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Family Passerellidae - New World Sparrows [1]

Separate New World Sparrows from Old World Buntings into new family Passerellidae (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; NACC 2017-B-6).

Passerellidae   genera: 30
Passerellidae   species: 138
Passerellidae   subspecies: 419

Passerellidae   Breeding Range: SA, MA, NA [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Tanager finch Oreothraupis arremonops (Sclater, PL, 1855) SA Scla 1855 1
Yellow-throated chlorospingus Chlorospingus flavigularis (Sclater, PL, 1852) MA SA Scla 1852 2
Yellow-whiskered chlorospingus Chlorospingus parvirostris Chapman, 1901 SA Chap 1901 3
Ashy-throated chlorospingus Chlorospingus canigularis (Lafresnaye, 1848) MA SA Lafr 1848 4
Sooty-capped chlorospingus Chlorospingus pileatus Salvin, 1865 MA Salv 1865 5
Common chlorospingus Chlorospingus flavopectus (Lafresnaye, 1840) MA SA Lafr 1840 6
Tacarcuna chlorospingus Chlorospingus tacarcunae Griscom, 1924 MA SA Gris 1924 7
Pirre chlorospingus Chlorospingus inornatus (Nelson, 1912) MA Nels 1912 8
Dusky chlorospingus Chlorospingus semifuscus Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1873 SA Scla 1873 9
Tumbes sparrow Rhynchospiza stolzmanni (Taczanowski, 1877) SA Tacz 1877 10
Yungas sparrow Rhynchospiza dabbenei (Hellmayr, 1912) SA Hell 1912 11
Chaco sparrow Rhynchospiza strigiceps (Gould, 1839) SA Goul 1839 12
Rufous-winged sparrow Peucaea carpalis Coues, 1873 MA NA Coue 1873 13
Cinnamon-tailed sparrow Peucaea sumichrasti (Lawrence, 1871) MA Lawr 1871 14
Stripe-headed sparrow Peucaea ruficauda (Bonaparte, 1853) MA Bona 1853 15
Black-chested sparrow Peucaea humeralis (Cabanis, 1851) MA Caba 1851 16
Bridled sparrow Peucaea mystacalis (Hartlaub, 1852) MA Hart 1852 17
Botteri's sparrow Peucaea botterii (Sclater, PL, 1858) MA NA Scla 1858 18
Cassin's sparrow Peucaea cassinii (Woodhouse, 1852) MA NA Wood 1852 19
Bachman's sparrow Peucaea aestivalis (Lichtenstein, MHC, 1823) NA Lich 1823 20
Grasshopper sparrow Ammodramus savannarum (Gmelin, JF, 1789) MA NA Gmel 1789 21
Grassland sparrow Ammodramus humeralis (Bosc, 1792) SA Bosc 1792 22
Yellow-browed sparrow Ammodramus aurifrons (Spix, 1825) SA Spix 1825 23
Olive sparrow Arremonops rufivirgatus (Lawrence, 1851) MA NA Lawr 1851 24
Green-backed sparrow Arremonops chloronotus (Salvin, 1861) MA Salv 1861 25
Black-striped sparrow Arremonops conirostris (Bonaparte, 1850) MA SA Bona 1850 26
Tocuyo sparrow Arremonops tocuyensis Todd, 1912 SA Todd 1912 27
Five-striped sparrow Amphispizopsis quinquestriata (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868) MA Scla 1868 28
Black-throated sparrow Amphispiza bilineata (Cassin, 1850) MA NA Cass 1850 29
Lark sparrow Chondestes grammacus (Say, 1822) NA Say 1822 30
Lark bunting Calamospiza melanocorys Stejneger, 1885 NA Stej 1885 31
Chipping sparrow Spizella passerina (Bechstein, 1798) MA NA Bech 1798 32
Clay-colored sparrow Spizella pallida (Swainson, 1832) NA Swai 1832 33
Black-chinned sparrow Spizella atrogularis (Cabanis, 1851) MA NA Caba 1851 34
Field sparrow Spizella pusilla (Wilson, A, 1810) NA Wils 1810 35
Brewer's sparrow Spizella breweri Cassin, 1856 NA Cass 1856 36
Worthen's sparrow Spizella wortheni Ridgway, 1884 MA Ridg 1884 37
Sierra Nevada brushfinch Arremon basilicus (Bangs, 1898) SA Bang 1898 38
Perija brushfinch Arremon perijanus (Phelps, WH & Gilliard, 1940) SA Phel 1940 39
Costa Rican brushfinch Arremon costaricensis (Bangs, 1907) MA Bang 1907 40
Black-headed brushfinch Arremon atricapillus (Lawrence, 1874) MA SA Lawr 1874 41
Caracas brushfinch Arremon phaeopleurus (Sclater, PL, 1856) SA Scla 1856 42
Paria brushfinch Arremon phygas (Berlepsch, 1912) SA Berl 1912 43
Grey-browed brushfinch Arremon assimilis (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 44
White-browed brushfinch Arremon torquatus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 45
Orange-billed sparrow Arremon aurantiirostris Lafresnaye, 1847 MA SA Lafr 1847 46
Black-capped sparrow Arremon abeillei Lesson, RP, 1844 SA Less 1844 47
Golden-winged sparrow Arremon schlegeli Bonaparte, 1850 SA Bona 1850 48
Pectoral sparrow Arremon taciturnus (Hermann, 1783) SA Herm 1783 49
Sao Francisco sparrow Arremon franciscanus Raposo, M, 1997 SA Rapo 1997 50
Half-collared sparrow Arremon semitorquatus Swainson, 1838 SA Swai 1838 51
Moss-backed sparrow Arremon dorbignii Sclater, PL, 1856 SA Scla 1856 52
Saffron-billed sparrow Arremon flavirostris Swainson, 1838 SA Swai 1838 53
Green-striped brushfinch Arremon virenticeps (Bonaparte, 1855) MA Bona 1855 54
Chestnut-capped brushfinch Arremon brunneinucha (Lafresnaye, 1839) MA SA Lafr 1839 55
Sooty-faced finch Arremon crassirostris (Cassin, 1865) MA Cass 1865 56
Olive finch Arremon castaneiceps (Sclater, PL, 1860) SA Scla 1860 57
Sooty fox sparrow Passerella unalaschcensis (Gmelin, JF, 1789) NA Gmel 1789 58
Slate-colored fox sparrow Passerella schistacea Baird, SF, 1858 NA Bair 1858 59
Thick-billed fox sparrow Passerella megarhyncha Baird, SF, 1858 NA Bair 1858 60
Red fox sparrow Passerella iliaca (Merrem, 1786) NA Merr 1786 61
American tree sparrow Spizelloides arborea (Wilson, A, 1810) NA Wils 1810 62
Volcano junco Junco vulcani (Boucard, 1878) MA Bouc 1878 63
Guadalupe junco Junco insularis Ridgway, 1876 MA Ridg 1876 64
Dark-eyed junco Junco hyemalis (Linnaeus, 1758) MA NA Linn 1758 65
Yellow-eyed junco Junco phaeonotus Wagler, 1831 MA NA Wagl 1831 66
Baird's junco Junco bairdi Ridgway, 1883 MA Ridg 1883 67
Rufous-collared sparrow Zonotrichia capensis (Müller, PLS, 1776) MA SA Müll 1776 68
White-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia leucophrys (Forster, JR, 1772) NA Fors 1772 69
Golden-crowned sparrow Zonotrichia atricapilla (Gmelin, JF, 1789) NA Gmel 1789 70
Harris's sparrow Zonotrichia querula (Nuttall, 1840) NA Nutt 1840 71
White-throated sparrow Zonotrichia albicollis (Gmelin, JF, 1789) NA Gmel 1789 72
Sagebrush sparrow Artemisiospiza nevadensis (Ridgway, 1874) NA Ridg 1874 73
Bell's sparrow Artemisiospiza belli (Cassin, 1850) MA NA Cass 1850 74
Striped sparrow Oriturus superciliosus (Swainson, 1838) MA Swai 1838 75
Vesper sparrow Pooecetes gramineus (Gmelin, JF, 1789) NA Gmel 1789 76
LeConte's sparrow Ammospiza leconteii (Audubon, 1844) NA Audu 1844 77
Seaside sparrow Ammospiza maritima (Wilson, A, 1811) NA Wils 1811 78
Nelson's sparrow Ammospiza nelsoni (Allen, JA, 1875) NA Alle 1875 79
Saltmarsh sparrow Ammospiza caudacuta (Gmelin, JF, 1788) NA Gmel 1788 80
Baird's sparrow Centronyx bairdii (Audubon, 1844) NA Audu 1844 81
Henslow's sparrow Centronyx henslowii (Audubon, 1829) NA Audu 1829 82
Savannah sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis (Gmelin, JF, 1789) MA NA Gmel 1789 83
Sierra Madre sparrow Xenospiza baileyi Bangs, 1931 MA Bang 1931 84
Song sparrow Melospiza melodia (Wilson, A, 1810) NA Wils 1810 85
Lincoln's sparrow Melospiza lincolnii (Audubon, 1834) NA Audu 1834 86
Swamp sparrow Melospiza georgiana (Latham, 1790) NA Lath 1790 87
Large-footed finch Pezopetes capitalis Cabanis, 1861 MA Caba 1861 88
Zapata sparrow Torreornis inexpectata Barbour & Peters, JL, 1927 NA Barb 1927 89
Rusty-crowned ground sparrow Melozone kieneri (Bonaparte, 1850) MA Bona 1850 90
Canyon towhee Melozone fusca (Swainson, 1827) MA NA Swai 1827 91
White-throated towhee Melozone albicollis (Sclater, PL, 1858) MA Scla 1858 92
Abert's towhee Melozone aberti (Baird, SF, 1852) MA NA Bair 1852 93
California towhee Melozone crissalis (Vigors, 1839) MA NA Vigo 1839 94
White-eared ground sparrow Melozone leucotis Cabanis, 1861 MA Caba 1861 95
Prevost's ground sparrow Melozone biarcuata (Prévost & des Murs, 1842) MA Prév 1842 96
Cabanis's ground sparrow Melozone cabanisi (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868) MA Scla 1868 97
Rusty sparrow Aimophila rufescens (Swainson, 1827) MA Swai 1827 98
Rufous-crowned sparrow Aimophila ruficeps (Cassin, 1852) MA NA Cass 1852 99
Oaxaca sparrow Aimophila notosticta (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1868) MA Scla 1868 100
Green-tailed towhee Pipilo chlorurus (Audubon, 1839) NA Audu 1839 101
Spotted towhee Pipilo maculatus Swainson, 1827 MA NA Swai 1827 102
Eastern towhee Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus, 1758) NA Linn 1758 103
Bermuda towhee Pipilo naufragus Olson & Wingate, 2012 NA Olso 2012 104
Collared towhee Pipilo ocai (Lawrence, 1865) MA Lawr 1865 105
Rufous-capped brushfinch Atlapetes pileatus Wagler, 1831 MA Wagl 1831 106
White-naped brushfinch Atlapetes albinucha (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1838) MA SA Orbi 1838 107
Yellow-thighed brushfinch Atlapetes tibialis (Lawrence, 1864) MA Lawr 1864 108
Yellow-green brushfinch Atlapetes luteoviridis (Griscom, 1924) MA Gris 1924 109
Moustached brushfinch Atlapetes albofrenatus (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 110
Merida brushfinch Atlapetes meridae (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1871) SA Scla 1871 111
Tepui brushfinch Atlapetes personatus (Cabanis, 1849) SA Caba 1849 112
Santa Marta brushfinch Atlapetes melanocephalus (Salvin & Godman, 1880) SA Salv 1880 113
Ochre-breasted brushfinch Atlapetes semirufus (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 114
Yellow-headed brushfinch Atlapetes flaviceps Chapman, 1912 SA Chap 1912 115
Dusky-headed brushfinch Atlapetes fuscoolivaceus Chapman, 1914 SA Chap 1914 116
White-rimmed brushfinch Atlapetes leucopis (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1878) SA Scla 1878 117
White-headed brushfinch Atlapetes albiceps (Taczanowski, 1884) SA Tacz 1884 118
Rufous-eared brushfinch Atlapetes rufigenis (Salvin, 1895) SA Salv 1895 119
Choco brushfinch Atlapetes crassus Bangs, 1908 SA Bang 1908 120
Tricolored brushfinch Atlapetes tricolor (Taczanowski, 1875) SA Tacz 1875 121
Slaty brushfinch Atlapetes schistaceus (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 122
Pale-naped brushfinch Atlapetes pallidinucha (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 123
Antioquia brushfinch Atlapetes blancae Donegan, 2007 SA Done 2007 124
Yellow-breasted brushfinch Atlapetes latinuchus (Du Bus de Gisignies, 1855) SA Bus 1855 125
Black-fronted brushfinch Atlapetes nigrifrons Phelps, WH & Gilliard, 1940 SA Phel 1940 126
White-winged brushfinch Atlapetes leucopterus (Jardine, 1856) SA Jard 1856 127
Pale-headed brushfinch Atlapetes pallidiceps (Sharpe, 1900) SA Shar 1900 128
Bay-crowned brushfinch Atlapetes seebohmi (Taczanowski, 1883) SA Tacz 1883 129
Rusty-bellied brushfinch Atlapetes nationi (Sclater, PL, 1881) SA Scla 1881 130
Apurimac brushfinch Atlapetes forbesi Morrison, 1947 SA Morr 1947 131
Black-spectacled brushfinch Atlapetes melanopsis Valqui & Fjeldså, 2002 SA Valq 2002 132
Vilcabamba brushfinch Atlapetes terborghi Remsen, 1993 SA Rems 1993 133
Cuzco brushfinch Atlapetes canigenis Chapman, 1919 SA Chap 1919 134
Grey-eared brushfinch Atlapetes melanolaemus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1879) SA Scla 1879 135
Bolivian brushfinch Atlapetes rufinucha (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 136
Fulvous-headed brushfinch Atlapetes fulviceps (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 137
Yellow-striped brushfinch Atlapetes citrinellus (Cabanis, 1883) SA Caba 1883 138

Passerellidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Oreothraupis Sclater, PL, 1856 1 SA Scla 1856 1 Uncertain relationships of Tanager Finch; included in Cardinalidae and then Thraupidae. Genetic data place it in Passerellidae as sister to Chlorospingus (Barker et al. 2013, 2015; also H&M 4; HBW). Sequence based on Klicka et al. (2014); SACC 633; NACC 2019-B-9.
Chlorospingus Cabanis, 1851 8 MA SA Caba 1851 2 Move Chlorospingus tanagers from Thraupidae to Passerellidae (Klicka et al. 2007; DaCosta et al. 2009; SACC 426). SACC changes English species name of group from Bush Tanager to "Chlorospingus". Change English name this group from Bush Tanager to Chlorospingus (13.2).
Rhynchospiza Ridgway, 1898 3 SA Ridg 1898 3 Separate Tumbes Sparrow and Stripe-capped Sparrow from Aimophila to Rhynchospiza (DaCosta et al. 2009; SACC 456).
Peucaea Audubon, 1839 8 NA MA Audu 1839 4 Separate the following seven species of Aimophila sparrows to Peucaea (DaCosta et al. 2009; NACC 2009-A-12a).
Ammodramus Swainson, 1827 3 NA MA SA Swai 1827 5 Based on phylogenetic studies, six species formerly in Ammodramus are moved to resurrected genera Ammospiza and Centronyx (Klicka et al. 2014; NACC 2019-B-19).
Arremonops Ridgway, 1896 4 NA MA SA Ridg 1896 6
Amphispizopsis Wolters, 1980 1 MA Wolt 1980 7 Resurrect Amphispizopsis for Five-striped Sparrow as generically distinct from Amphispiza based on genetics, morphology, behavior and vocalizations (Cicero et al. 2020; Groschupf 2020; NACC 2021-C-12; Chesser et al. 2021).
Amphispiza Coues, 1874 1 NA MA Coue 1874 8
Chondestes Swainson, 1827 1 NA Swai 1827 9
Calamospiza Bonaparte, 1838 1 NA Bona 1838 10
Spizella Bonaparte, 1832 6 NA MA Bona 1832 11
Arremon Vieillot, 1816 20 MA SA Viei 1816 12 Change spellings of Brush Finch to Brushfinch (Ridgely & Tudor 2009; SACC 653).
Passerella Swainson, 1837 4 NA Swai 1837 13
Spizelloides Slager & Klicka, 2014 1 NA Slag 2014 14
Junco Wagler, 1831 5 NA MA Wagl 1831 15
Zonotrichia Swainson, 1832 5 NA MA SA Swai 1832 16
Artemisiospiza Klicka & Banks, 2011 2 NA MA Klic 2011 17
Oriturus Bonaparte, 1850 1 MA Bona 1850 18
Pooecetes Baird, SF, 1858 1 NA Bair 1858 19
Ammospiza Oberholser, 1905 4 NA Ober 1905 20 Ammospiza is resurrected for four species in a clade which is sister to Pooecetes. Formerly assigned to genetically distant Ammodramus which would otherwise be polyphyletic (Klicka et al. 2014; NACC 2019-B-9).
Centronyx Baird, SF, 1858 2 NA Bair 1858 21 Centronyx is resurrected for two species in a clade which is sister to Passerculus. Formerly assigned to genetically distant Ammodramus which would otherwise be polyphyletic (Klicka et al. 2014; NACC 2019-B-9).
Passerculus Bonaparte, 1838 1 NA MA Bona 1838 22
Xenospiza Bangs, 1931 1 MA Bang 1931 23
Melospiza Baird, SF, 1858 3 NA Bair 1858 24
Pezopetes Cabanis, 1861 1 MA Caba 1861 25
Torreornis Barbour & Peters, JL, 1927 1 NA Barb 1927 26
Melozone Reichenbach, 1850 8 NA MA Reic 1850 27 Melozone includes 4 species of towhees (White-throated, Canyon, California, Abert's) transferred from Pipilo (DaCosta et al. 2009; NACC 2009-E-2).
Aimophila Swainson, 1837 3 NA MA Swai 1837 28
Pipilo Vieillot, 1816 5 NA MA Viei 1816 29
Atlapetes Wagler, 1831 33 MA SA Wagl 1831 30 Change spelling of Brush Finch to Brushfinch (Ridgely & Tudor 2009; SACC 653).


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges