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User:Kmsim-kent/Kwang Mong Sim

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Kwang Mong Sim alias Benjamin Sim is Professor in Computer Science and Director of the Computational Economics and Multi-Agent Systems (CEMAS) Laboratory at the School of Computing (Medway campus), University of Kent, UK. He has extensive experience serving as Editor and Guest Editor of many international journals. He is a long time Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C, currently in his tenth year of service. In addition, he serves as an Editorial Board Member of the International Journal of Cloud Computing (InderScience), Associate Editor of the International Journal of Cloud Applications and Computing, Honorary Editor of the International Journal of Cloud Computing and Service Science, and many other international journals. He is the sole Guest Editor/Lead Guest Editor of six journal special issues, including a special issue on Grid resource management (IEEE Systems Journal) and a special issue on game-theoretic analysis and stochastic simulation of negotiation agents (IEEE Transactions on SMC). He has delivered numerous keynote lectures on agent-based Cloud computing and automated negotiation at international conferences. Prof. Sim is a referee for many national research grant councils, including the National Science Foundation, USA, and has served as an external tenure and promotion reviewer for a preeminent research university in USA and a PhD thesis examiner for universities in Canada and Australia. He is a referee for Routledge Economics Book Series on Game Theory, Taylor & Francis, UK, and John Wiley's Book Series on Cloud Computing. He is also a senior member of IEEE, a TC Member of the IEEE SMC Society's Technical Committee on Distributed Intelligent Systems, and a Professional Lifetime Member of ACM. Originating from Singapore, Prof. Sim received his Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Calgary, AB, Canada, and graduated Summa Cum Laude with a B.Sc.(Hon) degree from the University of Ottawa, ON, Canada....

