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Opera-L is an electronic mailing list devoted to opera and related topics. CLASSICAL MUSIC;Of Star Worship And Flame Wars



Julia Fischer interview: http://www.zeit.de/2011/31/Rettung-Julia-Fischer/seite-1

Debut with Chicago SO in 1992.[1]





"He was a musician of great elegance and passion, with an intense focus and a warm, lovable personality – not a series of qualities automatically found combined in the same person." Stephen Hough, "The sad and too-early death of Yakov Kreizberg" The Telegraph Mar. 16, 2011.

Nature of rehearsal and performance


I would say that the framework is prepared during the rehearsals – that is, the structure of how it is going to be presented....the conductor and the musicians will agree or lay the foundation for the performance. But then, of course ... every performance has a life of its own. It takes on a life of its own because at any given moment the direction of the performance can be changed by...the response of the musicians. You must remember that the musicians (as well as the conductor) on a different evening have a different pulse, they feel different things – sometimes they’re more calm, sometimes they’re more excited...and we’re talking about one hundred people – all of these things can change the direction in which the performance will take place.

Well, there is a plan so hopefully the changes – they’re not going to be structural changes – but, within the phrases, even within small segments there’s going to be a different approach and a different feeling, and the moment one phrase goes in a different direction from the way it was yesterday it will affect how the next phrase will be shaped....a different tempo will affect the next one. So in a way, that changes the structure too, to a certain degree. So it’s a very much living breathing organism – every performance – and no matter how much you can put into a preparation of it, and no matter how much you can agree “we’re going to do this, or we’re going to do that” – I can tell this from an experience of working with singers for many, many years (there it is especially acute) – you can agree on everything, exactly how everything is going to take place, but when you walk out in the pit in the middle of an opera performance, a human voice is so dependent on the body -- more than any instrument -- that things can go completely differently from what they were supposed to go. And you have to be on your toes at all times.



In Opera:

  • "Yakov Kreizberg conducted with a leaden hand, his textures thick and slow, as if there had never existed a lighter, more transparent approach toward Mozart's operas."

Jochen Breiholz, "In Review: From Around the World--Berlin," Opera News 64, no. 5 (November 1999), p. 84-86.

  • "His direction in other repertoire, including Mozart, could sometimes seem unduly hard-pressed, and his Rosenkavalier for ENO (1994), for all its vigour, lacked an innate feel for the blend of voices and instruments."

Barry Millington, "Yakov Kreizberg obituary," The Guardian March 21, 2011.



"His conducting style was large-scale and expressive but its neatness meant that it never compromised the passion of the performance. Interpretatively, he was his own man; even the presence of composers did not cow him and they would sometimes end up agreeing with his deviations from tempo and dynamic markings."[2]

  • Julia Fischer interview

"For example, last year with Yakov Kreizberg I learned a lot, especially the Russian repertoire, which is his specialty. "

In 2003, she was engaged to perform the Khachaturian Concerto with Kreizberg and the Philadelphia Orchestra. She'd never worked with that conductor before, but they immediately hit it off, and before she knew it, she and Kreizberg were recording that and two other Russian concertos for PentaTone. "I didn't want to record a CD," she says. "My manager had been trying to convince me to record for five years. I always said no because I'm too lazy; I just put it off into the future. But when we performed the Khachaturian Violin Concerto in Philadelphia, Yakov Kreizberg turned to me right away and asked if I'd like to record the Concerto. I loved working with him, but I just thought he was being polite. The next day he called me and said, 'So I think this is what we should be doing for this CD.' I said, 'Wait a second--what are you talking about?' He said, 'We can do it in May with the Russian National Orchestra, record the Khachaturian Concerto and some other Russian pieces.' (The couplings turned out to be concertos by Prokofiev and Glazunov.) I said, 'I'm not convinced that I should record a CD at all.' But he convinced me. It took him two months, but he really convinced me. I was scared of having to live with this recording to the end of my life and going to a studio and playing for eight hours a day, but the recording sessions were amazing and a lot of fun, and I'm more than happy with how the CD came out, and the response was amazing, too."

James Reel, "Talking with Violinst Julia Fischer," Fanfare 29, no. 1 (September-October 2005), p. 59.


  • Strauss

"I did not look forward to this, for what can a Russian offer in this most Viennese music? As it turns out, quite a bit! His tempos are rather leisurely and he really has a Viennese feel for this music. A test is Tales From the Vienna Woods with its wonderful zither solo. Wilfried Scharf plays it with great feeling and Kreizberg and the Vienna Symphony accompany most elegantly." Carl Bauman, "Strauss, J: Waltzes" American Record Guide, May 1, 2006.

  • Dvorak 7

"The performance reminds me very much of the old London Phil/Giulini (EMI, Nov/Dec 1996—not the super-charged account once issued on a Chicago Symphony fund-raising disc) but the sound is better...if you are looking for a less Beethovenian, less dramatic Seventh, you may like Kreizberg’s quiet, gentle end to the first movement, his songful II (where the SACD resolution brings out some lovely detail), and a III that’s lyrical rather than vehement. The finale strikes me as a bit too blowzy even for listeners who prefer less punchy articulation than I do. I’d like to hear what this team can do with the more pastoral Symphony 6..." Lawrence Hansen, American Record Guide, Sept. 1, 2009, p. 86.

  • Dvorak 9

"Throughout the New World Symphony, Kreizberg makes the most of dynamic contrasts without exaggerating them. He has a wonderful ear for orchestral color and achieves enviable instrumental blend and balances. The conductor lingers at the right places in the first movement's introduction, while the main body of that movement is dramatically propelled. At 13:52, Kreizberg's Largo is on the longer side...but it never bogs down (despite some very pregnant pauses in the chamber section after rehearsal number 5.) Perhaps the cross-rhythms in the Scherzo could have more snap, but they register clearly; the finale is knowingly shaped and--again--dramatically charged. Romeo and Juliet doesn't get as overheated as some other versions, but it's a beautifully paced performance and the return of the Big Tune is really quite stirring. As with the Dvorák, the conductor elicits clearly voiced yet luscious symphonic sonorities that serve the music well."

  • Bruckner 7

"...Kreizberg's thoughtful and superbly executed interpretation deserves a wide hearing."[3]

  • Concerning Shostakovch 5th:

"Kreizberg clearly feels that the emotional core of the work is the Largo, but his approach is not at all heavy-handed. It is more of an elegiac lament characterized by transparent and fairly lightweight string sonorities. The ending of the movement, with its remarkably blended harp-celesta notes, is stunning. The first movement and especially its Mahlerian middle section are taken quickly, but Kreizberg effectively broadens the tempo at the climax reminiscent of Tchaikovsky's Manfred and The Tempest. The second movement is decidedly straight-laced. There is not much humor there. Both conductors play the finale in the Russian tradition. That is to say: very slowly. In the hands of Kreizberg , this is a screeching musical portrait of a hollow victory that the generally cool, transparent sound cannot mollify." - Lintgen

  • Concerning Shostakovich 9th:

"The overall effect is a cool, crystalline clarity that is fine for the Ninth, but detracts from the dynamic impact inherent in Kreizberg 's Fifth...Kreizberg seems to be emulating Rostropovich without the interpretive excesses, and that should be ideal. Ultimately, the transparent sound works well in the softer, lightly orchestrated sections, but seriously detracts from the impact of Kreizberg's interesting interpretation of the Fifth Symphony." - Lintgen

  • Dvorak 6th:

"Kreizberg certainly makes an excellent case for his slower and slightly darker approach, but it eventually tends to drag and you just want him to get on with it. The remarkable and colorfully orchestrated tone poems based on the folk ballads of Karel Jaromir Erben obviously fuel Kreizberg 's dramatic instincts. He gives an electrifying account of the grisly events depicted in The Water Goblin. In fact, his performances of the three Dvorák tone poems he has recorded so far are second to none." -- Aerthur Lintgen, "Classical Recordings: Dvorak - Symphony No. 6 in D; 'The Water Goblin', Fanfare 32 no. 1 (Sept.-Oct. 2008), p. 144-145.

  • Schmidt Symphony no. 4:

"Now, just at the dawn of the SACD era, we already have a first-rate new version of Schmidt's Fourth in superb surround sound from Yakov Kreizberg and the Netherlands Philharmonic on PentaTone. The recorded sound is a bit distant, but detailed (clear enough to reveal an occasional grunt from the podium). More important, Kreizberg 's performance breathes nicely, with a natural rubato that makes its effect over large musical paragraphs more than through individual phrases."[4]

  • Wagner:

"This could be a risky supposition but, on the basis of PentaTone's generous program, perhaps we should be eager to hear Yakov Kreizberg lead a complete Wagner opera. He achieves admirable orchestral balances, tempos are always apt, and--most critically--he nails the individual character of each work exactly so. Especially successful is the 20 minutes from Tristan, recorded at the Concertgebouw before an exceptionally quiet audience (the other pieces were recorded in Yakult Hall of the Beurs van Berlage). Kreizberg generates plenty of tension in the act I Prelude, lingering over the ripe harmonies yet, despite some very pregnant pauses, never gets bogged down. The listener senses the air change with the first notes of the Liebestod: there's a tangible feeling of resolution and relief, similar to what you get at around 11:30 p.m. when you've experienced a complete performance in a theater. Just think of the time you save."Cite error: A <ref> tag is missing the closing </ref> (see the help page).

NedPhO During his first rehearsal with the NedPhO, he stopped conducting to explain something, and found that many musicians continued playing. "I realized that this is not an orchestra that really looks at the conductor. I think they are accustomed to weak guest conductors." When it happened a second time, Kreizberg recalled: "'Let us agree that when I stop beating, you stop playing. That is better for you because this is wasted energy.' And what happens? They applaud. Since then we have worked extensively. We're friends." [ ref name=beer/ ]


"He belongs to the school that believes that slavish adherence to the composer's marking, other than the actual notes, is not always appropriate. The composer may believe passionately that his tempo indications, dynamic markings, and so forth, are the right ones, but there is a physicality involved in performance that may require adjustments."


"There is no such thing as an authentic interpretation...a piece of music will only live if it is recreated by a creative mind"

Citizen Kane (score)

Cue name Instrumentation Description of Action
Prelude 2 flute, bass flute, 2 clarinets, 3 bass clarinets, 3 bassoons, contra bassoon, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, percussion (2 players), double basses -
Newsreel - Newsreel
Rain (Susan in Nightclub) 3 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, contra bassoon, celesta, harp, vibraphone, violin 1 (divided into 3), violin 2 (divided into 2) -
Litany 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bass clarinets, contra bassoon, 2 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, harp -
Manuscript Reading and Snow Picture flutes, oboe, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, glockenspiel, triangle, celesta, harp, strings -
Mother Sacrifice clarinet, horn, strings -
Charles Meets Thatcher 2 flutes, oboe, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 trumpets, timpani, 2 vibraphones, Hammond organ, strings -
(Montage sequence with Thatcher) 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bass clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, percussion (2 players): glockenspiel, triangle, timpani, strings -
Dissolve clarinet, 4 horns, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, double basses -
2nd Manuscript (not used) flute, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, celesta, harp, double basses -
Thanks oboe, 2 clarinets, horn, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones -
Bernstein's Narrative flute, 2 clarinets, strings -
("Ragtime") piccolo, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, percussion (snare drum), piano, double basses -
Hornpipe Polka 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, bass clarinet, contrabass clarinet, chimes, blocks -
New Hornpipe Polka 2 piccolos, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, chimes, blocks, harp, celesta, strings -
Carter's Exit (not used) 2 flutes, bass flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, horn, trumpet, vibraphone, 6 solo violins -
("Overture") piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, 2 percussionists (glockenspiel, wood blocks, snare drum, bass drum), celesta/piano, 2 harps, strings -
Kane's Return 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoon, 2 horns, 2 trumpets, trombone, timpani, strings -
Collecting Statues 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 1 trumpet, strings -
Valse Presentation 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 harons, 2 trumpets, celesta, harp, strings -
Sunset Narrative 2 flutes, oboe, English Horn, clarinet, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, trumpet, cymbal, strings -
Theme and Variations 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 turmpets, 3 trombones, harp, celesta, strings -
Kane and Susan oboe, harp, violas (divisi into 3), and violoncellos (divisi into 3) -
Susan's Room 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, harp, strings -
Mother Memory 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, strings -
The Trip - Version A piccolo, 2 clarinets, 2 bass clarinets, Hammond organ, bass drum -
The Trip - Version B piccolo, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, Hammond organ, vibraphone, 2 horns, 2 trombones, bass drum -
Geddes Departure - Version A 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, bass drum, violins (divisi in 3), double basses, Hammond organ -
Geddes Departure - Version B 3 flutes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, Hammond organ -
[Susan Wedding - from Wells Raises Kane] 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, 2 percussionists (cymbals..), celesta, harp, strings -
Salaambo's Aria 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, timpani, 2 percussionists (cymbal, bass drum, harp, soprano, strings -
Leland's Dismissal 2 English horns, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, 2 timpani, bass drum, double basses, Hammond organ -
New Dawn Music 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, bassoon, horn, vibraphone, strings (without double basses) -
Opera Montage piccolo, flute, oboe, English horn, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 2 trombones, tuba, timpani, cymbal, snare drum, strings -
Xanadu flutes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, timpani, bass drum, tam tam, 2 vibraphones, strings -
Jigsaws "Perpetual Motion" 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, 4 horns, wood blocks, strings -
Second Xanadu 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, timpani, vibraphone, strings -
Kane's Picnic 2 bassoons, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, snare drum, violoncellos, double basses, piano -
Susan Leaves 2 bass flutes, 2 clarinets, 4 horns, timpani, violoncellos, double basses -
El Rancho 2 flutes, 2 clarinets, basson, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, vibraphone, cymbals, timpani, strings -
The Glass Ball 2 bass flutes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassons, 4 horns, 3 trombones, bass drum, harp, strings -
Finale piccolo, flute, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, bass clarinet, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, cymbals, bass drum, tam tam, harp, celesta, strings -

Also these cues:

Xanadu music 3 flutes, 2 clarinets, 3 bass clarinets, 2 bassoons, contrabassoon, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, vibraphone, bass drum, violins (divisi into 3), 2 double basses -
The Night (Xanadu) 3 alto flutes, 2 clarinets, 3 bass clarinets, 3 bassoons, contrabassoon, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, vibraphone, double basses -

List of Columbia Workshop shows

Date Title Writer Adaptation Director/Producer Music Remarks
July 18, 1936 A Comedy of Danger Richard Hughes - Myron Safler - First show
The Finger of God Percival Wilde
July 25, 1936 Broadway Evening Leopold Proser - Irving Reis - -
August 1, 1936 Technical Demonstration - - Irving Reis - -
Cartwheel Vic Knight
August 8, 1936 Experiment Mary Parkington - Irving Reis - -
Highway Incident Brian J. Byrne
August 15, 1936 Case History Milton M. E. Geiger - Irving Reis - Fantasy of pilot in airline crash
date title author adaptor director/producer music remarks



Lost operas from Scarabocchio


This list of lost operas has been extracted from the works lists of the OperaGlass website (ed. Rick Bogart). Explanatory Notes and Abbreviations

The lines have been left in their original raw html forms, with a rough-and-ready wikilink added on the composer name. The list is ordered by birth year (or 30 years before the first lost opera where no birth year was given).

  • year | composer | title | date of first performance |theater of premiere |city of first performance


  • 1550: Cavalieri, Emilio de' (c.1550 Roma - 11.3.1602 Roma)|
  • La disperazione di Fileno (carn.1590 Firenze) [lost]|
  • Satiro (carn.1590 Firenze) [lost]|
  • Il giuoco della cieca (29.10.1595 Firenze PP) [lost]|
  • La contesa fra Giunone e Minerva (5.10.1600 Firenze) [lost]
  • 1550: Bati, Luca (c.1550 Firenze - 17.10.1608 Firenze)|
  • Il rapimento di Cefalo (9.10.1600 Firenze) [+ G. Caccini] [lost]
  • 1559: Pace [Paci], Pietro (1559 Loreto - 15.4.1622 Loreto)|
  • La Delinda () [lost]
  • 1567: Monteverdi [Monteverde], Claudio (Giovanni [Zuan] Antonio) (15.5.1567 Cremona - 29.11.1643 Venezia)|
  • L'Arianna (28.5.1608 Mantova) [lost]|
  • Le nozze di Tetide (1616 inc) [lost]|
  • Andromeda (1620 inc) [lost]|
  • Apollo (inc) [lost]|
  • La finta pazza Licori (1627; np) [lost]|
  • Gli amori di Diana e di Endimione (1628 Parma) [lost]|
  • Mercurio e Marte (1628 Parma) [lost]|
  • Proserpina rapita (1630 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Le nozze d'Enea con Lavinia (1641 Venezia) [lost]
  • 1587: Caccini [Signorini], Francesca La Cecchina (18.9.1587 Firenze - c.1640 Firenze?)|
  • Il ballo delle zigane (24.2.1615 Firenze PP) [lost]
  • 1594: Olivo [Olivi], Simpliciano [Sempliciano] (1594 Mantova - 20.9.1680 Parma)|
  • ? (23.2.1664) [lost]
  • 1595: Rovetta, Giovanni (c.1595 Venezia - 23.10.1668 Venezia)|
  • Ercole in Lidia (1645) [lost]|
  • Argiope (1649) [lost]
  • 1600: Sances [Sancies; Sanci; Sanes], Giovanni Felice (c.1600 Roma - *12.11.1679 Wien)|
  • Ermiona (11.4.1636 Padova) [lost]
  • 1602: Marazzoli, Marco Marco dell'Arpa (c.1602/8 Parma - 26.1.1662 Roma)|
  • Gli amori di Giasone e d'Issifile (1642 Venezia SGP) [lost]
  • 1603: Ferrari, Benedetto dalla Tiorba; della Tiorba (1603/4? Reggio Emilia - 22.10.1681 Modena)|
  • La finta savia (carn.1643 Venezia N) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Enone abbandonata () [lost]|
  • Egisto (1651 Piacenza) [lost]|
  • Gli amori di Alessandro Magno, e di Rossane (1656 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1605: Bertali [Bertalli, Berthali, Bartali, Barthali, Bertaldi], Antonio (11.3.1605 Verona - 17.4.1669 Wien)|
  • Il rè Gelidoro (1659 Wien) [lost]|
  • Gli amori di Apollo con Clizia (1661 Wien) [lost]|
  • Cibele ed Atti (1666 Wien) [lost]
  • 1605: Dassoucy [Assoucy, D'Assoucy, Coypeau, Coipeau, Couppeau], Charles [d'] (16.10.1605 Paris - 29.10.1677 Paris)|
  • Les Amours d'Apollon et de Daphné (1650) [lost]
  • 1605: Sacrati, Francesco (*17.9.1605 Parma - 20.5.1650 Modena?)|
  • La Delia (20.1.1639 Veneza SGP) [lost]|
  • La finta pazza (14.1.1641 Venezia N) [lost]|
  • Bellerofonte (1642 Venezia N) [lost]|
  • Venere gelosa (1643 Venezia N) [?] [lost]|
  • L'Ulisse errante (1644 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • La Semiramide in India (1648 Venezia SC) [?] [lost]|
  • L'isola di Alcina (1648 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Ergasto (1650 Venezia) [?] [lost; =? Lecasto consecrate]
  • 1605(est): Cecchini, Angelo (? - ?)|
  • Primavera urbana col trionfo d'Amor pudico (1635 Roma) [lost]|
  • La baccante, overo Il trionfo dell'autunno (c.1638 Roma) [lost]|
  • L'intemperie d'Apollo (2.1638 Roma) [Il prencipe indisposto] [lost]|
  • La sincerità trionfante, overo L'Erculeo ardire (1.1639 Roma) [lost]
  • 1612: Tozzi, Vincenzo (c.1612 Roma? - 1675?;<8.4.1679 Messina)|
  • Il ratto d'Elena (1657 Messina) [lost]
  • 1612(est): Fontei [Fonte, Fonteio], Nicolò (? Orciano di Pesaro, Marche - 1647? Verona? Venezia?)|
  • Sidonio e Dorisbe (1642 Venezia SM) [lost]


  • 1615: Mollier [Molière], Louis de (c.1615 - 18.4.1685 Paris)|
  • Les Amours de Céphale et d'Aurore (1677) [lost]|
  • Andromède (1678) [lost]
  • 1616: Förster, Kaspar (*28.2.1616 Gdansk - 2.2.1673 Oliwa, c. Gdansk)|
  • Der lobwürdige Cadmus (25.9.1663 København) [lost]
  • 1616: Ziani, Pietro Andrea (< 21.12.1616 Venezia - 12.2.1684 Napoli)|
  • Marcello in Siracuse (1673 Napoli SB) [lost]|
  • La Cleandra (1678 Bologna) [?] [lost]
  • 1620: Cazzati, Maurizio (c.1620 Lucera, c. Reggio Emilia - 1677 Mantova)|
  • I gridi di Cerere (1652 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Il carnevale esigliato (1652 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Ercole effeminato (1654 Bergamo) [lost]|
  • Le gare de' fiumi (1658 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Le gare d'Amore e di Marte (1662 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1621: Locke [Lock], Matthew (1621/2 Exeter - 8.1677 London)|
  • Cupid and Death (26.3.1653) [+ C. Gibbons] [lost]
  • 1622: Fedeli, Carlo (c.1622 Venezia - 19.12.1685 Venezia)|
  • Ermelinda (1679 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Don Chisciotte della Mancia (1680 Venezia) [lost]
  • 1622: Bernabei [Barnabei], Ercole (1622 Caprarola - 5.12.1687 München)|
  • +3 [lost]
  • 1626: Legrenzi, Giovanni (*12.8.1626 Clusone, c. Bergamo - 27.5.1690 Venezia)|
  • Nino il giusto (1662 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • L'Achille in Sciro (1663 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Tiridate (1668 Venezia SSv) [rev. Zenobia e Radamisto] [lost]|
  • Adone in Cipro (1676 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • L'Ottaviano Cesare Augusto (1682 Mantova) [lost]|
  • L'anarchia dell'imperio (1684 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Publio Elio Pertinace (16846 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Ifianassa e Melampo (1685 Pratolino) [lost]
  • 1628: Cambert, Robert (c.1628 Paris - 2/3.1677 London)|
  • La Pastorale (4.1659 Issy) [lost]|
  • Ariane, ou Le mariage de Bacchus (1661; np) [lost]|
  • Adonis (1662; np) [lost]|
  • Ariane, ou Le mariage de Bacchus [rev] (30.3.1674 London) [+ Grabu] [lost]
  • 1628: Capricornus [Bockshorn], Samuel Friedrich (21.12.1628 Zercice, c. Mlodá Boleslav - 10.11.1665 Stuttgart)|
  • Komödie (18.5.1665 Stuttgart?) [lost]
  • 1629: Amato [D'Amato. De Amato, Di Amato], Vincenzo (6.1.1629 Ciminna, c. Palermo - 29.7.1670 Palermo)|
  • Isaura (1664 Palermo) [lost]|
  • L'Aquila (1666) [lost]
  • 1630: Sartorio [Sertorio], Antonio (1630 Venezia - 30.12.1680 Venezia)|
  • L'Ermengarda regina de' Longobardi (26.12.1669 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • Alcina (1674; np) [lost]|
  • I duo tiranni al soglio (15.1.1679 Venezia SSv) [lost]
  • 1630: Alfiero [Alfieri], Giuseppe (1630 Napoli - 21.1.1665 Napoli)|
  • La fedeltà trionfante (1655 Napoli SB) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo della pace (1658 Napoli) [?] [lost]
  • 1630(est): Castrovillari, Daniele da [di] (? - ?)|
  • Gl'avvenimenti d'Orinda (1660 Venezia) [?] [lost]|
  • La Pasife (1661 Venezia) [?] [lost]
  • 1630(est): Carpani, Giovanni Antonio (? - ?)|
  • Santa Cecilia (1660 Roma: Cat. San Pietro) [lost]
  • 1631: Sportonio, Marc'Antonio (c.1631 Bologna? - > 1680 Palermo?)|
  • Elena (carn.1661 Palermo) [lost] [+ Cavalli]|
  • La Flavia Imperatrice (3.1669 Palermo) [lost]|
  • Caligola (1675? Palermo?) [?] [lost]|
  • La Fiordispina (1678 Palermo) [lost]
  • 1634: Draghi, Antonio (?17.1.1634-16.1.1635 Rimini - 16.1.1700 Wien)|
  • Ipermestra (spr.1671 Wien) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Le nozze di Mercurio (1685 Wien) [et al.] [lost]


  • 1635: Agostini [Augustini], Pietro Simone [Piersimone] (c.1635 Forli - 1.10.1680 Parma)|
  • Il Tolomeo (1658 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La regina Floridea (1669? Milano D) [Floridea] [+ Rossi, Busca] [lost]|
  • Ippolita, reina delle Amazoni (1670 Milano D) [+ Busca, P.A. Ziani] [lost]|
  • Eliogabolo (28.1.1670 Genova) [lost]|
  • La costanza di Rosmonda (1670 Genova) [lost]
  • 1636(est): Pallavicino [Pallavicini], Carlo (? Salò, c. Brescia - 29.1.1688 Dresden)|
  • Aureliano (25.2.1666 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Il tiranno humiliato d'amore, ovvero Il Meraspe (12.12.1667 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • Ercole in Tebe (1672 Napoli) [lost]|
  • Licinio imperatore (1684 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Ricimero re de' vandali (1684 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Massimo Pupieno (28.12.1684 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • Penelope la casta (28.1.1685 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Amore inamorato (1686 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • La Didone delirante (1686 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • Antiope (14.2.1689 Dresden) [+ N.A. Strungk] [lost]
  • 1638: Viviani, Giovanni Buonaventura (15.7.1638 Firenze - 12.1692? Pistoia?)|
  • Zenobia (1678 Napoli) [lost]
  • 1639: Melani, Alessandro (4.2.1639 Pistoia - 10.1703 Roma)|
  • S. Dinna (1687 Roma) [+ Pasquini, Scarlatti] [lost]
  • 1639: Masini, Antonio (1639 Roma? - 20.9.1678 Roma)|
  • L'Eumene (1666 Ferrara) [lost]
  • 1640: Leopold I, Kaiser (9.6.1640 Wien - 5.5.1705 Wien)|
  • Giudizio d'amore () [lost?]|
  • Del silenzio profondo () [lost?]|
  • Rimbomba mia tromba () [lost?]|
  • L'amoroso gidizio () [lost?]|
  • Die Ergetzungstund der Sclavinnen aus Samien (1685 Wien) [lost?]|
  • ? (1686 Wien) [comedy] [lost?]
  • 1640: Boretti, Giovanni Antonio (c.1640 Roma - 17.12.1672 Venezia)|
  • Alessandro amante (28.1.1668 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Dario in Babilonia (24.1.1671 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Domitiano (27.12.1672? Venezia?; np?) [lost]
  • 1642: Schmezer [Schmetzer], Georg (21.3.1642 Augsburg - 7.1697 Augsburg)|
  • Pieris vindicata, oder Die vermeinte Braut-Heimführung (1668) [lost]|
  • Davidis polytecni infelix felicitas oder Davids Kinder-Lied und Freud (1687) [lost]
  • 1642: Gautier, Pierre Gaultier de Marseille (1642? La Ciotat - 1696 at sea, c. Sète)|
  • Le Triomphe de la paix (28.1.1685 Marseilles) [lost]|
  • Le Jugement du soleil (5.2.1687 Marseilles) [lost]
  • 1642: Cherici [Chierici, Clerici], Sebastiano (c.1642 Pistoia - 1703? Pistoia)|
  • L'Egelinda (1699 Pistoia) [lost]
  • 1642(est): Fusetto [Fusetti], Giovanni [Gian] Paolo (? Monza? - 1690 Udine)|
  • Iphide greca (14.1.1672 Udine) [et al.] [lost]
  • 1644: Stradella, Alessandro (1.10.1644 Nepi, c. Viterbo - 25.2.1682 Genova)|
  • La rosaura (1688 Roma DP) [?] [lost]
  • 1644: Biber, Heinrich (Ignaz Franz von) (12.8.1644 Wartenberg, c. Liberec - 3.5.1704 Salzburg)|
  • Alessandro in Pietra (1689) [lost]
  • 1645: Löhner, Johann (*21.11.1645 Nürnberg - 2.4.1705 Nürnberg)|
  • Der gerechte Zaleukus (1687) [lost]
  • 1645: Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (c.1645-50 Paris - 24.2.1704 Paris)|
  • Les Amours d'Acis et de Galatée (1678) [lost]|
  • Le Retour du printemps () [lost]|
  • Le Jugement de Pan () [lost]|
  • Philomèle () [+ Duc de Chartres] [lost]
  • 1646: Bonini, Francesco (? Roma - ?)|
  • Gli sdegni d'Amore (1646 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1647: Philidor [Danican], André Danican l'ainé (c.1647 Versailles - 11.8.1730 Dreux)|
  • La Princesse de Crète (1688 Marly) [lost]
  • 1647: Bassani [Bassano, Bassiani], Giovanni Battista (c.1647 Padova - 1.10.1716 Bergamo)|
  • L'amorosa preda di Paride (1683 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Falaride tiranno d'Agrigento (1683 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Alarico, re dè Goti (1685 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Vitige (1686 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo di Venere in Ida (1688 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • La Ginerva, infanta di Scozia (1690 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Il coccio Nerva (1691 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Gli amori tra gl'odii (1693 Verona) [lost]
  • 1647(est): Oudot, Claude (? Paris - 1696 Paris)|
  • Les Amours de Titon et l'Aurore (1677 Sceaux) [lost]
  • 1648: Capelli [Capello, Cappelli, Capella], Giovanni Maria (7.12.1648 Parma - 16.10.1726 Parma)|
  • I rivali generosi (1710 Reggio Emilia) [+ Monari, Pistocchi] [lost?]|
  • L'amore politico e generoso della regina Ermengarda (1713 Mantova) [+ Gasparini] [lost?]|
  • L'Eudamia (1718 Colorno, Param) [lost?]|
  • Nino (1720 Reggio Emilia) [+ Gasparini, Bononcini] [lost?]|
  • Giulio Flavio (1722 Venezia) [lost?]|
  • Mitridate re di Ponto (1723 Venezia) [lost?]|
  • Il Venceslao (1724 Parma) [lost?]|
  • I fratelli riconosciuti (1726 Parma) [lost?]|
  • Erginia mascherata (1727 Rovigo) [lost?]
  • 1648: Degli Antoni [Antonii], Pietro (1648 Bologna - 1720 Bologna)|
  • L'inganno fortunato (1671) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Atide (1679) [+ G.F. Tosi, G.A. Perti] [lost]
  • 1649: Krieger [Kriger, Krüger, Krugl, Kriegher], Johann Philipp [Giovanni Filippo] (25.2.1649 Nürnberg - 6.2.1725 Weissenfels)|
  • Die bewährte Liebes-Cur () [lost]|
  • Schieffers Comoedia () [lost]


  • 1650: Amodei, Cataldo (c.1650 Sciacca, c. Agrigento - c.1695 Napoli)|
  • La sirena consolata (1692 Napoli) [lost]
  • 1650: Partenio [Partenico], Gian [Giovanni] Domenico (< 1650 Spilimberg, Friuli - 1701 Venezia)|
  • La costanza trionfante (1673 Venezia SM) [lost]
  • 1651: Krieger [Kruger, Kriegher], Johann [Giovanni] (28.12.1651 Nürnberg - 18.7.1735 Zittau)|
  • Die sicilianische Argenis (1683) [lost]|
  • Der verfolgte David (1683) [lost]|
  • Nebucadnezar (1684) [lost]|
  • Der politische Quacksalber (1684) [lost]|
  • Der schwedische Regner (1684) [lost]|
  • Die vierte Monarchie (1684) [lost]
  • 1651(est): Policci, Giovanni Battista (? - ?)|
  • Amalasunta in Italia (1681 Parma) [lost]
  • 1651(est): Cattani, Lorenzo (? Massa Carrara - 1713 Pisa)|
  • Quinto Lucrezio proscritto (20.10.1681 Firenze) [lost]|
  • Il Conte di Cutro (12.11.1682 Firenze) [lost]|
  • Il pellegrino (1685) [lost]|
  • Gneo Marzio Coriolano (25.5.1686 Firenze) [lost]|
  • La pietà di Sabina (< 1690; np) [lost]
  • 1653: Pollarolo, Carlo Francesco (c.1653 - 7.2.1723 Venezia)|
  • I delirii per amore (1685 Brescia) [lost]|
  • Il Licurgo, ovvero Il cieco d'acuta vista (1686 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il demone amante, overo Giugurta (1686 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Enea in Italia (1686 Milano) [lost]|
  • La costanza gelosa negl'amori di Cefalo e Procri (1688 Verona) [lost]|
  • Alarico re de Gotti (1689 Verona) [lost]|
  • Antonino e Pompeiano (1689 Brescia) [lost]|
  • Alboino in Italia (1691 Venezia) [lost] [+ Tosi?]|
  • Il moto delle stelle osservato da Cupido (1691 Padova) [lost]|
  • La pace fra Tolomeo e Seleuco (1691 Venezia) [Il Seleuco] [lost]|
  • Venere travestita (1691 Rovigo) [lost]|
  • L'Ibraim Sultano (1692 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Iole regina di Napoli (1692 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Marc'Antonio (1692 Genova) [lost]|
  • Gli avvenimenti di Erminda e di Clorinda sopra il Tasso (1693 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Amage regina de' Sarmati (1694 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La schiavitù fortunata (1694 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Falsirena (1695 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Ercole in cielo (1696 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Amor e dovere (1697 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Circe abbandonata da Ulisse (1697 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La forza d'amore (1697 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Marzio Coriolano (1697 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'Oreste in Sparta (1697 Reggio Emilia) [lost]|
  • I regge equivoci (1697 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'enigma disciolto (1698 Reggio Emilia ) [Gli amici rivali] [lost]|
  • L'Ulisse sconosciuto in Itaca (1698 Reggio Emilia) [lost]|
  • Il giudizio di Paride (1699 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'oracolo in sogno (1699 Mantova) [+ Caldara, Quintavalle] [lost]|
  • L'inganno di Chirone (1700 Milano) [lost]|
  • Lucio Vero (1700 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il delirio comune per l'incostanza dei genii (1701 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Ascanio (1702 Milano) [lost]|
  • L'odio e l'amore (1703 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Venceslao (1703 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'eroico amore (1704 Bergamo) [et al.] [L'Alcibiade ovvero La violenza d'amore; L'amante impazzito] [lost]|
  • La fortuna per dote (1704 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il giorno di notte (1704 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il Dafni (1705 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La fede ne' tradimenti (1705 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Filippo re della Grecia (1706 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Flavio Bertarido re dei Langobardi (1706 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La vendetta d'amore (1707 Rovigo) [lost]|
  • L'Ergisto (1708 Rovigo) [lost]|
  • Ginevra principessa di Scozia (1708 Pratolino) [Ariodante] [lost]|
  • Il falso tiberino (1708 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La ninfa riconosciuta (1709 Vicenza) [lost]|
  • Amor per gelosia (1710 Roma) [lost]|
  • Il Constantino Pio (1710 Roma) [lost]|
  • Engelberto o La forza dell'innocenza (1711 Brescia) [lost]|
  • Eraclio (1712 Roma) [et al.] [lost]|
  • L'infedelità punita (1712 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Peribea in Salamina (1712 Padova, Vicenza) [lost]|
  • Publio Cornelio Scipione (1712 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Spurio postumio (1712 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo della constanza (1714 Vicenza) [lost]|
  • Tetide in Sciro (1715 Vicenza) [lost]|
  • Il germanico (1716 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'innocenza riconosciuta (1717 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'amore in gara col fasto (1718 Rovigo) [lost]|
  • Farnace (1718 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il pescatore disingannato (1721 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'Arminio (1722 Venezia) [lost]
  • 1653: Muffat, Georg (*1.6.1653 Mégève, Savoie - 23.2.1704 Passau)|
  • Marina Armena (5.9.1679 Salzburg) [lost]|
  • Königin Mariamne (9.1680 Salzburg) [lost]
  • 1653: Ziani, Marc'Antonio [Marco Antonio] (c.1653 Venezia - 22.1.1715 Wien)|
  • L'Inganno regnante, overo L'Atanagilda Regina di Gotia (1688 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • Il gran Tamerlano (1689 Venezia SGP) [lost]|
  • La Falsirena (1690 Venezia SA) [Marte deluso] [lost]|
  • Creonte (1690 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • L'amante eroe (1691 Venezia SSv) [Alessandro amante eroe] [lost]|
  • La Virtù trionfante dell'Amore e dell'Odio (1691 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Gl'amori ministri della fortuna (1694 Milano D) [rev. La Virtù trionfante?] [lost]|
  • L'Amore figlio del Merito (1694 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • La moglie nemica (1694 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Il Domizio (1696 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • La finta pazzia d'Ulisse (1696 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • I rivali generosi (1697 Venezia SSv) [Belisario in Ravenna, ovvero I rivali generosi] [lost]|
  • La ninfa bizarra (1697 Venezia T Dolo) [lost]|
  • Eumene (1697 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Odoardo (1698 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • L'Egisto Rè di Cipro (1698 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • Il Teodosio (1699 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • Gl'amori tra gli odii, o sia Ramiro in Norvegia (1699 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • Il duello d'amore e di vendetta (1699 Venezia SSv) [L'odio placato] [lost]|
  • La pace generosa (1700 Venezia SSv) [lost]|
  • Il Temistocle (9.6.1701 Wien H) [lost]|
  • Gli ossequi della notte (22.7.1701 Wien F) [lost]|
  • La fuga dell'Invidia (15.11.1701 Wien H) [lost]|
  • Il Romolo (9.6.1702 Wien H) [lost]|
  • Introduzione per musica al problema d'un accademia (1707 Wien H) [lost]|
  • Introduzione per musica per una altra accademia (1707 Wien H) [lost]|
  • Amor tra nemici (1714 Wien) [lost]
  • 1653(est): Conradi, Johann Georg (? - 22.5.1699 Oettingen)|
  • Templum Martis oder Auffzug (1683 Ansbach) [lost]
  • 1654: Steffani [Staffani; Steffano; Stefani; Stephani], Agostino (25.7.1654 Castelfranco, c. Venezia - 12.2.1728 Frankfurt am Main)|
  • ? (1682 München) [serenata per le nozze Gräfin von Preysing] [lost]


  • 1655: Lanciani, Flavio Carlo (c.1655 Roma - 1724 Roma)|
  • Il visir amante geloso (1685 Todi) [lost]|
  • La forza del sangue (1686 Roma) [lost]|
  • L'amante del suo nemico (1688 Roma) [lost]
  • 1655: Bitti, Martino (1655/6 Genova - 2.2.1743 Firenze)|
  • I trionfi di Giosuè (1703 Firenze) [Giosuè in Gabaon] [et al.] [lost]|
  • Sara in Egitto (1708 Firenze) [L'onesta oambattuta di Sara] [et al.] [lost]
  • 1656: Moreau, Jean-Baptiste (1656 Angers - 24.8.1733 Paris)|
  • Les Bergers de Marly (1687) [lost]|
  • Jonathas (1688) [lost]|
  • Judith () [lost]|
  • Absalon (1702) [lost]|
  • Débora (1706) [lost]|
  • Le feu de joye () [lost]|
  • Zaïre () [lost]
  • 1656(est): Orgiani, Teofilo (? Vicenza - 1725 Vicenza)|
  • Il vitio depresso e la virtù coronata (24.11.1686 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Il Dioclete (18.1.1687 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Le gare dell'Inganno e dell'Amore (1689 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Il tiranno deluso (1691 Vicenza) [rev. Il Roderico (anon)] [lost]|
  • Amori di Rinaldo con Armida (1697 Brescia) [lost]|
  • Li avenimenti di Rinaldo con Armida (18.12.1698 Udine) [rev. L'Armida (anon)] [Li amori e incanti d'Armida con Rinaldo] [lost; =? Amori di Rinaldo con Armida]|
  • La maga trionfante (1700 Este) [lost; =? Li avenimenti di Rinaldo con Armida]|
  • Onor al cimento (1703 Venezia SF) [lost; =? Amori di Rinaldo con Armida]|
  • La fedeltà nell'amore (1707 Vicenza) [Le vicende d'Amore] [lost]|
  • Armida Regina di Damasco (aut.1711 Verona) [lost; =? Li avenimenti di Rinaldo con Armida; =? Armida in Damasco (Rampini)]|
  • Euridice (1712 Padova) [lost]
  • 1657: Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (*25.7.1657 Esens, Ost Friesland - 17.4.1714 Rudolstat, Thüringen)|
  • Die Plejades oder Das Siebengestirne (1693) [lost]|
  • Die siegende Unschuld unter dem Beispiele Hunonis, Grafen zu Oldenburg (1702) [lost]|
  • Der erfreute Schäfer-Gesellschaft (1702) [lost]|
  • Der wahrsagende Wunderbrunnen (1704) [lost]
  • 1657(est): Porfirii [Porfiri], Pietro (? - ?)|
  • Zenocrate ambasciatore a' Macedoni (1687 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Lo schiavo fortunato in Algeri (1688 Treviso) [lost]|
  • Il Vespasiano (1.6.1692 Fabriano) [+ Pallavicino] [lost]|
  • La forza del sangue, o vero Gl'equivoci gelosi (1696 Mondolfo, c. Senigallia) [+ Lanciani] [lost]|
  • L'Isfile amazzone di Lenno (1697 Pesaro) [lost]|
  • La Leucippe (20.6.1709 Senigallia) [lost]
  • 1659: Schwartzkopff, Theodor (*6.11.1659 Ulm - 13.5.1732 Ludwigsburg)|
  • Paridis Urteil (1686 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Endymion (1688 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Amalthea (1697 Stuttgart) [?] [lost]|
  • Serenata (1721 Ludwigsburg) [lost]


  • 1660: Campra, André (4.12.1660 Aix-en-Provence - 29.6.1744 Versailles)|
  • La Feste de l'Isle-Adam (1722 Paris O) [lost]|
  • Les Muses rassemblées pat l'Amour (2.1724 Aix) [lost]|
  • Les Sauvages (14.9.1729 Paris O) [lost]
  • 1660: Ballaroti, Francesco (c.1660 - 4.1712 Bergamo)|
  • Dialogo musicale fra Nettuno e Bergamo (1688 Bergamo) [lost]|
  • Il merito fortunato (1691 Bergamo) [lost]|
  • Aiace (1694 Milano) [+ Lonati, Magni] [lost]|
  • Ariovisto (1699 Milano) [+ Perti, Magni] [lost]|
  • La caduta dei Decemviri (1699 Reggio Emilia) [lost]|
  • Esione (1699 Torino) [lost]|
  • Alciade, overo L'Eroico amore (1709 Bergamo) [La violenza d'amore] [+ Gasparini, Pollarolo] [lost]|
  • Il cuor del leone, o sia La stella di prima grandezza (? Milano) [lost]
  • 1660: Finger, Gottfried [Godfrey] (c.1660 Olomouc? - *31.8.1730 Mannheim)|
  • Der Sieg der Schönheit über die Helden (1706 Berlin) [+ A. Stricker, J.B. Volumier] [lost]
  • 1660: Matho [Matant; Matau; Mathau; Matheau; Matos; Matot; Mattan], Jean-Baptiste (c.1660 Bretagne - 16.3.1746 Versailles)|
  • Coronis (1689 Versailles) [lost?]|
  • Le Prince de Catay (17.8.1704 Châtenay) [lost]|
  • La Fine mouche (8.3.1706 Clagny) [lost?]|
  • L'Hôte de Lemnos (8.8.1707 Châtenay) [lost]
  • 1660: Kuhnau [Kuhn, Cuno], Johann (6.4.1660 Geising, Erzgebirge - 5.6.1722 Leipzig)|
  • Orpheus (? Weissenfels?) [lost]|
  • ? () [Singspiel] [lost]|
  • ? (1683) [dramma per musica] [lost]
  • 1661: Perti, Giacomo [Jacopo] Antonio (6.6.1661 Crevalcore, c. Bologna - 10.4.1756 Bologna)|
  • Atide (23.6.1679 Bologna) [+ G.F. Tosi, P. degli Antoni] [lost]|
  • Marzio Coriolano (20.1.1683 Venezia) [lost]|
  • L'incoronazione di Dario (13.1.1686 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Dionisio Siracusano (carn.1689 Parma) [lost]|
  • Brenno in Efeso (1690 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Il Pompeo (carn.1691 Genova) [lost]|
  • La forza della virtù (25.5.1694 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Laodicea e Berenice (1695 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Penelope la casta (25.1.1696 Roma) [lost]|
  • Fausta restituita all'impero (19.1.1697 Roma) [lost]|
  • Apollo geloso (16.8.1698 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Ariovisto (9.1699 Milano) [+ P. Magni, F. Ballarotti] [lost]|
  • La prosperità di Elio Sejano (carn.1699 Milano) [+ A. Vanelli, F. Martinenghi] [lost]|
  • Dionisio rè di Portogallo (9.1707 Pratolino) [lost]|
  • Il fratricida innocente (19.5.1708 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Ginevra principessa di Scozia (aut.1708 Pratolino) [lost]|
  • Berenice regina d'Egitto (9.1709 Pratolino) [lost]|
  • Rodelinda regina de' Longobardi (aut.1710 Pratolino) [lost]|
  • Lucio Vero (spr.1717 Bologna) [lost]|
  • L'inganno trionfante in amore () [rev. Laodicea e Berenice] [lost]|
  • Il Venceslao () [rev. Il fratricida innocente] [lost]
  • 1661: Desmarets [Desmarest, Desmarestz, Desmarais], Henri (2.1661 Paris - 7.9.1741 Lunéville)|
  • Endymion (16.3.1682 Versailles) [lost]
  • 1662: Bousset, Jean-Baptiste (1662 Dijon - 3.10.1725 Paris)|
  • +1 [lost]
  • 1662(est): Griffini, Giacomo (? - ?)|
  • Endimione (24.11.1692 Lodi) [+ P. Magni] [lost]|
  • La Gosmena (1693 Lodi) [lost]|
  • L'Arione (1694 Milano) [et al.] [lost]|
  • La fortunata sventura di Medoro, o La pazzia d'Orlando (1697 Lodi) [lost]
  • 1663: Albergati (Capacelli), Pirro Conte d' (20.9.1663 Bologna - 22.6.1735 Bologna)|
  • ? (27.8.1692 Bologna) [serenata] [lost]|
  • Gli amici (16.8.1699 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Il principe selvaggio (1.1712 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1663(est): Petersen, David (? - ?)|
  • Amaryllis (1693) [lost]
  • 1664: Pez [Petz], Johann Christoph (9.9.1664 München - 25.9.1716 Stuttgart)|
  • In solo Deo unica quies (1684) [lost]|
  • Viriles constantia (1686) [lost]|
  • Jonathus Machabaeus (1686) [lost]|
  • Il giudizio di Marforio (1695) [lost]|
  • Il riso d'Apolline (1701) [lost]|
  • Matthias e captivo rex (1702) [lost]|
  • Guilelmus e Duce (1703) [lost]|
  • Aquitaniae Eremita (1703) [lost]|
  • Tamerlanes (1706) [lost]
  • 1664: Stupan von Ehrenstein, Johann Jakob (1664 - 17.1.1739 Wien)|
  • Martis exilium, e pacis reditus (31.7.1709 Wien) [lost]|
  • Radimirus ex reo rex (1710) [lost]


  • 1665: Battistini, Giacomo (1665 - 5.2.1719 Novara)|
  • Antonio in Roma (carn.1695 Novara) [+ A. Besozzi, D. Erba] [lost]|
  • Antioco (carn.1698 Novara) [lost]
  • 1665: Lully, Jean-Baptiste ii (6.8.1665 Paris - 3.1743 Paris)|
  • Eglogue (10.1697 Fontainebleau) [lost]
  • 1665: Mancia [Manza], Luigi (c.1665? Veneto? - >1708)|
  • ? (28.5.1708 Brescia) [serenata] [lost]
  • 1665(est): Fasoli, Francesco (? Zelo Bon Persico, c. Lodi - 18.3.1712 Torino)|
  • Anfitrione di Plauto (1695 Torino) [+ A.D. Lignani] [lost]
  • 1666(est): Ruggieri [Ruggeri], Giovanni Maria (? - ?)|
  • La Clotilde (win.1696 Venezia SC) [Amar per vendetta] [lost?]|
  • La Mariamme (aut.1696 Venezia SGP) [lost?]|
  • La saggia pazzia di Giunio Bruto (aut.1698 Venezia SGP) [lost?]|
  • Milciade (carn.1699 Venezia SGP) [lost?]|
  • Armida abbandonata (aut.1707 Venezia SA) [lost?]|
  • Arremone (1708 Venezia SA) [et al.] [lost?]|
  • Arato in Sparta (carn.1709 Venezia SA) [lost?]|
  • Non son quella, è la diffesa (aut.1710 Venezia SA) [lost?]|
  • L'ingannator ingannato (aut.1710 Venezia SS) [lost?]|
  • Elisa (aut.1711 Venezia SA) [lost?]|
  • Le gare di politica e d'amore (aut.1711 Venezia SS) [lost?]|
  • Arsinoe vendicata (carn.1712 Venezia SA) [lost?]
  • 1667: Bronner, Georg [Jürgen] (*17.2.1667 Hamburg - *8.3.1720 Hamburg)|
  • Echo und Narcissus (1693 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Venus oder Die siegende Liebe (1694 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Procris und Cephalus (1701 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Der Tod des grossen Pans (1702 Hamburg) [+ J. Mattheson] [lost]|
  • Victor Herzog der Normannen (1702 Hamburg) [+ J.C. Schiefferdecker, Mattheson] [lost]|
  • Berenice (1702 Hamburg) [?] [lost]
  • 1668: Schweizelsperg [Schweizelsberg; Schweizelsperger], Casimir [Caspar] (3.12.1668 Rosenheim, Oberbayern - > 1772)|
  • Der verstellte Dorindo (1712 Durlach) [?] [lost]|
  • Die in ihrem Christentum standhaft gebliebene Märtyrerin Margaretha (c.1714 Durlach) [?] [lost]|
  • Artemisia und Cleomedes (1716 Durlach) [lost]|
  • Die unglückselige Liebe zwischen der egyptischen Königin Cleopatra und die romischen Trium-Vir Antonio (1716 Durlach) [lost]|
  • Diomedes (1717 Durlach) [lost]
  • 1669: Marchand, Louis (2.2.1669 Lyon - 17.2.1732 Paris)|
  • Pyrame et Thisbé () [lost]
  • 1670: Boxberg, Christian Ludwig (24.4.1670 Sondershausen - 1.12.1729 Görlitz)|
  • Orion (1697 Ansbach) [lost]|
  • Die verschwiegene Treue (1698 Ansbach) [lost]|
  • Amyntas und Phyllis (1700 Leipzig) [lost]
  • 1670: Bononcini, Giovanni (18.7.1670 Modena - 9.7.1747 Wien)|
  • La nemica d'amore (10.8.1692 Roma PC) [lost]|
  • Enea in Caonia (1711; np?) [lost]|
  • Amore per amor (24.6.1732 London H) [lost]
  • 1670: Wilderer, Johann Hugo von (1670-1671 ?, Bayern - *7.6.1724 Mannheim)|
  • Coronide (1722 Heidelberg) [lost]
  • 1672(est): Vignati, Giuseppe (? Bologna? - 1768 Milano)|
  • Amor per virtù (carn.1702 Torino TR) [lost] [?]|
  • Ambleto (28.8.1719 Milano D) [+ C. Baliani, G. Cozzi] [lost]|
  • Porsena (26.12.1719 Milano D) [lost]|
  • Aquilio in Siracusa (28.8.1720 Milano D) [lost]|
  • Nerone (26.12.1734 Milano D) [lost]|
  • I rivali generosi (Asc.1726 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • Girita (1.1727 Milano D) [lost]
  • 1674: Philip de Bourbon, Duc de Chartres et Orléans (2.8.1674 St Cloud - 2.12.1723 Versailles)|
  • Philomèle (1694 Paris PR) [+ M.A. Charpentier] [lost]


  • 1675: Coletti, Agostino Bonaventura (c.1675 Lucca - 1752 Venezia)|
  • Bruto e Cassio (1699 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Muzio Scevola (1723 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Codro re d'Atene (1723 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Timoleonte cittadino di Corinto (1726 Lucca) [lost]
  • 1675: Grünewald [Grunewald], Gottfried (1675 Eywau, c. Zittau - 19.12.1739 Darmstadt)|
  • Der ungetreue Schäfer Cardillo (1703 Leipzig) [lost]|
  • Germanicus (1704 Leipzig) [lost]
  • 1675: Lacoste, Louis de (c.1675 - c.1755)|
  • Pomone () [lost]
  • 1676: Pollarolo, (Giovanni) Antonio (*12.11.1676 Brescia - 30.5.1746 Venezia)|
  • L'Aristeo (1700 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Griselda (1701 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Demetrio e Tolomeo (1702 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Nerone fatto Cesare (1715 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Leucippo e Teonoe (1719 Venezia) [lost]|
  • La figlia che canta (1719 Venezia) [?] [lost]|
  • Lucio Papirio dittatore (1721 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Venceslao (1721 Venezia) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Turia Lucrezia (1728 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Labbandono di Arminda (1729 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Sulpizia fedele (1729 Venezia) [lost]
  • 1676(est): Monza, Carlo Antonio (? Milano? - 1736 Vercelli)|
  • Paride ed Ida (1706 Venezia SA) [+ A.B. Coletti] [lost]|
  • Alessandro in Susa (1708 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Sidonio (13.1.1714 Napoli F) [lost]|
  • La Circe in Italia (carn.1717 Roma P) [lost]|
  • Carlo in Allemagna (c.1719) [lost]|
  • La Floridea regina di Ciprio (carn.1723 Ancona) [lost]|
  • Cambise (1724 Messina) [lost]|
  • Tamerlano () [lost]
  • 1677: Clari, Giovanni Carlo Maria (27.9.1677 Pisa - 16.5.1754 Pisa)|
  • Il savio delirante (27.1.1695 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1678: Vivaldi, Antonio (Lucio) (4.3.1678 Venezia - 28.7.1741 Wien)|
  • Nerone fatto Cesare (carn.1715 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • La costanza trionfante degl'amori e de gl'odii (carn.1716 Venezia SM) [Artabano, Re de' Parti; L'Artabano; Doriclea?] [lost]|
  • Tieteberga (aut.1717 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Scanderbeg (22.6.1718 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • La Candace o siano Li veri amici (carn.1720 Mantova) [lost]|
  • Filippo Re di Macedonia (carn.1721 Venezia SA) [+ Boneveni] [lost]|
  • La Silvia (26.8.1721 Milano D) [lost]|
  • L'inganno trionfante in amore (aut.1725 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Cunegonda (carn.1726 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • La Fede tradita e vendicata (carn.1726 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Ipermestra (carn.1727 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Siroe, Re di Persia (5.1727 Reggio) [lost]|
  • Rosilena ed Oronte (17.1.1728 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Argippo (aut.1730 Praha Sporck) [lost]|
  • Alvilda, Regina de' Goti (spr.1731 Praha Sporck) [et al.] [lost]|
  • L'odio vinto dalla costanza (carn.1731 Venezia SA) [+ Galeozzi] [rev. La costanza trionfante] [lost]|
  • Semiramide (carn.1732 Mantova) [lost]|
  • Motezuma (aut.1733 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • L'Adelaide (carn.1735 Verona) [=? L'Atenaide] [lost]|
  • Aristide (5.1735 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • Ginevra, Principessa di Scozia (1.1736 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Didone (4.1737 London) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Il giorno felice (1737 Wien) [rev. La fida ninfa] [lost]|
  • L'oracolo in Messenia (carn.1738 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Feraspe (aut.1739 Venezia SA) [lost]
  • 1679: Scarlatti, Pietro Filippo (5.1.1679 Roma - 22.2.1750 Napoli)|
  • Clitarco (1728 Napoli SB) [lost?]


  • 1680: Canuti, Giovanni Antonio (c.1680 Lucca - 4.1739 Lucca)|
  • Muzio Scevola (Tas.1723 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Rodelinda (1724 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Codro re d'Atene (Tas.1726 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Timoleonte cittadino di Corinto (Tas.1729 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Luicio Giunio Bruto (Tas.1729 Lucca) [lost]
  • 1680: Galliard, John Ernest [Johann Ernst] (c.1680 Celle? - 1749 London)|
  • Decius and Paulina (22.3.1718 London LI) [lost]|
  • Oedipus (1722? London LI) [+ Purcell] [lost]|
  • The Nuptial Masque (16.3.1734 London CG) [lost]|
  • Oreste e Pilade (inc) [lost]
  • 1680: Dornel, Louis-Antoine (c.1680 ? - > 1756 Paris)|
  • Les Élèves d'Apollon (1729 Paris: Concert Français) [lost]
  • 1681: Conti, Francesco Bartolomeo (20.1.1681 Firenze - 20.7.1732 Wien)|
  • Clotilde (carn.1706? Wien) [lost]|
  • Vespetto e Milo (1717 Dresden) [intermezzo: Giove in Argo (Lotti)] [lost]|
  • L'ammalato immaginario (1727 Perugia) [lost]
  • 1681: Mattheson, Johann (28.9.1681 Hamburg - 17.4.1764 Hamburg)|
  • Die Plejades oder Das Sieben-Gestirne (1699 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Der edelmüthige Porsenna (1702 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Victor, Hertzog der Normannen (1702 Hamburg) [+ Schiefferdecker, Bronner] [lost]|
  • Le Retour du siècle d'or (1705 c. Plön, Holstein) [lost]|
  • Boris Goudenow (1710 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Die geheimen Begebenheiten Henrico IV (1711 Hamburg) [lost]|
  • Nero (1723 Hamburg) [rev. (Orlandini)] [lost]
  • 1684: Durante, Francesco (31.3.1684 Frattamaggiore, Aversa - 30.9.1755 Napoli)|
  • La cerva assetata, ovvero L'anima nelle fiamme della gloria (18.2.1791 Napoli) [lost]
  • 1685: Scarlatti, (Giuseppe) Domenico (26.10.1685 Napoli - 23.7.1757 Madrid)|
  • Silvia (27.1.1710 Roma: P Zuccari) [lost]|
  • Ifigenia in Aulide (11.1.1713 Roma: P Zuccari) [lost]|
  • Ifigenia in Tauri (15.2.1713 Roma: P Zuccari) [lost]|
  • Amor d'un ombra e gelosia d'un aura (20.1.1714 Roma: P Zuccari) [lost]|
  • La Dirindina (1715; np) [intermezzo: Ambleto] [lost]|
  • Intermedi pastorale (carn.1715 Roma Ca) [intermezzo: Ambleto] [lost]|
  • Berenice, regina d'Egitto, ovvero Le gare d'amore e di politica (carn.1718 Roma Ca) [+ Porpora] [lost]|
  • Didone abbandonata (1724 Roma) [?] [lost]
  • 1686: Tonelli [De' Pietri], Antonio (19.8.1686 Carpi - 25.12.1765 Carpi)|
  • Lucio Vero (1731 Bologna, Carpi) [lost] [+ Canoppo e Lisetta, Ferrari] [lost]
  • 1686: Marcello, Benedetto (24.7.1686/1.8.1686 Venezia - 24/25.7.1739 Brescia)|
  • La fede riconosciuta (1707 Vicenza) [?] [lost]|
  • Calisto in Orsa (1725) [?] [lost]
  • 1686(est): Trost, Johann Baptist Matthäus (? - ?)|
  • Die bestürzte Königin in Schottland Maria Stuart (1716?) [?] [lost]|
  • Die enthauptete Königin in Schottland Maria Stuart (1716) [?] [lost]|
  • Rhea Sylvia (1716 Durlach) [lost]|
  • Ademarus (1718 Durlach?) [lost]|
  • +? [lost]
  • 1688: Fasch, Johann Friedrich (15.4.1688 Buttelstädt, c. Weimar - 5.12.1758 Zerbst)|
  • Clomire (1711 Naumburg, Zeitz) [lost]|
  • Lucius Verus (1711 Zeitz) [Berenice] [lost]|
  • Die getreue Dido (1712 Naumburg) [lost]|
  • Margenis (carn.1715 Bayreuth) [lost]
  • 1688: Predieri, Luca Antonio (13.9.1688 Bologna - 1767 Bologna)|
  • La Partenope (28.10.1710 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Astarte (1715 Roma Ca) [lost]|
  • Il pazzo per politica (1717 Livorno) [lost]|
  • La fede ne' tradimenti (1718 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Merope (1718 Livorno) [lost]|
  • Il duello d'amore e di vendetta (1718 Livorno) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo della virtù (1719 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo di Solimano, ovvero Il trionfo maggiore è vincere se stesso (1719 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • La finta pazzia di Diana (1719 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Anagilda (1719 Torino) [lost]|
  • Tito Manlio (1721 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Sofonisba (1722 Roma Al) [lost]|
  • Scipione (1724 Roma Al) [lost]|
  • Cesare in Egitto (1728 Roma Ca) [lost]|
  • Eurene (1729 Milano) [lost]|
  • Sirbace (2.7.1730 Pistoia) [rev. Eurene] [lost]|
  • Scipione il giovane (1731 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Alessandro nell'Indie (1731 Milano) [lost]|
  • La serva padrona (1732 Firenze P) [lost]|
  • Il sogno di Scipione (1.10.1735 Wien) [lost]|
  • Zoe (1736 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • Ipermestra (1744 Wien) [+ Hasse] [lost]|
  • Armida placata (1750 Wien B) [et al.] [lost]


  • 1690: Chelleri [Kelleri, Keller, Cheler], Fortunato (5.1690 Parma - 11.12.1757 Kassel)|
  • La Griselda (1707 Piacenza) [lost]|
  • Alessandro il grande (1708 Cremona) [lost]|
  • Zenobia in Palmira (1709 Barcelona) [lost]|
  • L'innocenza giustificata (1711 Milano T Provvisorio) [lost]|
  • Atalanta (carn.1713 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • La caccia in Etolia (28.5.1715 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Ircano innamorato (28.5.1715 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Alessandro fra gli Amazzoni (aut.1715 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Penelope la casta (carn.1716 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • Alessandro severo (carn.1718 Firenze Infuocati) [lost]|
  • Amalassunta, regina di Goti (26.12.1718 Venezia SA) [lost]|
  • La pace per amore (carn.1719 Venezia SM) [+ G.M. Buini] [lost]|
  • Tamerlano (carn.1720 Treviso) [lost]|
  • Arsacide (28.12.1720 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Petronio e Dorise (28.12.1720 Venezia SM) [?] [intermezzo: Arsacide] [lost]|
  • Il Temistocle (6.1721 Padova) [lost]|
  • L'innocenza difesa dai numi (carn.1722 Venezia SA) [rev. L'innocenza giustificata] [lost]|
  • L'amor tirannico (5.1722 Venezai SS) [lost]|
  • L'amore della patria superiore ad ogni altro (1722 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Zenobia e Radamisto (1722 Venezia) [lost]|
  • Pastorale serenata (1722 Würzburg) [lost]|
  • Il nemico amante (carn.1724 Venezia SM) [rev. La pace per amore] [lost]
  • 1690: Giai [Giaii, Giaij, Giay], Giovanni Antonio (c.1690 Torino - 10.9.1764 Torino)|
  • ? (1727 Malta) [serenata] [lost]|
  • ? (1729 Malta) [serenata] [lost]
  • 1690: Stölzel [Stöltzel; Stözl], Gottfried Heinrich (13.1.1690 Grünstädtel, c. Schwarzenberg, Erzgebirge - 27.11.1749 Gotha)|
  • Narcissus (1711/12 Wroclaw) [lost]|
  • Valeria (1712 Naumburg) [lost]|
  • Rosen und Dornen der Liebe (1713 Gera) [lost]|
  • Artemisia (1713 Naumburg) [lost]|
  • Orion (1713 Naumburg) [lost]|
  • Venus und Adonis (1715-17 Praha) [Adonis] [lost]|
  • Das durch Liebe besiegte Glück (1715-17 Praha) [lost]|
  • Diomedes (1718 Bayreuth) [lost]|
  • Der Musenberg (1723 Gotha) [lost]|
  • Die beglückte Tugend (1723 Gotha) [lost]|
  • Die Ernde der Freuden (1727 Gotha) [lost]|
  • Venus und Adonis [rev] (1728-30 Altenburg) [lost]|
  • Thersander und Demonassa oder die glückliche Liebe (1733 Gotha) [lost]|
  • Narcissus [rev] (1734-35 Gotha) [?] [lost]|
  • Die gekrönte Weisheit (1742 Gotha) [lost]
  • 1690: Bergiron [Bergiron de Briou], Nicolas-Antoine, Seigneur du Fort Michon (12.12.1690 Lyon - < 27.4.1768 Lyon)|
  • Les Vendanges de Neuville (15.4.1722 Lyon) [lost]|
  • Aréthuse (1722-3) [lost]|
  • La Chasse (10.2.1723 Lyon) [lost]|
  • L'Apothéose d'Hercule () [lost]|
  • La Pastorale () [lost]|
  • La Fête marine () [lost]|
  • Le Désespoir () [lost]|
  • ? () [lost]
  • 1691: Plánický [Planitzky, Planiczky, Planiciczky], Josef Antonín [Joseph Anton] (?27.11.1691 Manetin, Cechy - 17.9.1732 Freising)|
  • Zelus divi corbiniani ecclesiae frisingensis fundamentum (7.10.1724 Freising) [lost]
  • 1695: Deichel, Joseph Christoph (30.12.1695 Eichstätt - 2.8.1753 Eichstätt)|
  • In funere vita (1725 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Ulferus (1725 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Antonio tre volte glorioso giubileo prete infulato (8.9.1729 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Punita negligentia (1734 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Sacra lectio (1735 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Heylsame Betrachtung (1745 Eichstätt) [lost]
  • 1696: Hurlebusch, Conrad Friedrich (c.1696 Braunschweig - 17.12.1765 Amsterdam)|
  • L'innocenza difesa (1722? Braunschweig) [lost]|
  • Arminio (c.1725 Stockholm?) [lost]|
  • Gunderich (carn.1726 Bayreuth?) [lost]|
  • Dorinda (carn.1726 Bayreuth?) [lost]|
  • Etearchis (carn.1726 Bayreuth?) [lost]|
  • Flavio Cuniberto (1727? Braunschweig) [lost]
  • 1697: Platti, Giovanni Benedetto (9.7.1697 Padova - 11.1.1763 Würzburg)|
  • Arianna (1729 Würzburg) [lost?]
  • 1697: Prowo, Pierre (8.4.1697 Altona - 8.11.1757 Altona)|
  • Jahrmarkt von St Germain (1738) [et al.] [lost]
  • 1697(est): Bencini, Giuseppe (? - ?)|
  • Il Nerone (1727 Firenze) [?] [lost]
  • 1698: Broschi [Brosca], Riccardo (c.1698 Napoli - 1756 Madrid)|
  • La vecchia sorda (aut.1725 Napoli F) [lost]|
  • L'isola di Alcina (1728 Roma T) [Bradamante nell'isola d'Alcina] [lost]|
  • Ezio (carn.1731 Torino TR) [lost]|
  • Arianna e Teseo (28.8.1732 Milano D) [lost]|
  • Adriano in Siria (1735 Milano D) [lost]|
  • Nerone (1735 Roma T) [?] [lost]|
  • Demetrio (30.6.1738 Napoli SC) [+ L. Leo et al.] [lost?]
  • 1699: Deichel, Joseph Anton (17.3.1699 Eichstätt - 13.4.1778 Eichstätt)|
  • Voto musico (4.12.1736 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Musicalisches Gespräch des heiligen Alexius (1741 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Le belleze, che sono né tre pomi d'Antonio (12.1752 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Celebratio Deo sacri Eustettensi Hiimenaei (1758 Eichstätt) [lost]|
  • Il enclado ovvero Finat nuove mascerata di Carnovale (1768 Eichstätt) [lost]


  • 1700: Seedo [Sidow; Sydow] (c.1700 - c.1754 Preussen?)|
  • Venus, Cupid and Hymen (21.5.1733 London DL) [lost]|
  • The Author's Farce (15.1.1734 London DL) [rev] [et al.] [lost]
  • 1701: Caroli, Angelo Antonio (13.6.1701 Bologna - 26.6.1778 Bologna)|
  • Amor nato tra l'ombre (carn.1723 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Il dolor di Cerere nel ratto (1735) [lost]|
  • Il Demetrio re della Siria (carn.1742 Bologna) [lost]|
  • San Marino sul monte Titano (? Bologna) [lost]
  • 1702: Almeida, Francisco António de (c.1702 Lisboa - 1755 Lisboa?)|
  • La finta pazza (carn.1735 Lisboa) [lost]|
  • La virtù trionfanti (1738 Lisboa) [lost]
  • 1702: Eberlin [Eberle], Johann Ernst (27.3.1702 Jettingen, c. Burgau, Bayern - 19.6.1762 Salzburg)|
  • Demofoonte (1759) [lost]|
  • Demetrio (1760) [lost]|
  • Ipermestra (1761) [lost]
  • 1703: Lampe, John Frederick (c.1703 Sachsen - 25.7.1751 Edinburgh)|
  • Dione (23.2.1733 London LT) [lost]
  • 1704: Manna, Cristoforo (1704 Napoli - ? Napoli)|
  • La trionfo d'ammore o pure chi dura vence (spr.1729 Napoli F) [lost]
  • 1705: Royer, Joseph-Nicolas-Pancrace (c.1705 Torino - 11.1.1755 Paris)|
  • Myrtil et Zélie (20.6.1750 Versailles) [lost?]|
  • Prométhée et Pandore (5.10.1752 Paris*) [lost?]
  • 1708(est): Chiarini, Pietro (? Brescia - > c.1765 Cremona?)|
  • Argenide (aut.1738) [lost]|
  • Statira (5.1741 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • Il finto pazzo (5.1741 Venezia SS) [intermezzo: Statira] [+ G. Latilla] [lost]|
  • Amor fa l'uomo cieco (1742 Genova) [rev. Il finto pazzo] [intermezzo: Artaserse] [lost]|
  • I fratelli riconosciuti (1.1743 Verona) [lost]|
  • Meride e Selinunte (carn.1743/4 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Alessandro nell'Indie (carn.1744/5 Verona) [lost]|
  • La donna dottoressa (1754 Cremona) [lost]
  • 1709: Béthizy, Jean Laurent de (25.3.1709 Paris - 17.11.1781 Longwy, Meurthe-et-Moselle)|
  • L'Enlêvement d'Europe (1739 Versailles) [lost]
  • 1710: Alberti, Domenico (c.1710 Venezia - c.1740 Formio/Roma)|
  • Temistocle () [?] [lost]
  • 1710: Arne, Thomas Augustine (12.3.1710 London - 5.3.1778 London)|
  • Harlequin's Orpheus, or The Magical Pipe (3.3.1733 London DL) [lost]|
  • Neptune and Amphitrite (31.1.1746 London DL) [masque: The Tempest] [lost]|
  • The Muses' Looking Glass (9.3.1749 London CG) [masque: War, Peace, and Plenty] [lost]|
  • The Temple of Peace (1749 Dublin) [et al.] [lost]|
  • Phoebe at Court (22.2.1776 London KT) [lost]
  • 1710(est): Du Grain [du Grain, Dügren], Jean [Johann Jeremias] (? - 19.1.1756? Gdansk?)|
  • Der Winter (23.2.1740 Gdansk) [lost]
  • 1711: Bonno [Bon, Bonno], Giuseppe [Josephus, Josef] (Johannes Baptizta) (29.1.1711 Wien - 15.4.1788 Wien)|
  • Danae (1744; np?) [lost]|
  • Ezio (1749; np?) [lost]|
  • Didone abbandonata (1752; np?) [lost]|
  • Complimento (1761) [lost]
  • 1711: Boyce, William (*11.9.1711 London - 7.2.1779 Kensington)|
  • The Roman Father (24.2.1750 London DL) [lost]
  • 1712: Stanley, John (17.1.1712 London - 19.5.1786 London)|
  • The Tears and Triumphs of Parnassus (17.11.1760 London DL) [lost]
  • 1714: Jommelli [Jomelli], Nicolò [Niccolò] (10.9.1714 Aversa - 25.8.1774 Naples)|
  • Il giardino incanto (1755 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Enea nel Lazio (30.8.1755 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Tito Manlio (6.1.1758 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Endimione ovvero Il trionfo d'amore (spr.1759 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Nitteti (11.2.1759 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • Alessandro nell'Indie (11.2.1760 Stuttgart) [lost]|
  • L'isola disabitata (4.11.1761 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo d'amore (16.2.1763 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • Il re pastore (4.11.1764 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • La pastorella illustre (4.11.1764 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • Le cinesi (1765 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • La clemenza di Tito (6.1.1765 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • Il matrimonio per concorso (4.11.1766 Ludwigsburg) [lost]|
  • La pellegrina () [lost]


  • 1715: Zonca [Zonka; Zonga], Giuseppe [Joseph] (1715 Brescia - 4.1.1772 München)|
  • Il re pastore (1760 München H) [lost]
  • 1716: Giardini [Degiardino], Felice (de') (12.4.1716 Torino - 8.6.1796 Moskva)|
  • Rosmira (30.4.1757 London KT) [lost]|
  • Il re pastore (7.3.1765 London KT) [lost]|
  • Sappho (c.1778) [?] [lost]
  • 1717: Mazzoni, Antonio (Maria) (4.1.1717 Bologna - 8.12.1785 Bologna)|
  • Siroe, re di Persia (1746 Fano) [lost]|
  • L'Issipile (1747 Macerata) [lost]|
  • La Didone abbandonata (1753 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Il Demofoonte (1754 Parma) [lost]|
  • Ifigenia in Tauride (1756 Treviso) [lost]|
  • Il viaggiatore ridicolo (1757 Parma) [lost]|
  • Arianna e Teseo (1758 Napoli SC) [lost]|
  • L'Eumene (1759 Torino TR) [lost]|
  • Le stravaganze del caso (1760 Bologna) [lost]|
  • L'astuto ciarlatano (1760 Bologna) [lost]|
  • Adriano in Siria (1760 Venezia SGG) [lost]|
  • Il mercante fallito (1762 Roma P) [lost]|
  • Nitteti (1764 Napoli SC) [lost]|
  • L'Inglese in Italia (1769 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1717: Gibert, Paul-César (1717 Versailles - 1787 Paris)|
  • Deucalion et Pyrrha (29.4.1772 Paris SG) [lost]
  • 1717: La Garde [Lagarde, Garde], Pierre de (10.2.1717 c. Crécy-en-Brie, Seine-et-Marne - c.1792)|
  • L'Impromptu de la cour de marbre (28.11.1751 Bellevue) [lost]
  • 1718: Pasquale, Niccolò (c.1718 - 13.10.1757 Edinburgh)|
  • The Enraged Musician, or The Tempest Rehearsed (c.13.1.1753 Edinburgh) [lost]
  • 1718: Camerloher [Camerlocher, Cammerlocher], Placidus Cajetan von (9.8.1718 Murnau - 21.7.1782 Freising)|
  • Melissa tradita () [lost]|
  • +19 [lost]
  • 1718(est): Prota, Tommasso (? Napoli - > 1768)|
  • La moglie padrona (1748 Napoli N) [lost]|
  • L'abate, ossia Il poeta moderno (1752 Malta) [lost]|
  • Il cicisbeo burlato (1.1764 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1719: Krause, Christian Gottfried (*17.4.1719 Winsko - 4.5.1770 Berlin)|
  • Der lustige Schulmeister (1766 Berlin) [lost]
  • 1720: Bury [Buri], Bernard de (20.8.1720 Versailles - 19.11.1785 Versailles)|
  • La Parque vaincue (1751 Versailles) [lost?]
  • 1720: Scolari, Giuseppe (1720? Vicenza - > 1774 Lisboa?)|
  • Il Pandolfo (aut.1745 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • La fata maravigliosa (carn.1745-6 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • L'Olimpiade (carn.1746-7 Venezia SM) [lost]|
  • Il vello d'oro (carn.1748-9 Venezia SC) [lost]|
  • Alessandro nell'Indie (carn.1749 Vicenza) [lost]|
  • Il chimico (23.9.1750 Barcelona) [lost]|
  • Didone abbandonata (30.5.1752 Barcelona) [lost]|
  • Adriano in Siria (carn.1753-4 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • Statira (Asc.1756 Venezia SS) [lost]|
  • L'Andromaca (20.1.1757 Lodi) [lost]|
  • Il ciarlatano (aut.1759 Venezia SM) [Il finto cavaliero] [lost]|
  • La buona figluola maritata (24.4.1762 Murano) [lost]|
  • Didone abbandonata [rev] (carn.1763 Ferrara) [lost]|
  • Il tuttore burlato (aut.1764 Rovigo) [+ G.M. Rutini] [rev. I matrimoni in maschera] [lost]|
  • Il ciarlone (carn.1765 Roma V) [lost]|
  • La schiava riconosciuta (sum.1765 Bologna) [+ Piccinni] [lost]|
  • La schiava riconosciuta [rev] (1766 Venezia) [et al.?] [lost]|
  • L'Arcifanfano (9.1768 Lisboa) [lost]|
  • Il Bejglierbej di Caramania (sum.1771 Lisboa) [lost]|
  • Eponina (20.1.1772 Cádiz) [lost]
  • 1720: Agricola, Johann Friedrich (4.1.1720 Dobitzschen, Saxe-Altenburg - 2.12.1774 Berlin)|
  • La ricamatrice divenuta dama (1.11.1751 Berlin) [lost]|
  • Amor e Psiche (10.1767 Berlin?) [lost]|
  • Il re pastore (9/10 1770? Berlin?) [lost]|
  • Oreste e Pilade (1772 Berlin?) [lost]|
  • I greci in Tauride (3.1772 Potsdam) [rev. Oreste e Pilade] [lost]
  • 1720: Schmid [Schmidt], Johann Michael (c.1720 Pernartitz, Cechy - 19.12.1792 Mainz)|
  • Regina Saba Salomonis hospita (1753) [lost]
  • 1721: Gasparini, Quirino (1721 Gandino, c. Bergamo - 30.9.1778 Torino)|
  • Mitridate re di Ponto (31.1.1767 Torino TR) [lost]
  • 1722: Benda, Georg (Anton) [Jirí Antonín] (*30.6.1722 Staré Benátky - 6.11.1795 Köstritz)|
  • Il buon marito (29.10.1766 Gotha) [lost]|
  • Il maestro di capella (25.4.1767) [Il nuovo maestro di capella] [lost]
  • 1723: Scarlatti, Giuseppe (?18.6.1723 Napoli - 17.8.1777 Wien)|
  • Arminio in Germania (24.6.1741 Firenze P) [lost]
  • 1724: Serini, Giovanni Battista (c.1724 Cremona - ?)|
  • La fortunata sventura (1740 Bergamo) [lost]


  • 1725: Stalder, Joseph Franz Xaver Dominik (*29.3.1725 Luzern - 4.1.1765 Luzern)|
  • Hans und Trini (? Luzern) [lost]
  • 1726: Philidor [Danican], François-André Danican (7.9.1726 Dreux - 31.8.1795 London)|
  • Le Retour du printemps (12.1756 Paris?) [rev. (M.A. Charpentier)] [lost]|
  • Le Pèlerins de la Mecque (1758 Paris SL) [rev. (J.C. Gillier)] [lost]|
  • L'Huître et les plaideurs, ou Le Tribunal de la chicane (17.9.1759 Paris SL) [lost]|
  • Le Quiproquo, ou Le Volage fixé (6.3.1760 Paris CI) [lost]|
  • Protogène (1779 inc) [lost]|
  • Le Mari comme il faudrait tous, ou La Nouvelle école des maris (12.11.1788 Paris B) [lost]|
  • Bélisaire (3.10.1796 Paris Fav) [+ H.M. Berton] [lost]
  • 1727: Haindl [Heindl], Franz Sebastian (11.1.1727 Altötting - 23.4.1812 Passau)|
  • Der Kaufmann von Smyrna (< 1770 Innsbruck) [lost]
  • 1728: Bachschmidt [Bachschmid], (Johann) Anton (Adam) (11.2.1728 Melk, Nieder-Österreich - 29.12.1797 Eichstätt)|
  • Erstickter Neid und Eifersucht (1762) [lost]|
  • Die Liebe zum Vaterland (1766) [lost]|
  • L'eroe cinese (1775) [lost]|
  • Demetrio (1777) [lost]|
  • Ezio (1780) [lost]
  • 1728: Asplmayr [Aspelmayr, Aspelmeier, Asplmyer, Aschpellmayr, Appelmeyer], Franz (*2.4.1728 Linz - 29.7.1786 Wien)|
  • Die Kinder der Natur (1778 Wien) [lost]|
  • Frühling und Liebe (1778 Wien) [lost]|
  • Orpheus und Euridice (1780 Wien) [lost]|
  • Montgolfier, oder die Luftkugel () [lost]
  • 1728: Chrétien [Crétien, Chrestien], Jean-Baptiste (c.1728-30 Paris? - 1.12.1760 Versailles)|
  • Iris, ou L'Orage dissipé (2.10.1752 Fontainebleau) [lost]|
  • Les Précautions inutiles (23.7.1760 Paris SL) [lost]
  • 1729: Volkov, Feodor (Grigorievich) (19.2.1729 Kostroma - 14.4.1763 St Peterburg)|
  • Taniusha, ili Schastilvagya vstrecha (20.12.1756) [?] [lost?]
  • 1729: Maldere, Pierre van (16.10.1729 Bruxelles - 1.11.1768 Bruxelles)|
  • Les Amours champêtres (5.11.1758 Wien S) [lost]|
  • La Bagarre (10.2.1763 Paris TI) [+ Philidor] [lost]|
  • Le Médecin de l'amour (1766 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • Le Soldat par amour (4.11.1766 Bruxelles) [+ I. Vitzthumb] [lost]
  • 1729: Monsigny, Pierre-Alexandre (17.10.1729 Fauquembergues, c. St-Omer - 14.1.1817 Paris)|
  • Le Nouveau monde (1763; np) [lost]|
  • Le Bouquet de Thalie (25.12.1764 Bagnolet) [lost]|
  • Philémon et Baucis (1766 Bagnolet) [lost]
  • 1729(est): Standfuss, J. [Johann?] (? - > c.1759)|
  • Johann Tröbs oder Der vergnügte Bauernstand (17.9.1759 Hamburg) [Der stolze Bauer Johann Tröbs] [lost]
  • 1730: Fenaroli, Fedele (25.4.1730 Lanciano, Abruzzi - 1.1.1818 Napoli)|
  • I due sediarii (1759 Napoli) [lost]|
  • La disfatta degli Amaleciti (1780 Chieti) [lost]
  • 1731: Pugnani, (Giulio) Gaetano (Gerolamo) (27.11.1731 Torino - 15.7.1798 Torino)|
  • Tamas Kouli-Kan nell'India (1.2.1772 Torino TR) [lost]|
  • Aurora (1775 Torino) [lost]
  • 1731: Vachon [Vasson, Waschon], Pierre (6.1731 Arles - 7.10.1803 Berlin)|
  • Ésope à Cythère (1762? Bordeaux?; 15.12.1766 Paris CI) [+ J.-C. Trial] [lost]
  • 1732: Herbain, Chevalier d' (c.1732 Paris - 1769 Paris)|
  • Il geloso (1751 Roma) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo del Giglio (1751 Bastia) [lost]
  • 1732: Haydn, (Franz) Joseph (31.3.1732 Rohrau - 31.5.1809 Wien)|
  • Der krumme Teufel (29.5.1753 Wien) [lost]
  • 1732: Beaumarchais [Caron], Pierre-Augustin [Caron de] (24.1.1732 Paris - 18.5.1799 Paris)|
  • Le Barbier de Séville (c.1773) [lost]
  • 1733: Fracassini, Aloisio Lodovico (1733 Orvieto - 1798 Bamberg)|
  • Il natal di Giove () [lost]
  • 1733: Swieten, Gottfried (Bernhard) Baron van (29.10.1733 Leiden - 29.3.1803 Wien)|
  • La Chercheuse d'esprit () [lost]
  • 1734: Gossec, François-Joseph (17.1.1734 Vergnies, Hainaut - 16.2.1829 Passy, Paris)|
  • Berthe (18.1.1775 Bruxelles) [+ F.-A. Philidor, Vitzthumb, Botson?] [lost]
  • 1734: Zupan [Suppan], Jakob (27.7.1734 Schrötten, c. Hengsberg - 11.4.1810 Kamnik)|
  • Belin (1782) [lost]
  • 1734: Santos, Luciano Xavier dos (1734 Lisboa - 2.2.1808 Lisboa)|
  • Gli orti esperide (1764) [lost]


  • 1735: Schweitzer, Anton (*6.6.1735 Coburg - 23.11.1787 Gotha)|
  • Walmir und Gertraud (1769) [lost]|
  • Der lustige Schuster (1770) [lost]|
  • Herkules auf dem Oeta (1771) [lost]|
  • Die Stufen des menschlichen Alters (1771) [lost]|
  • Pygmalion (13.5.1772 Weimar) [lost]|
  • Erwin und Elmire (1775) [lost]|
  • Das Fest der Thalia (1775) [lost]
  • 1735: Alexandre [Alessandro], Charles-Guillaume (c.1735 - 1787/88 Paris)|
  • Le Triomphe de l'amour conjugal (16.3.1755 Paris Tui) [lost]|
  • La Conquët du Mogol par Thamas Kouli-Kan, Roi de Perse, et son triomphe (4.4.1756 Paris Tui) [lost]
  • 1735: Wolf, Ernst Wilhelm (*25.2.1735 Grossenbehringen - 29/30.11.1792 Weimar)|
  • +10 [lost]
  • 1735: Berg, George [Georg?] (c.1735? - c.1775? London?)|
  • Antigono (13.2.1764 London StJ) [lost]
  • 1735: Toeschi [Toesca de Castellamonte; von Toeska], Johann (Baptist) [Maria] Christoph (*1.10.1735 Stuttgart - 3.3.1800 München)|
  • Dirmel und Laura (1784 München) [lost]
  • 1735: Schobert, Johann [Jean] (c.1735 ?, Schlesien? - 28.8.1767 Paris)|
  • Le Garde-chasse et le braconnier (18.1.1766 Paris TI) [lost]
  • 1735: Röllig, Karl [Carl] Leopold (c.1735 Hamburg - 4.3.1804 Wien)|
  • Clarisse, oder Das unbekannte Dienstmädchen (10.10.1771 Hamburg) [lost]
  • 1737: Giroust, François (10.4.1737 Paris - 28.4.1799 Versailles)|
  • Rosemonde (1781) [lost]
  • 1737: Schwindl [Schwindel], Friedrich (3.5.1737 Amsterdam? - 7.8.1786 Karlsruhe)|
  • +6 [lost]
  • 1737: Beckmann, Johann Friedrich Gottlieb (*6.9.1737 Celle - 25.4.1792 Celle)|
  • Lukas und Hännchen (1768 Braunschweig) [lost]
  • 1737: Esser, (?Karl) Michael (Nikolaus?) Ritter von (?4.1737 Aachen - c.1795?)|
  • Die drei Pächter (1783 Berlin) [lost]
  • 1737: Haydn, (Johann) Michael (*14.9.1737 Rohrau - 10.8.1806 Salzburg)|
  • Titus, der standhafte Christ (< 31.8.1774) [lost]
  • 1738: Reindl, Constantin (29.6.1738 Jettenhofen, Oberpfalz - 25.3.1799 Luzern)|
  • +9 [lost]
  • 1738: Zanotti, Giovanni (Calisto Andrea) (14.10.1738 Bologna - 1.11.1817 Bologna))|
  • L'Olimpiade (carn.1767 Bologna) [lost]
  • 1738: Kohaut [Kohault, Kohout], (Wenzel) Josef (Thomas) (4.5.1738 Zatec, Cechy - 1793? Paris)|
  • La Closière, ou Le Vin nouveau (10.11.1770 Fontainebleau) [lost]
  • 1738(est): Rush, George (? - ?)|
  • The Statesman Foiled (8.7.1768 London H) [lost]
  • 1738(est): Davesne [d'Avesne, Davesnes], Pierre Just (? - > 1783)|
  • Le Faux derviche (c.1768) [lost]|
  • Justine et Mathurin (c.1768) [lost]|
  • Le Triomphe des arts (c.1768) [lost]
  • 1739: Vanhal [van Hal, Vanhall, Wanhal], Johann Baptist [Jan Krtitel; Jan Ignatius] (12.5.1739 Nové Nechanice, Cechy - 20.8.1813 Wien)|
  • Il Demofoonte (1770 Roma) [lost]|
  • Il trionfo di Clelia (1770 Roma) [lost]
  • 1739: Saint-Georges [Saint-George], Joseph Boulogne Chevalier de (c.1739 c. Basse Terre, Guadeloupe - 9/10.6.1799 Paris)|
  • La Chasse (12.10.1778 Paris CI) [lost]|
  • La Fille garçon (18.8.1787 Paris CI) [lost]|
  • Le Marchand de marrons (1788 Paris B) [lost]|
  • Guillaume tout coeur (1790) [lost]
  • 1739: Dittersdorf, Karl Ditters von (2.11.1739 Wien - 24.10.1799 Schloss Rothlhotta, Neuhof, Pilgram, Cechy)|
  • ? (c.1767 Grosswardein) [lost]|
  • Il viaggiatore americano in Joannesberg (1.5.1771 Johannisberg) [lost]|
  • Il barone di rocca antica (1776 Johannisberg) [lost]|
  • I visionari (1776 Johannisberg) [lost]


  • 1740: Légat de Furcy [Furci, Fursy, Legal Defurcy], Antoine (c.1740 Maubeuge - > 1790?)|
  • Philire (np) [lost]|
  • Le Saut de Leucade ou Les Désespérés (np) [lost]|
  • Palmire ou Le Prix de la beauté (np) [lost]|
  • Les Rendez-vous (np) [lost]|
  • Le Jardinier de Sidon (np) [lost]|
  • Apollon et Daphné (inc; np) [lost]
  • 1740: [[Marcello Marcello da Capua Bernardini|Bernardini, Marcello Marcello da Capua ]] (c.1740? Capua? - > 1799)|
  • Le donne ridicole (carn.1759 Roma) [?] [lost]
  • 1740: Carter, (Charles) Thomas (c.1740 Dublin - 12.10.1804 London)|
  • True Blue (1787 London Rty) [lost]
  • 1741: Zimmermann, Anton (c.1741? - 16.10.1781 Bratislava)|
  • Narcisse et Pierre (1772 Bratislava) [lost]|
  • Die Wilden (13.12.1777 Bratislava) [lost]
  • 1741: Ruloffs, Bartholomeus (10?.1741 Amsterdam - 13.5.1801 Amsterdam)|
  • Komst van Willem den Eersten, Prins van Oranje te Leyden (1780) [lost]
  • 1741: Veichtner, Franz Adam (10.2.1741 Regensburg - 3.3.1822 Kalnciems)|
  • Scipio (30.6.1778 Mitau) [lost]
  • 1741: Barthélémon, François-Hippolyte (27.7.1741 Bordeaux - 20.7.1808 London)|
  • A Pasticcio (19.3.1773 London CG) [+ Arne, J.C. Bach, Giordani] [lost]
  • 1741: Frischmuth, Johann Christian (25.11.1741 Schwabhausen, c. Gotha - 31.7.1790 Berlin)|
  • Die kranke Frau (1773?) [lost]|
  • Der Kobold () [lost]
  • 1741: Pichl [Pichel], Václav [Venceslaus, Wenzel] (23.9.1741 Bechyne, c. Tábor - 23.1.1805 Wien)|
  • Das Schnupfluch (1774 Pest) [lost]|
  • Der Krieg (1776) [lost]|
  • +11 [lost]
  • 1741(est): Bates, William [Jack Catch] (? - ?)|
  • The Gamester (1771 London Grotto Gardens) [lost]|
  • The Device, or The Marriage-office (5.5.1777 London CG) [lost]|
  • Second Thought Is Best (30.3.1778 London DL) [lost]
  • 1744: Brunetti [Bruneti], Gaetano [Caetano, Cayetano] (1744 Fano? - 16.12.1798 Colmenar de Orejo, c. Madrid)|
  • El Faetón () [lost]|
  • El Jason (4.10.1768 Madrid) [lost]
  • 1744: Seckendorff, Karl Siegmund , Freiherr von (26.11.1744 Erlangen - 26.4.1785 Ansbach)|
  • Die Laune des Verliebten (20.5.1779 Weimar) [lost]|
  • Jery und Bätely (12.7.1780 Weimar) [lost]
  • 1745: Stamitz, Carl (Philipp) (*8.5.1745 Mannheim - 9.11.1801 Jena)|
  • Der verliebte Vormond (< 1787) [lost]|
  • Dardanus (c.1800) [Dardanens Sieg, oder der Triumph der Liebe und Tugend] [lost]
  • 1745: Böcklin von Böcklinsau, Franz Friedrich Siegmund August von, Reichsfreiherr zu Rust (28.9.1745 Strasbourg - 2.6.1813 Ettenheim)|
  • Der Amtmann von Kleefeld (c.1780) [lost]|
  • Der Zauberer (c.1780) [lost]|
  • Die Wilddiebe (c.1780) [lost]|
  • Das Orakel (c.1783) [lost]|
  • Der Abend im Garten (c.1783) [lost]|
  • Hüon und Armand (c.1790) [lost]|
  • Phädon und Naide (c.1790) [lost]
  • 1745: Michl [Michelini], Joseph (Christian) Willibald (9.7.1745 Neumarkt - 1.8.1816 Neumarkt)|
  • L'amante deluso (27.11.1773 München) [lost]|
  • Milton und Elmire (6.6.1785 München) [lost]|
  • Der König auf der Jagd (8.8.1785 München) [lost]|
  • Fremor und Meline () [?] [lost]|
  • Der König und der Pachter () [?] [lost]|
  • Der Jahrmarkt () [?] [lost]
  • 1745: Carvalho, João de Sousa (22.2.1745 Estremoz - 1798 Alentejo)|
  • La Nitteti (carn.1766 Roma D) [lost]
  • 1745: Pelissier [Pelesier, Pellesier], Victor (c.1745 Paris? - c.1820 New Jersey?)|
  • Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus in the Isle of Naxos (1797 New York) [lost]|
  • The Fourth of July, or The Temple of American Independence (4.7.1799 New York) [lost]


  • 1746: Bárta [Barrta, Bartha, Bartta], Josef (c.1746 Praha - 13.6.1787 Wien)|
  • La diavolessa (18.7.1772 Wien B) [lost]
  • 1746(est): Borghese [Borghesi, Borghesy], Antonio D. R. (? Roma? - ?)|
  • The Fair Venetian (18.3.1776 Dublin) [lost]|
  • Der unvermuthete glückliche Augenblick (21.7.1783 Riga) [lost]|
  • La Basoche (31.10.1786 Paris B) [Le Roi de la basoche] [lost]
  • 1747: Robineau, Abbé Alexandre-Auguste (23.4.1747 Paris - 13.1.1828 Paris)|
  • Stratonice (1791 Paris) [lost]
  • 1747: Schulz [Schultz], Johann Abraham Peter (31.3.1747 Lüneburg - 10.6.1800 Schwedt an der Oder)|
  • Das Opfer der Nymphen (1774) [lost?]|
  • La Vérité (1785 Rheinsberg) [lost?]|
  • Panomphée (c.1785) [lost]|
  • Minona oder Die Angelsachsen (1786 Hamburg) [lost]
  • 1747: Kozeluch [Kotzeluch, Kozeluh], Leopold [Jan Antonin, Ioannes Antonius] (26.6.1747 Velvary - 7.5.1818 Wien)|
  • +5 [lost]
  • 1748: Neefe, Christian Gottlob (5.2.1748 Chemnitz - 26.1.1798 Dessau)|
  • Zemire und Azor (5.3.1776 Leipzig) [Was vermag ein Mädchen nicht] [lost]
  • 1748: Rheineck, Christoph (1.11.1748 Memmingen - 29.7.1797 Memmingen)|
  • Le Nouveau Pygmalion (9.8.1774 Lyon) [lost]
  • 1748: Barrière, Etienne-Bernard-Joseph (7.10.1748 Valenciennes - 1816/8 Paris?)|
  • Le Bailli bienfaisant (1775 Valenciennes) [lost]
  • 1748: Seydelmann [Seidelmann], Franz (8.10.1748 Dresden - 23.10.1806 Dresden)|
  • Das tartarische Gesetz (c.1779 Dresden) [lost]|
  • Le fils reconnaisant (25.4.1795) [lost; =? Der Soldat]
  • 1748: Schuster, Joseph (11.8.1748 Dresden - 24.7.1812 Dresden)|
  • Il bon ton (1780 Venezia SM) [lost?]
  • 1748: Lidón, José (2.6.1748 Béjar, c. Salamanca - 11.2.1827 Madrid)|
  • El baron de Illescas () [lost]
  • 1749: Kerpen, Freiherr Hugo Franz Karl Alexander von (27.3.1749 Engers? - 31.12.1802 Heilbronn)|
  • Der Schiffbrüch (1780) [lost]|
  • Cephalus und Procris (1781 Mainz) [lost]|
  • Adelheid von Ponthieu (1782 Mainz) [lost]|
  • Die Räthsel (1790 Mainz) [lost]|
  • Claudine von Villa bella () [lost]
  • 1749: Schubaur, Johann Lukas (*23.12.1749 Lechfeld - 15.11.1815 München)|
  • Melide oder Der Schiffer (24.9.1782 München N) [lost]|
  • Das Lustlager (1784 München N) [lost]
  • 1749: Navoigille, Julien le cadet (c.1749 Givet - > 1811 Paris?)|
  • L'Orage, ou Quel guignon (1793 Paris P) [lost]|
  • Les Honneurs funêbres, ou Le Tombeau des sans-culottes (1793 Paris P) [lost]|
  • La Naissance de la pantomime (1798 Paris P) [lost]|
  • L'Héroine suisse, ou Amour et courage (1798 Paris P) [lost]|
  • Empire de la folie, ou La Mort et l'apothéose de Don Quichotte (1799 Paris P) [+ Baneux] [lost]
  • 1749: Saint-Amans [Saint-Amand; Saint-Amant], Louis Joseph (Claude) (26.6.1749 Marseilles - c.1820 Paris)|
  • Alvar et Mancia, ou Le Captif de retour (13.6.1770 Paris TI) [lost]|
  • La Coquette du village, ou Le Baiser pris et rendu (19.9.1771 Paris TI) [lost]|
  • Le Médecin de l'amour (1773 Paris TI) [lost] [rev. (J.L. Laruette)]|
  • La Forêt enchantée (1774; np) [lost]|
  • Le Faux vieillard (1774; np) [lost]|
  • Oroés (1776; np) [lost]|
  • Daphnis et Thémire (1778 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • L'Occasion (1778/80 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • La Fausse veuve (1778 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • Psyché et l'Amour (1778 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • La Rosière de Salency (1778 Bruxelles) [lost]|
  • Emirène (< 1780; np) [lost]|
  • La Fête de Flore (1784 Paris O) [lost]|
  • Le Prix de l'arc (1785 Paris: T de la Cour) [lost]|
  • La Fée Urgèle (1788; np) [lost]|
  • Scène d'Alcyone (1789; np) [lost]|
  • Laurence (1790 Strasbourg) [lost?]|
  • L'Heureux démenti (1794 Tours?) [lost]|
  • Aspasie (1795 Paris) [lost]|
  • Le Pauvre homme (1797 Paris JA) [lost]|
  • La Tireuse de cartes (1799 Paris JA) [lost]|
  • L'Isle déserte (1801 Paris JA) [lost]|
  • Chacun à son plan (1802 Paris PSM) [lost]|
  • La Leçon littéraire (1807; np) [lost]
  • 1749: Urbani, Peter (1749 Milano - 1816 Dublin)|
  • Il trionfo di Clelia (1785? Dublin) [lost]


  • 1750: Salieri, Antonio (18.8.1750 Legnano - 7.5.1825 Wien)|
  • La vestale (1768 Wien) [lost]|
  • Die Generalprobe (inc) [lost]|
  • Das Posthaus (inc) [lost]
  • 1750: Türk, Daniel Gottlob (10.8.1750 Claussnitz, c. Chemnitz - 26.8.1813 Halle)|
  • Pyramus und Thisbe (1784) [lost]
  • 1750: Kürzinger, Paul Ignaz (28.4.1750 Mergentheim, Württemberg - > 1820 Wien)|
  • Die Illumination (1787 Wien) [lost]
  • 1750: Lessel, Wincenty Ferdynand (c.1750 Jilové, c. Praha - > 1825 Pulawy / Warszawa)|
  • Matka spartanka (1787 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • Troiste wesele (1787 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • Cyganie (1787 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • Piast (1800 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • Pantomima (1805 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • I plotka czasem sie przyda (1805 Pulowy) [lost]|
  • I plotka czasem sie przyda (2) (1818 Sieniawa) [lost]|
  • Domek na goscincu (1818 Sieniawa) [lost]|
  • Pielgrzym z Dobromila (31.3.1819 Sieniawa) [lost]|
  • Piast [rev] (27.1.1820 Sieniawa) [lost]|
  • Przjazd pozadany (31.3.1820 Sieniawa) [lost]
  • 1750(est): Antoine [Anthoin], Ferdinand d' (? - ?)|
  • Il mondo alla roversa (c.1780) [lost]|
  • Das tartarische Gesetz (9.1.1782 Bonn) [lost]|
  • Das Mädchen in Eichthale (2.1.1783 Bonn) [lost]|
  • Otto der Schütz (1792 Bonn?) [lost]|
  • Ende gut, alles gut (9.5.1792 Bonn) [lost]|
  • Der Fürst und sein Volk (1793?) [lost]
  • 1751: Bortnyansky, Dmitry (Stepanovich) (1751 Glukhov, Ukraina - 10.10.1825 St. Peterburg)|
  • Creonte (26.11.1776 Venezia SB) [lost]|
  • Don Carlos (1786 St. Peterburg) [lost]
  • 1752: Reichardt, Johann Friedrich (25.11.1752 Königsberg - 27.6.1814 Giebichenstein, c. Halle)|
  • Sakuntala (1812) [et al.] [lost]
  • 1752: Guichard, Louis-Joseph (25.10.1752 Versailles - 25.3.1829 Paris)|
  • Nicette et Colin, ou Le fat dans les départements (1799 Paris) [lost]
  • 1754: Dutillieu [Dutilleu, Du Tilleul], Pierre (15.5.1754 Lyon - 28.6.1798 Wien)|
  • Il trionfo d'amore (14.11.1791 Wien B) [lost]|
  • La superba corretta (30.4.1795 Wien B) [lost]|
  • Il nemico delle donne (17.8.1797 Wien B) [lost]
  • 1755: Gresnick [Gresnich, Gressenicht], Antoine-Frédéric (*2.3.1755 Liège - 16.10.1799 Paris)|
  • Eponine et Sabinus (1796 Paris Lou) [lost]|
  • Les Extravagances de la vieillesse (1796 Paris Mt) [lost]|
  • Le Tuteur original (21.3.1799 Paris AA) [lost]|
  • Le Rêve (27.1.1799 Paris Fav) [lost]|
  • Léonidas, ou Les Spartiates (15.8.1799 Paris O) [+ L. Persuis] [lost]|
  • La Foret de Brama (np) [lost]
  • 1756: Lacépède, Bernard Germain Etienne Médard de la Ville-sur-Illon, Comte de (26.12.1756 Agen - 6.10.1825 Epinay-sur-Seine)|
  • Armide (1777) [lost]
  • 1756: Hatas, Heinrich Christoph (1756 Gotha - ?)|
  • Der Barbier von Bagdad () [lost]|
  • Der ehrliche Schweizer () [lost]
  • 1756: Wranitzky [Vranický, Wraniczky. Wranizky], Paul [Pavel] (30.12.1756 Nová Rise, Morava - 26.9.1808 Wien)|
  • Der dreifache Liebhaber (c.1790/1 Wien) [lost]|
  • Rudolf von Felseck (6.10.1792 Wien B) [Die Schwarzthaler Mühle; La tempesta] [lost]|
  • Johanna von Montfaucon (25.1.1799 Wien Kt) [lost]
  • 1756: Mozart, (Johann Chrysostom) Wolfgang Amadeus (27.1.1756 Salzburg - 5.12.1791 Wien)|
  • Semiramis (?11.1778 Mannheim) [?] [lost]


  • 1758: Schack [Cziak, Schak, Zák, Ziak], Benedikt (Emanuel) (*7.2.1758 Mirotice - 10.12.1826 München)|
  • Kaspar der Krautschneider (21.4.1785 Wien L) [?] [lost]|
  • Don Chisciotto (c.1785 Wien) [?] [lost]|
  • Der Luftballon (9.1786 Kempten) [lost]|
  • Lorenz und Suschen (?1788.04.18 Regensburg) [lost]|
  • Der Krautschneider (?3.5.1788 Regensburg) [lost; =? Kaspar der Krautschneider]|
  • Jakob und Nannerl, oder Der angenehme Traum (25.7.1789 Wien Wd) [?] [lost]|
  • Der Fall ist noch weit seltner, oder Die geplagten Ehemänner (10.5.1790 Wien Wd) [lost; =? Lilla]|
  • Die Wiener Zeitung (12.1.1791 Wien Wd) [+ Gerl] [lost]|
  • Anton bei Hofe, oder Das Namensfest (4.6.1791 Wien Wd) [?] [lost]|
  • Das Schlaraffenland (23.6.1792 Wien Wd) [+ Gerl] [lost]|
  • Der Renegat, oder Anton in der Türkei (15.9.1792 Wien Wd) [?] [lost]|
  • Die Antwort auf die Frage: Was begehrt das Frauenzimmer? (16.12.1792 Wien Ls) [lost]|
  • Der eifersüchtige Bauer, oder Der Schulmeister im Offenloch (27/28.1.1793 Wien Ls) [lost]|
  • Der beiden Lieschen zweiter Teil, oder Der Schulmeister im Offenloch (29.1.1793 Wien Ls) [lost; =? Der eifersüchtige Bauer]|
  • Die beiden Nannerln, oder Das chinesische Feuerwerk zu Ehren der Nannerln (26.7.1794 Wien Wd) [lost]|
  • Frage und Antwort, oder Ein altes Haus kann auch was Gutes stiften (1794 Graz) [Ein altes Weib kann auch was Gutes stiften] [lost]|
  • Der Zauberbrief (1.1.1795 Wien J) [lost]|
  • Das Häuschen im Walde, oder Antons Reise nach seinem Geburtsort (6?.1.1795 Wien Wd) [?] [lost]
  • 1758: Vandenbroek, Othon Joseph (20.12.1758 Ieper - 18.10.1832 Passy, c. Paris)|
  • Tircis et Céphise ou Le Lotto d'amour (6.7.1782 Maastricht) [lost]|
  • Les Étrennes de la nouvelle année (1783 Maastricht) [lost]|
  • La Ressemblance supposée (c.1789 Paris B) [lost]|
  • Colin et Colette (c.1789 Paris B) [lost]|
  • Le Codicile ou Les héritiers (c.1790 Paris B) [lost]|
  • Les Incas ou Les Espagnoles dans la Floride (1797 Paris TC) [lost]|
  • Le Génie Asouf (1798 Paris TC) [lost]|
  • C'est le Diable ou La Bohémienne (1798 Paris AC) [lost] [=? La fontaine merveilleuse]|
  • L'Anniversaire ou La Fête de la souveraineté (20.3.1798 Paris AC) [lost]
  • 1759: Darcis [d'Arcis, s'Arcy], François-Joseph (1759/60 Wien - c.1783 Moskva?)|
  • L'Intendant (7.1778 Moskva, Grand T) [lost]
  • 1759: Paradis [Paradies], Maria Theresia von (15.5.1759 Wien - 1.2.1824 Wien)|
  • Ariadne und Bacchus (20.6.1791 Laxenburg) [lost]|
  • Rinaldo und Alcina, Die Insel der Verführung (30.6.1797 Praha St) [lost]
  • 1760: Sander, F. [J.] S. (c.1760 Cechy - 1796 Berlin)|
  • Der Triumph der Eintracht (25.9.1795 Wroclaw) [lost]
  • 1761: Volanek [Wolanek, Wollaneck, Wollanek], Antonín [Anton] (Josef Alois) (1.11.1761 Jaromer - 16.1.1817 Praha)|
  • Die Maskerade im Serail oder Die grosse Löwenjagd (1792 Praha) [lost]|
  • Der Schuster-Feierabend oder Kasperl, die fressende Schildwache (9.9.1792 Wien Landestheater) [lost]|
  • Die Überraschung (20.12.1797 Leipzig) [lost]
  • 1761: Alday, François l'aîné (c.1761 Mahón, Menorca - > 1835 Lyon?)|
  • Geneviève de Brabant (23.11.1791 Paris Lou) [lost]
  • 1761: Cimador [Cimadoro], Giambattista [Giovanni Battista; J. B.] (1761 Venezia - 27.2.1805 Bath)|
  • Ati e Cibele (spr.1789 Venezia Acad Rinnovati) [lost]|
  • Il ratto di Proserpina (carn.1791 Venezia Acad Rinnovat) [lost]
  • 1762: Wanski, Jan (1762 Wielkopolska - > 1821)|
  • Powstanie (c.1786) [lost]|
  • Pasterz nad Wisla (c.1786) [lost]|
  • Kmiotek (1787 Radommicko, c. Poznan) [lost]
  • 1763: Gyrowetz [Gyrowez; Gürowetz; Jirovec, Vojtech Matyás], Adalbert (Mathias) (19.2.1763 Ceske Budejovice - 19.3.1850 Wien)|
  • Semiramis (1791) [lost]
  • 1763: Danzi, Franz (Ignaz) (15.6.1763 Schwetzingen - 13.4.1826 Karlsruhe)|
  • Der Triumph der Treue (2.1789 München H) [lost]|
  • Der Quasi-Mann (8.1789 München H) [lost]|
  • El Bondocani (1802 München) [lost]|
  • Iphigenie in Aulis (27.1.1807 München ) [lost?]|
  • Dido (1811 Stuttgart) [lost]
  • 1763: Davy, John (23.12.1763 Upton Helions, c. Exeter - 22.2.1824 London)|
  • A Pennyworth of Wit, or The Wife and the Mistress (18.4.1796 London SW) [lost]|
  • The Caffres, or Buried Alive (2.6.1802 London CG) [lost]|
  • The Miller's Maid (25.8.1804 London LT) [lost]


  • 1764: Campbell, Alexander (22.2.1764 Tombea, Perths. - 15.5.1824 Edinburgh)|
  • ? (c.1795) [lost]
  • 1764: Eler, André-Frédéric (1764 Alsace - 21.4.1821 Paris)|
  • L'Habit de la duchesse de Grammont (8.1.1801 Paris) [lost]
  • 1764: Grosheim, Georg Christoph (1.7.1764 Kassel - 18.11.1841 Kassel)|
  • Les Esclaves d'Alger (14.10.1808 Kassel) [lost]
  • 1764: Kalcher [Kalchner], Johann Nepomuk (15.5.1764 Freising, Bayern - 2.2.1827 München)|
  • Der Macht der Liebe und des Weins () [lost?]
  • 1765: Eberl, Anton (Franz Josef) (13.6.1765 Wien - 11.3.1807 Wien)|
  • Die Marchande des Modes (27.2.1787 Wien L) [lost]|
  • Graf Balduin von Flandern (1788 Wien L) [lost]|
  • Die Hexe Megäre (pt. iii) (< 1791) [lost]|
  • Die Zigeuner (1793 Wien Ls) [lost]|
  • Pyramus und Thisbe (7.12.1794 Wien N) [lost]|
  • Der Tempel der Unsterblichkeit (1799) [lost]|
  • Erwine von Steinheim (23.5.1801 Wien Wd) [lost]
  • 1765: Mazzinghi, Joseph (25.12.1765 London - 15.1.1844 Downside, c. Bath)|
  • Il tesoro (14.6.1796 London KT) [lost?]
  • 1765: Pfeffinger, Philippe-Jacques (15.12.1765 Strasbourg - c.1821 Paris)|
  • Zaire (1809; np) [lost]
  • 1767: Hiller, Friedrich Adam (c.1767 Leipzig - 23.11.1812 Königsberg)|
  • Adelstand und Röschen (1796 Schwerin) [lost]|
  • Das Schmuckkästchen (1804 Königsberg) [lost]|
  • Die drei Sultaninen (1809 Königsberg) [lost]
  • 1767: Berton, Henri-Montan (17.9.1767 Paris - 22.4.1844 Paris)|
  • Le Premier navigateur (1786?) [?] [lost]|
  • Les Brouilleries (1.3.1790 Paris Fav) [lost]|
  • Les Deux sous-lieutenants (19.5.1792 Paris Fav) [lost]|
  • Tyrtée (1793; np) [lost]|
  • Le Dénouement (1798 Paris Fav) [lost]|
  • L'Amour bizarre, ou Les Projets dérangés (30.8.1799 Paris Fav) [lost]
  • 1768: Toeschi [Toesca de Castellamonte; Toesca von Castellamonte], Karl Theodor (17.4.1768 Mannheim - 10.10.1843 München)|
  • ? (1822 Stuttgart) [lost]
  • 1770: Reicha [Rejcha], Antoine(-Joseph) [Antonin, Anton] (26.2.1770 Praha - 28.5.1836 Paris)|
  • Armide (c.1787) [lost]|
  • L'Ermite dans l'île Formose (1798?) [lost]|
  • Télémaque (1801? inc) [lost]|
  • Olinde et Sophronie (c.1819 inc) [lost?]
  • 1770: Ebers, Carl Friedrich (25.3.1770 Kassel - 19.9.1836 Berlin)|
  • +4 [lost]
  • 1772: Puccini, Domenico (Vincenzo Maria) (1772 - 25.5.1815 Lucca)|
  • La scuola dei tutori (1813 Lucca) [lost]
  • 1775: Ebell, Heinrich Carl (30.12.1775 Neuruppin - 12.3.1824 Opole)|
  • Der Schutzgeist (1798 Berlin) [lost?]|
  • Le Déserteur (c.1800 Berlin) [lost?]|
  • Melida (c.1800 Berlin) [lost?]|
  • Selico und Berissa (1800 Berlin) [lost?]|
  • Anacreon in Jonien (1800) [lost?]|
  • Der Bräutigamspiel (1801 Wroclaw) [lost?]|
  • Das Fest der Liebe (c.1802 Wroclaw) [lost?]|
  • Die Gaben des Genius (c.1803 Wroclaw) [lost?]|
  • Das Fest im Eichthale (c.1807 Wroclaw) [lost?]|
  • Anacreon in Jonien [rev] (1810 Wroclaw) [lost?]
  • 1776: Hoffmann, E(rnst) T(heodor) A(madeus) [Wilhelm] (24.1.1776 Königsberg - 25.6.1822 Berlin)|
  • Scherz, List und Rache (1802? Poznán) [lost]|
  • Die ungebetenen Gäste oder Der Kanonikus von Mailand (1805 Warszawa) [Die ungeladenen Gäste] [lost]|
  • Roderich und Kunigunde, oder Der Eremit vom Berge Prazzo, oder Die Windmühle von der Westseite, oder Die triumphierende Unschuld (23.2.1812 Bamberg) [lost]|
  • Thassilo (22.10.1815 Berlin) [lost]|
  • Der Liebhaber nach dem Tode (1822 inc) [lost]
  • 1777: Davïdov, Stepan Ivanovich (1777 - 22.5.1825 St Peterburg)|
  • Prazdnik zhatvï (1824) [lost]
  • 1778: Barbosa de Araújo, Damião (27.9.1778 Itaparica, c.Salvador, Bahia - 20.4.1856 Salvador)|
  • A intriga amorosa (1810? Salvador) [lost]
  • 1778: Sor [Sors], (Joseph) Fernando (Macari) (*14.2.1778 Barcelona - 10.7.1839 Paris)|
  • Don Trastullo (inc) [lost]
  • 1778: Hummel, Johann Nepomuk (14.11.1778 Bratislava - 17.10.1837 Weimar)|
  • Die beyden Genies (1805) [lost]|
  • Attila (c.1827 inc) [lost]
  • 1785: Kurpinski, Karol (Kazimierz) (6.3.1785 Wloszakowice, Wielkopolska - 18.9.1857 Warszawa)|
  • Pygmalion (c.1800-6) [lost]
  • 1786: Weber, Carl Maria (Friedrich Ernst) von (18?.11.1786 Eutin - 5.6.1826 London)|
  • Die Macht der Liebe und des Weins (1798; np) [lost]
  • 1788: Drake, Erik (8.1.1788 Föllingsö, Östergötland - 9.6.1870 Stockholm)|
  • Berggrubben (1817/18) [lost]
  • 1789: Damse, Józef (26.1.1789 Sokolów, Malopolska - 15.12.1852 Rudna, c. Warszawa)|
  • Diabel kulawy (5.9.1846 Warszawa) [lost]
  • 1791: Beaulieu [Martin, Martin-Beaulieu], (Marie-)Désiré (11.4.1791 Paris - 21.12.1863 Niort, Deux Sèvres)|
  • Anacréon (1818) [lost]|
  • Psyché et l'amour (1833) [lost]|
  • Fête bacchique (1835) [lost]|
  • Jeanne d'Arc (1853) [lost]
  • 1794: Hüttenbrenner, Anselm (13.10.1794 Graz - 5.6.1868 Ober-Andritz, c. Graz)|
  • Die französische Einquartierung (1819) [lost]|
  • Der Rekrut () [lost]|
  • Die Drachenhöhle zu Röthelstein () [lost]
  • 1796: Berwald, Franz (Adolf) (23.7.1796 Stockholm - 3.4.1868 Stockholm)|
  • Cecilia (1829 inc) [lost]|
  • Der Verräter (1830; 19.5.1842* Stockholm) [lost]|
  • Donna Isabella (1830 inc) [lost]|
  • Slottet Lochleven (1863 inc) [lost]
  • 1798: Gassner, Ferdinand Simon (6.1.1798 Wien - 25.2.1851 Karlsruhe)|
  • Der Schiffbruch (1816 Karlsruhe) [lost?]|
  • +1 [lost?]
  • 1798: Griesbach, John Henry (20.6.1798 Windsor - 9.1.1875 London)|
  • Belshazzar's Feast (1835; np) [lost]


  • 1800: Stefani, Józef (16.4.1800 Warszawa - 19.3.1867 Warszawa)|
  • Lekcja botanik (15.3.1829 Warszawa) [lost]|
  • Zyd wieczny tulacz (1.1.1850 Warszawa) [lost]
  • 1806: Kittl, Jan Bedrich [Johann Friedrich] (8.5.1806 Orlik nad Vltavou - 20.7.1868 Leszno)|
  • Daphnis' Grab (1825) [lost]
  • 1810: Nicolai, (Carl) Otto (Ehrenfried) (9.6.1810 Königsberg - 11.5.1849 Berlin)|
  • Gildippe ed Odoardo (26.12.1840 Genova) [lost]
  • 1811: Arnold, Yuri (Karlovich) [Jurig von] (13.11.1811 St Peterburg - 20.7.1898 Karakesh, c. Simferopol)|
  • Treasure Trove (1.2.1853 St Peterburg) [lost]|
  • Noch pod Ivana Kupala (1853 Moskva) [lost]
  • 1813: Puccini, Michele (27.11.1813 Lucca - 23.1.1864 Lucca)|
  • Antonio Foscarini () [lost?]
  • 1813: Fry, William Henry (10.8.1813 Philadelphia - 21.12.1864 Santa Cruz, Virgin Is.)|
  • Cristiani e pagani (c.1838 inc) [lost]
  • 1816: Poniatowski, Józef (Michal Xsawery Franciszek Jan), Principe (20.2.1816 Roma - 3.7.1873 Chislehurst)|
  • Giovanni da Procida (25.11.1838 Firenze) [lost]|
  • Ruy Blas (2.9.1843 Lucca) [lost]|
  • Malek Adel (20.6.1846 Genova) [lost]|
  • Esmeralda (26.6.1847 Firenze) [lost]
  • 1819: Moniuszko, Stanislaw (5.5.1819 Ubiel c. Minsk - 4.6.1872 Warszawa)|
  • Sielanka (1848?) [lost]|
  • Biuralisci () [lost]|
  • Cudowna woda () [lost]|
  • Sen wieszcza () [lost]
  • 1820: Serov, Alexander (Nikolayevich) (23.1.1820 St. Peterburg - 1.2.1871 St. Peterburg)|
  • Mayskaya noch' (1853) [lost]
  • 1823: Flechtenmacher, Alexandru (Adolf) (23.12.1823 Iasi - 28.1.1898 Bucuresti)|
  • Fata de la Cozia (1870) [lost]
  • 1825: Gutiérrez (y) Espinosa, Felipe (26.5.1825 San Juan, P.R. - 27.11.1899 San Juan)|
  • Guarionex () [lost]|
  • El Bearnés () [lost]|
  • El amor de un pescador () [lost]
  • 1826: Bott, Jean Joseph (9.3.1826 Kassel - 28.4.1895 New York)|
  • Der Unbekannte (20.8.1854 Kassel) [lost]
  • 1829: Gottschalk, Louis Moreau (8.5.1829 New Orleans - 18.12.1869 Tijuca, Brasil)|
  • ? (1856) [lost]|
  • Isaura di Salerno (1859) [lost]|
  • Charles IX (1860) [lost]|
  • Final d'opéra (1860) [lost; =? Charles IX]
  • 1829: Karrer [Karreres], Paul [Paulos] (12.5.1829 Zante - 4.1896 Zante)|
  • Dante e Bice (1852 Milano) [lost]|
  • Rediviva (1854 Milano) [lost]|
  • Marcos Botsaris (1857; 1861 Patras) [lost]|
  • Fior di Maria (1868 Corfu) [lost]|
  • Conte-Spourghitis (np) [lost]|
  • Lambros (np) [lost]|
  • Don Pigna (np) [lost]
  • 1834: Blodek, Vilém [Wilhelm] (3.10.1834 Praha - 1.5.1874 Praha)|
  • Chorista (22.3.1862 Praha) [lost]
  • 1841: Pedrell, Felipe (19.2.1841 Tortosa - 19.8.1922 Barcelona)|
  • L'ultimo Abenzeraggio (1870) [rev. El último Abencerraje] [lost]
  • 1842: Lavallée, Calixa (28.12.1842 Ste Théodosie de Verchères, Que. - 21.1.1891 Boston)|
  • Lou-lou (1872; np) [lost]
  • 1842: Massenet, Jules-Émile-Frédéric (12.5.1842 Montaud, St Ëtienne - 13.8.1912 Paris)|
  • Les Deux boursiers (c.1859; np) [lost]|
  • Esmerelda 1865 inc; np) [lost]|
  • Le Florentin (1868; np) [lost?]|
  • Méduse (c.1870; np) [lost]|
  • Les Templiers (1873 inc; np) [lost]|
  • L'Adorable bel'-boul' (17.4.1874 Paris: Cercle des Mirlitons) [lost]|
  • Bérangère et Anatole (2.1876 Paris: Cercle de l'Union Artistique) [lost]|
  • Robert de France (c.1880) [lost]|
  • Les Girondins (1881) [lost]|
  • L'Écureuil du deshonneur () [lost]|
  • Montalte () [?] [lost]
  • 1846: Visetti, Alberto Antonio (13.5.1846 Salona - 10.7.1928 London)|
  • Les Trois mousquetaires (< 1872) [lost]
  • 1848: Duparc [Fouqyes Duparc], (Marie Eugène) Henri (21.1.1848 Paris - 12.2.1933 Mont-de-Marsan)|
  • Roussalka (inc) [lost]
  • 1850: Fibich, Zdenek [Zdenko] (Antonin Václav) (21.12.1850 Vseborice, Cechy - 15.10.1900 Praha)|
  • Kapellmeister in Venedig (6.1.1868 Libuse) [lost]|
  • Gutta von Guttenfels (1867?) [lost]
  • 1854: Smareglia, Antonio (5.5.1854 Pola, Istria - 15.4.1929 Grado, Istria)|
  • Re Nala (9.2.1887 Venezia F) [lost]
  • 1856: Stewart, Humphrey John (22.5.1856 London - 28.12.1932 San Diego)|
  • His Majesty (1890 San Francisco) [lost]|
  • The Conspirators (1900 San Francisco) [lost]
  • 1857: Dluski, Erazm (1857 Szczuczynce, Podolia - 26.2.1923 Otwock, c. Warszawa)|
  • Romano (1895) [lost]
  • 1859: Ippolitov-Ivanov [Ivanov], Mikhail (Mikhailovich) (19.11.1859 Gachina - 28.1.1935 Moskva)|
  • Azra (28.11.1890 Tbilisi) [lost]
  • 1860: Lavrangas, Dionyssios (17.10.1860/64 Argostolion, Kefallinia - 18.7.1941 Razata Kefallinia)|
  • Elda di Vorn (1886?; 1890 Napoli) [lost]|
  • Galatea (1887?) [lost]|
  • La vita è un sogno (c.1890) [lost]|
  • Sporting Club (4.8.1917 Athinai) [lost?]|
  • Dipli fotia (10.1.1918 Athinai) [lost?]
  • 1860: Mahler, Gustav (7.7.1860 Kaliste, Cechy - 18.5.1911 Wien)|
  • Herzog Ernst von Schwaben (c.1872 inc) [lost]|
  • Die Argonauten (inc) [lost]
  • 1860: Albéniz, Isaac (Manuel Francisco) (29.5.1860 Camprodón, Lérida - 18.5.1909 Cambô-les-Bains, Pyrénées)|
  • Cuanto más viejo () [lost]|
  • Catalanes de gracia () [lost]|
  • El canto de salvación () [lost]
  • 1865: Dukas, Paul (Abraham) (1.10.1865 Paris - 17.5.1935 Paris)|
  • Horn et Rimenhild (1892 inc) [lost]|
  • L'Arbre de science (1899 inc) [lost]|
  • Le Nouveau monde (c.1910) [lost]
  • 1866: Satie, Erik [Eric] (Alfred-Leslie) (17.5.1866 Honfleur - 1.7.1925 Paris)|
  • Pousse l'amour (c.1905; 1913 Monte Carlo) [Coco cherie] [lost]
  • 1866: Kalinnikov, Vasily Sergeyevich (13.1.1866 Voina, Orel - 11.1.1901 Yalta)|
  • ? (1889) [lost]
  • 1867: Terrasse, Claude (Antoine) (27.1.1867 Grand-Lemps, c. Grenoble - 30.6.1923 Paris)|
  • L'Heure du Berger (23.5.1900 Paris: Bodinière) [lost]|
  • On demande des Chanteuses (6.7.1901 Royan) [lost]|
  • Manon en voyage (1917) [lost]|
  • Cabinet à vendre (np) [lost]|
  • Léda (np) [lost]|
  • Les Maîtres Chansonniers de Montmartre (np) [lost]
  • 1868: Joplin, Scott (24.11.1868 c. Marshall?, Texas - 1.4.1917 New York)|
  • A Guest of Honor (1903 St Louis?) [lost]
  • 1870: Lekeu, Guillaume (Jean Joseph Nicolas) (20.1.1870 Heusy, c. Verviers - 21.1.1894 Angers)|
  • Les Burgraves (1887 inc) [lost]
  • 1876: Brian, Havergal (29.1.1876 Dresden, Staffs. - 28.11.1972 Shoreham)|
  • ? (c.1914) [lost]
  • 1876: Falla (y Matheu), Manuel (Maria) de (23.11.1876 Cádiz - 14.11.1946 Alta Gracia, Córdoba, Argentina)|
  • El conde de Villamediana (1887) [lost]|
  • La casa de Tócame Roque (1900; np) [lost]|
  • El cornetin de órdenes (1903; np) [lost]|
  • La cruz de Malta (1903; np) [lost]
  • 1880: Willan, (James) Healey (12.10.1880 Balham, Surrey - 16.2.1968 Toronto)|
  • Maureen () [lost]|
  • Indian Christmas Play () [lost]
  • 1880: Foulds, John (Herbert) (2.11.1880 Manchester - 24.4.1939 Calcutta)|
  • Cleopatra (1909) [lost]|
  • Avatara (1930) [lost]
  • 1882: Malipiero, Gian Francesco (18.3.1882 Venezia - 1.8.1973 Treviso)|
  • Schiavona (np) [lost?]|
  • Canossa (24.1.1914 Roma C) [lost]|
  • La bella e il mostro (1930; np) [lost?]
  • 1883: Varèse, Edgard [Edgar] (Victor Achille Charles) (22.12.1883 Paris - 6.11.1965 New York)|
  • Martin Pas (c.1895) [lost]
  • 1883: Bastianelli, Giannotto (20.6.1883 San Domenico di Fiesole, Firenze - 22.9.1927 Tunis)|
  • La scala (> 1918, inc) [lost?]
  • 1884: Ferrari-Trecate, Luigi (25.8.1884 Alessandria, Piemonte - 17.4.1964 Roma)|
  • Pierozzo (15.9.1922 Alessandria) [lost?]|
  • La fantasia tragica () [lost?]|
  • Lo spaventapasseri (1963) [lost?]|
  • +2 [lost]
  • 1885: Weiner, Léo (16.4.1885 Budapest - 13.9.1960 Budapest)|
  • A gondolás (np) [+ A. Szirmai] [lost]
  • 1887: Toch, Ernst (7.12.1887 Wien - 1.10.1964 Santa Monica, Calif.)|
  • Wegwende (1925 inc) [lost]
  • 1888: Frazzi, Vito (1.8.1888 San Secondo Parmense - 7.7.1975 Firenze)|
  • +2 (np) [lost]
  • 1899: Auric, Georges (15.2.1899 Lodève - 23.7.1983 Paris)|
  • La Reine de coeur (1919) [lost]


  • 1900: Mosolov, Alexander (Vasilievich) (11.8.1900 Kiev - 12.7.1973 Moskva)|
  • Signal (1941) [lost]
  • 1900: Halffter (Escriche), Rodolfo (30.10.1900 Madrid - 14.10.1987 México)|
  • Clavileño (1936; np) [lost]
  • 1901: Bautista, Julián (21.4.1901 Madrid - 8.7.1961 Buenos Aires)|
  • Interior (1920) [lost]
  • 1902: Kondracki, Michal (5.10.1902 Poltava)|
  • Popieliny (3.5.1934 Warszawa) [lost]
  • 1903: Blacher, Boris (19.1.1903 Newchwang - 30.1.1975 Berlin)|
  • Habemeajaja (1929) [lost]
  • 1912: Marttinen, Tauno (27.9.1912 Helsinki - 18.7.2008 Janakkala)|
  • Neiti Gamardin talo () [lost]|
  • Apotti ja ikäneito (1965) [lost]
  • 1925: Berio, Luciano (24.10.1925 Oneglia, Imperia - 27.5.2003 Roma)|
  • Esposizione (1963 venezia) [lost]
  • 1926: Christou, Jani (8.1.1926 Heliopolis - 8.1.1970 Athinai)|
  • La ruota della vita (1957) [lost]|
  • The Breakdown (1964) [lost]
  • 1936: Finko, David (15.5.1936 Leningrad)|
  • The Lodger from the Garret (1978) <I=>[lost]


    1. ^ John von Rhein, "Kreizberg Makes A Flourishing Debut," Chicago Tribute, August 9, 1992.
    2. ^ "Conductor's fearless passion for complexity," The Australian, March 29, 2011.
    3. ^ Robert McColley, "Classical Recordings." Fanfare 29 no. 2 (November-December 2005), p. 148.
    4. ^ James Schmidt Reel, "Symphony No. 4 in C. Notre Dame: Introduction, Intermezzo, and Carnival Music," Fanfare 27 no. 1 (September-October 2003), p. 214.