1000 Acres is occasionally referred to as a "Gaggle" of acres. Usually references in the southeastern region of the United States of America, it is an old colloquialism for an amount of land.
It is not known for certain but there is a corellation between geese and the common term for their flock. Apparently in the late 1800s, land was sold mainly in increments of 100 acres with many terms for different amounts.
"A gaggle of acres? So much land no one to bother the Geese!" - Pastor Buckshank *1866
I'm Georgia during the time a gaggle of acres was alot of land and cost alot for the period. The going rate was - 10 to 16 Chickens and or - 3 Cattle - 2 Well ridden steeds - 1 Bottle of Whiskey - 1 Daughter and or 1st Cousin
Refences: Word of mouth "The Town Drunk: The Old West Biggest Mysteries" John Wayne and Karl Malone