Lesson, RP, 1839 AO Less 1839 84
Persian shearwater Puffinus persicus Hume, 1872 IO Hume 1872 85
Tropical shearwater Puffinus bailloni Bonaparte, 1857 IO, PO Bona 1857 86
Galapagos shearwater Puffinus subalaris Ridgway, 1897 PO Ridg 1897 87
Bannerman's shearwater Puffinus bannermani Mathews & Iredale, 1915 PO Math 1915 88
Heinroth's shearwater Puffinus heinrothi Reichenow, 1919 PO Reic 1919 89
Little shearwater Puffinus assimilis Gould, 1838 IO, PO Goul 1838 90
Subantarctic shearwater Puffinus elegans Giglioli & Salvadori, 1869 IO, PO, AO Gigl 1869 91
Barolo shearwater Puffinus baroli (Bonaparte, 1857) AO Bona 1857 92
Boyd's shearwater Puffinus boydi Mathews, 1912 AO Math 1912 93
Peruvian diving petrel Pelecanoides garnotii (Lesson, RP & Garnot, 1828) SA Less 1828 94
Magellanic diving petrel Pelecanoides magellani (Mathews, 1912) SA Math 1912 95
South Georgia diving petrel Pelecanoides georgicus Murphy & Harper, 1916 SO Murp 1916 96
Common diving petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix (Gmelin, JF, 1789) SO Gmel 1789 97
Bulwer's petrel Bulweria bulwerii (Jardine & Selby, 1828) TrO Jard 1828 98
Olson's petrel Bulweria bifax Olson, 1975 AO Olso 1975 99
Jouanin's petrel Bulweria fallax Jouanin, 1955 IO Joua 1955 100

Procellariidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Macronectes Richmond, 1905 2 SO AN Rich 1905 1
Fulmarus Stephens, 1826 2 SO NA PAL AN Step 1826 2
Thalassoica Reichenbach, 1853 1 SO AN Reic 1853 3
Daption Stephens, 1826 1 SO AN Step 1826 4
Pagodroma Bonaparte, 1856 1 SO AN Bona 1856 5
Halobaena Bonaparte, 1856 1 SO Bona 1856 6
Pachyptila Illiger, 1811 7 SO AO IO AN Illi 1811 7
Aphrodroma Olson, 2000 1 SO Olso 2000 8 According to Bourne (2001), Mathews (1942) specifically bestowed Lugensa as the generic name for the species; it should stand rather than Aphrodroma, contra Olson (2000).
Pterodroma Bonaparte, 1856 35 SO AO IO PO Bona 1856 9
Pseudobulweria Mathews, 1936 5 AO IO PO Math 1936 10
Procellaria Linnaeus, 1758 5 SO PO Linn 1758 11
Calonectris Mathews & Iredale, 1915 4 AO PO Math 1915 12
Ardenna Reichenbach, 1853 7 Worldwide AO IO PO Reic 1853 13 The genus Puffinus is polyphyletic; separate pacificus, bulleri, griseus, tenuirostris, creatopus, carneipes and gravis to Ardenna (Penhallurick & Wink 2004; Christidis & Boles 2008; H&M 4; SACC).
Puffinus Brisson, 1760 21 AO IO PO Bris 1760 14
Pelecanoides Lacépède, 1799 4 SO SA Lacé 1799 15 Diving petrels are nested within Procellariidae. Sequence genus provisionally after Puffinus (Christidis & Boles 2008; Cracraft 2013; Prum et al. 2015; SACC 687).
Bulweria Bonaparte, 1843 3 AO IO TrO Bona 1843 16


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges