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Siege of the Zgierz Empire
DateMay 5 – May 29, 2018 Julian Date (25 days)
Reich-Zgierz border

Decisive Zgierzian victory

  • Loss of balance in the United Reich
Zgierz Empire
Underground Polish State
Free City of Ozorków
United German Reich
Commanders and leaders
Miąższ I Executed
Miąższ II
Failure "The Fuhrer" Hitler
Alfred "Bald Fuck" Jodl
Felix Steiner (POW)
6,000 Zgierzian soldiers
3,500 Polish soldiers
250 Ozorkowian soldiers
10,000 CS:GO players
15 tanks
7 fighter jets
18,000 bald soldiers split into 6 divisions
3 tanks
2 fighter jets
1 transport plane
1 fish
Casualties and losses
3000-3500 total soldiers
3 tanks
1 fighter jet
800 civilians
10,000 soldiers
2 tanks
1 fighter jet
1 fish
1 Berlin map

Siege of the Zgierz Empire


Reasons of conflict


Zgierz always wanted to maintain peace and good relations with the United Reich, Kaiser Krzysztof I was very often visiting Berlin to build the truly friendship between nations. Situation dramaticly changed in 3 May 2018, during preparations of the second season of 1 z 10 Kaiser promised to fulfill his duties and lead the opening of the first episode. Unfortunetly due to Chrabelska's efforts Krzysztof were busy learning german, what made imposiblle for him to perform state affairs. Because of the leader absence the grand opening of the second season of 1 z 10 was a catastrophic failure and due to lack of Zgierz most famous game show the whole nation felt into anarchy and chaos. The next day revolting masses of communists, fascists, democrats and anarchists overcame Krzyszotof loyalists resistance and broke into palace killing everyone including Kaiser. After killing the leader rebels failed to make new politacal order and they all started fighting each other. This was the time when Miąższ I finished his education in Koper and he returned to his fatherland, he quickly used the situation and his CS-GO skills to take Zgierz throne and become it's next emperor. Miąższ quickly (the same day) started CSisation of the country and fortification of the border. Morning of the fifth May was quiet and peacefull, noone felt what is going to happen. Miąższ was still increasing his country military power what really worried the Führer of the United Reich. To resolve the problem Jodl sent Gunsche to inform Miąższ that he died. Miąższ didn't realised it's a lie and he died a few seconds later. Reich used the situation and started a full offensive agains Zgierz, Jodl were choosed as the prime leader of this war. Soon Miąższ's brother Miąższ II took the throne and stated regrouping the army created by his brother.

First blood 5 May - 5 May


The information about death of Emperor Miąższ I made The Führer decided to launch a quickly assault to take control of Zgierz and add it into the Reich. Jodl's plan assumed a naval invasion from rivers using Krebs's fish and paradrop with bald commandos on the Imperial Palace. Despite carefully planned unobjectionable plan the offensive was a catastrophic failure. Reich Navy only managed to destroy a few railways before being destroyed by enemy World of Warships's marines. Elite bald forces also were very quickly destroyed by Miąższ's palace guards. After the Führer got informed by Gunsche about the assault outcome he started ranting and unleashed his PoD on a Berlin map. Jodl cautioned by the leader started planning a new invasion plan, this time considering Zgierz heavy defences, soon Reich spy found out that Miąższ during his two days rule built the great Miąższ's Wall-a massive zone of fortification, bunkers and antillery positions located along the whole Zgierz-UR border.

First assault 6 May - 10 May


In the morning of 6 May General Jodl ordered a new offensive against the Zgierz Empire. Three bald brigades supported by Reich Air Force and a tank attacked the Miąższ's Wall. The Reichwave managed to destroy a few Zgierzan artillery positions, but despite it's success panzer brigade offensive was stopped and without heavy support bald soldiers were very quickly killed. Informed about second failure the Führer ranted again and ordered Jodl to attack Zgierz with everything he has and to kill every Zgierzan man and woman.

The Krebs rebellion - 10 May


After failure of the second offensive stability of the United Reich starter collapsing. However despite losing a few division the Führer has still enought power to maintain his leadership. It was really shocking for him that one of his best map-pointers Krebs was first to betray the UR. Soon after Führer's rant about second defeat Krebs used his Point of doom to kill general Jodl, althought due to damage done to Berlin map by PoD his point failed. Krebs asked by the Führer why he is betraying his fatherland he only said that it for his fish. A few minutes later he was killed by Burgdorf's Pistol of Apocalipse and so his rebellion ended.

The great push 11 May - 19 May


The next morning the Führer questioned general Jodl's abilitites to win the war. He threatened him with prison and ordered to immediatly deal a serious blow to zgierzan forces. According to the Führer's will Jodl dispatched orders to all division to launch a full blown assault against Miąższ's empire. The offensive was an outstanding success, Reich forces managed to push along Miąższ's Wall forcing Zgierzan army to retreat. Bald army invaded deeply into enemy terytory, Zgierz was in danger of a total destruction, but bravery of Miąższ zealots allowed them to hold the city. Miąższ II was shocked and little did he realise that the next attack was coming. Due to intelligence reports Jodl knew that Ozorków is protected only by local militia so it was his next target. United Reich army qucikly destroyed any resistance and captured the city, sending clear message to all Zgierzan people that they end is near. However rising resistance made Jodl stop the offensive allowing his army to recover. Baldies entrenched their positions waiting for their enemies move, fully prepared to repeal any counter-attacks.

Internal disorder 20 May - 26 May


Recent victories were very costly for the United Reich army, and it main force was far into enemy land. Despite gaining upper hand, ongoing stalemate again put Jodl's ability to success into question. Polish guerillas "Janusze Polskości" decided to step out from forests where they have been hiding to sabotage Reich suppply lines. Firstly they blew up some rails, but because of little resistance from Führer's soldiers they became more aggresive and attacked military outposts and cities outskirts. United Reich had to respond and general Jodl sent a few of his troops to reestablish peace on polish lands. However Zgierz fighter planes used the situation to launch a few raids into Reich territory, spreading havoc which help guerillas to operate with much less risk of being catched. Difficult situation demanded from general Jodl to split his forces even more, allowing CS-GO players to start reclaiming their lands. Zgierzan forces dealt some serious blows to UR army, pushing them outside of Ozorków and breaking siege of Zgierz, but Blad Brigades were still too powerful to be completly defeated and they eventually regrouped and stopped the enemy advance. Unfortunately Führer's gabinet was furious about recent defeat and demanded starting a peace talks. The Führer rejected their request and decided to take a leadership of the war himself in order to put an end to this humilating conflict. His stupid decisions quickly ruined any hopes of victory, Janusze took control of many polish lands while Zgierz was on a full offensive taking United Reich cities and it happened in only one day. Disastrous situation and constant rejecting to end the war made many generals plot against the Failüre Führership.

The Jodl rebellion 27 May - 29 May
