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Abhay K.(Kumar)( Russian Абхай Кумар)(Born 1 March 1980) is an Indian writer,poet,artist and diplomat.

Early Life


Born in Nalanda District of the state of Bihar in Eastern India in 1980, he studied at Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University before joining the field of diplomacy. Later he studied Russian language, history and literature at the Lomanosov Moscow State University. He is author of many books including River Valley to Silicon Valley:Three Generations of an Indian Family;Enigmatic Love:Love Poems from the Fairy-tale City of Moscow.

A writer committed to a deep sense of moral honesty Abhay K. is indeed a rare creative artist with a unique vision and voice. On reading his poems the world takes on new meaning and becomes charged with significance. In harmony with his surroundings and in tune with human nature his thoughts are a profound blend of the emotional, rational, spiritual and artistic. The experiences he describes are special, personal and intense ones. As raw material for his poems he chooses ordinary commonplace incidents and average human beings, their feelings and emotions and shows us how to experience the world in the right perspective. His poems are extremely sensitive and retain the ability to use casual conversation or intimate mannerism as a way of displaying profound truths. The strength of his poems resides in the cogency with which these vital truths are articulated.

Abhay K. is an artist and has done several exhibitions to promote planetary consciousness among people.His art works try to depict the spiritual unity of mankind and planet Earth as the cosmic home of the whole mankind.His semiabstract works seems to be inspired by Russian avant-garde art movement of the early twentieth century in which geometry of Malevich and musical coloured vision of Matyushin gain bright Indian colour vibrancy.For him each and everyhing on the Earth and in the Universe is sacred, a cause of joy and celebration. The unity of life dominates in his philosophical orientation. His striving to understand Art on a larger scale, philosophic poetry, symbolical painting and cosmic-scale of thought remind us of the Silver Age, Roerich, Ciurlionis, Rabindranath Tagore etc.



What is man but a puppet manipulated by the strings of fate but it's only man who can decide not what he is but what he could be.



2007- River Valley to Silicon Valley 2008-В Путь от Речной долины 2009-Enigmatic Love 2010-Fallen Leaves of Autumn



2008- International Festival of MiniArt, Museum of non-conformist art, Pushkinskaya-10 2009- Arka Art Gallery 2009- Markov Gallery, St. Petersburg 2009- International Festival of Independent Art’, Central Manezh, St. Petersburg 2009- Galarie Grand Eterna, Paris 2009- Door Gallery, Art Centre Pushkinskaya-10, St. Petersburg 2010- Yusupov Palace Musueum,St. Petersburg 2010- Selskaya Zhizhn Gallery, St. Petersburg 2010- Sigmund Freud Museum, St. Petersburg 2010- Steiglitz Art Academy, St. Petersburg




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Category:Indian writers, Indian Foreign Service, Indian English Literature