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Walter White


Walter White (December 1, 1958 – December 2, 2010) was a methamphetamine criminal. He is used worked for a Mexican drug lord. Known by his alias Heisenberg.

Born in New Mexico city. A chemist and graduate of California Institute of Technology, Walter co-founded the company Gray Matter Technologies.

He has became a high school chemistry teacher.

In 2009, Heisenberg with Guts, which distributed meth, and established the smuggling routes into the United States.

It was estimated Heisenberg and Guts led monthly shipments of 8 to 10 tons of blue meth. As a result, he quickly became one of the richest people in the world.

In 2010, Heisenberg surrendered to authorities, but he was death before the police come.

Heisenberg legacy remains controversial; while many denounce the heinous nature of his crimes, he was seen as a mistreat genius.

Early life

California Institute of Technology

When Walt was young, his father's health rapidly deteriorated upon developing Huntington’s disease, and all the good memories that friends and family tried to implant in the boy’s head never supplanted the terrifying memory of visiting his father in the hospital just before his death. He recalled being tested for Huntington's disease as a child as well as working in a cardboard box factory as a teenager whilst in high school.

Walt studied at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) with his best friend Elliott Schwartz, where he proved himself a brilliant chemist with a specialty in X-ray crystallography.

1985, Walt's groundbreaking research regarding photon radiography contributed to a project that soon profited 1 billion dollar.

But unfortunately Walt sold his share of the company to Elliott for $5,000. And Gretchen eventually went on to marry Elliot, and Gray Matter became a highly successful, multi-billion dollar company without Walt.

Skyler Lambert

By the turn of 1990, Walt was working in Application Labs. He also worked in a chemical lab near Los Alamos, where he met his wife Skyler Lambert, who worked as a hostess in a neighboring restaurant. He moved to Albuquerque to work for Sandia Laboratories just prior to his firstborn's birth. In Albuquerque, he and his wife settled into a home at 308 Negra Arroyo Lane, despite his desire for a larger house in light of recent business success.

In 1995, Walt left his position at Sandia Laboratories and he eventually went on to become a chemistry teacher at J. P. Wynne High School.

In 1998, Walt became the Chair of the Science Department at J. P. Wynne. But financially, this job was not enough to support his family, so Skyler did side work writing short stories and selling items on the internet. When Skyler became pregnant with their second child, however, Walt took on a degrading second job at the A1A Car Wash to support his family.

Criminal career


Meth distribution


On September 8, 2008—the day after his 50th birthday—Walt passed out while working at the car wash. He was then reluctantly rushed to the hospital via ambulance where he was eventually diagnosed by Dr. Belknap with stage-three terminal lung cancer and given less than two years left to live. This grim prognosis caused a dramatic change in Walt's usually mild-mannered demeanor, and he decided that he must take extreme measures to provide for his family's long-term financial security.

Jesse Pinkman

After being invited by his DEA agent brother-in-law, Hank Schrader, to accompany him on a live raid on a methamphetamine lab, Walt has an encounter with one of his former students, Jesse Pinkman, whom he finds out is a meth dealer and manufacturer known by the alias "Captain Cook." Walt, who has decided to enter the illegal drug trade to develop a sufficient inheritance for his family before he succumbs to his cancer.

The two attempt to sell their product to a drug distributor, Krazy-8 his cousin Emilio Koyama, but they come to believe that Walt is an undercover cop and attempts to kill him. After fruitlessly offering them the recipe for his crystal meth, Walt gasses his assailants with phosphine gas and leaves them to suffocate in the RV, before driving away with an injured Jesse in tow.

After that the two agree to their clearly defined roles: Jesse as the salesman and Walt as the cook. Parallel to this, Walt has his first session of chemotherapy, using the money that was obtained from his drug trafficking. As a result of the chemotherapy, Walt begins to suffer nausea as a side effect. Jesse learns that Walt has lung cancer and, realizing his goals of helping his family after his death, develops a certain respect for him. Jesse goes out to sell the product, but Walt is disappointed with the results. Walt goes on to state that they need a distributor to move their product in wholesale. Jesse later discovers that his good friend Skinny Pete had met a psychopathic local drug distributor Tuco Salamanca while he was in jail.

When Jesse goes to meet with Tuco, Tuco refuses to pay up front for the product and savagely beats Jesse when he attempts to end the deal. With Jesse in the hospital, Walt orders Skinny Pete to tell him everything he knows about Tuco. Walt confronts Tuco with the demand for up-front payment, using the pseudonym "Heisenberg". Tuco questions Walt's lack of street sense but Walt detonates a concealed explosive (fulminated mercury), blowing out the top floor of the hideout and intimidating Tuco into surrendering payment with a promise for future business.

Rise to prominence

Blue Crystal Meth

Soon, the demand for meth greatly increased in the United States, which led to Tuco organizing more smuggling shipments.Meanwhile, Walt and Jesse face difficulties producing the large amount of meth promised to Tuco. Walt informs Jesse that instead of using the pseudoephedrine method as it is difficult to use the method to produce in large quantities, they will instead use methylamine. Walt giving Jesse a list of what to buy. After Jesse manages to buy everything on the list, Jesse states that he couldn't get methylamine, because it is found only in a chemical warehouse. Covering their faces with wool masks, Walt and Jesse use thermite to break into a warehouse, where they steal a large barrel of methylamine.

With this method profits generated by large, Walt was soon able to have a first one million dollar, on which he payed for his cancer treatment. But Tuco is unstable and violent, he kidnapped Walt and Jesse in a desert shack where he often hides out and takes care of his sick uncle, soon Hank the brother in law of Walt then shows up looking for Jesse, and is surprised when who he thinks to be Jesse is actually Tuco, who he had been searching for just prior. A brief firefight ensues, and Hank shoots Tuco dead. Walt and Jesse run off into the desert.

Established drug network

Gus Fring restaurant

After one of their dealers, Jesse's friend Combo, is murdered by a rival gang, Saul proposes new distribution method for Walt and Jesse's product. Under stress, Jesse tells Jane that he is a drug dealer, though she had already deduced as much. Saul puts Walt in touch with a meth distributor named Gustavo Fring, a cautious yet successful businessman who is skeptical of Jesse's dependability but agrees to purchase Walt's product.

Walt meets with Gus at the Pollos Hermanos industrial plant, letting him know he has come to this conclusion and is grateful, and that he respects Gus for his strategy and admits that he would have done the same. Gus in return extends Walt's contract to 15 million dollars for a year's work along with a guarantee of safety for his family.



Tuco's cousins seek revenge against those responsible for his death and find out Walt's identity from their uncle Hector. Believing that Walt betrayed Tuco, they go to his house and prepare to kill him with a silver axe. Gus discovers this, and to protect his investment in Walt, he convinces them to instead target Hank, who actually killed Tuco. Later, the cousins die in their attempt to take Hank's life but manage to temporarily paralyze him from the waist down.

As Walt begins to write checks for Hank's medical bills, Skyler decides to become involved in the money laundering side of things, meeting with Walt and Saul and asserting her own demands. Walt and Skyler plan to tell Hank that they paid for the car wash with illicit gambling winnings. They rehearse the story and even attend a support group for gambling addicts.

Gale's book

During a family dinner, Hank tells Walt that he is informally consulting on a murder case for the local police and reveals evidence that implicates Gale as cook of the high grade blue meth that's been turning up in the Southwest. Hank also asks Walt about the mysterious initials "W.W." in Gale's notebook.

Walt angers Gus by killing two of Gus' dealers in an attempt to protect Jesse, who had been planning to kill them himself for their murder of a child gang member. Gus responds by putting a hit on Jesse and re-hiring Gale as Walt's assistant, with the intention of replacing Walt as soon as possible. Walt plots to kill Gale to avoid becoming disposable, but Gus' henchman Victor lures Walt to the laundry facility, where Mike is waiting to kill him. Walt frantically calls Jesse and tells him that he is about to be killed and Jesse will have to take out Gale himself. Victor rushes to Gale's house but finds him shot dead.

Skyler and Walt car wash

Meanwhile, Skyler buys the car wash where Walt used to work and uses it to launder his drug money. Evidence from Gale's murder leads Hank to suspect that Gus is involved in the blue meth business. With the DEA skeptical and Hank being unable to drive due to his condition, he enlists Walt's help in the investigation as a driver and tracker. Walt attempts to sabotage the investigation, but Gus blames him for drawing the attention of the authorities. After an attempt to kill Gus with a car bomb fails, Walt discovers from Saul that Gus has been visiting Tuco's uncle Hector in his nursing home, to taunt him about the cartel's defeat and the end of the Salamanca family. Walt makes a deal with Hector to draw Gus in by setting up a meeting with the DEA. When Gus comes to the nursing home to kill Hector for turning informant, Hector detonates a pipe bomb Walt made, killing himself, Tyrus, and Gus. Walt rescues Jesse, who had been kept as a prisoner in the lab, and together they destroy all the evidence and torch the lab.

Heisenberg at the height of his power

Pest Control Company

Mike intends to kill Walt in retaliation for Gus' death, but Jesse intervenes and convinces the two men to work together to eliminate their connection to the destroyed lab. The three eventually start a new meth production system with the help of a corrupt pest control company, using residents' homes to cook meth while they are fumigated, using methylamine provided by Lydia Rodarte-Quayle. She leaks them information on a train carrying the chemical so they can plan a robbery. The robbery is successful, but Todd Alquist, one of the pest control workers, kills a young boy who had seen them.

Horrified, Jesse and Mike resolve to leave the business. A Phoenix drug lord named Declan offers to buy out the operation for $15 million in order to remove his competition. Walt convinces him to pay off Jesse and Mike and begin distributing Walt's meth instead.

Hank connects Mike to the blue meth and begins pressing several of his associates, who are now in prison, to give information on the blue meth operation. When Walt delivers Mike's share of Declan's payment, Mike refuses to reveal these prisoners' identities and insults Walt, blaming him for all the problems they've encountered; Walt shoots him dead in a fit of rage. Obtaining a list of the prisoners from Lydia, he enlists Todd's uncle Jack, a criminal with ties to the Aryan Brotherhood prison gang, to kill the nine men simultaneously at multiple prisons to prevent the DEA from realizing that they were being targeted until it was too late. After a few months, Walt has earned more than $80 million from meth, and Skyler convinces him to stop. Walter leaves the meth business, and the kids return home.



During a family barbecue, Hank finds a copy of Leaves of Grass in the bathroom, the same copy given to Walt by Gale; upon reading Gale's handwritten inscription referring to Walt as "the other W.W." Hank realizes that Walt is the drug lord he has been pursuing.

Hank Schrader (March 1966 - March 2010)

Enraged, Hank accuses Walt of being Heisenberg, which a stunned Walt neither confirms nor denies. Walt says that his cancer is back and he will likely be dead in six months, making an arrest pointless. Walt eventually forces Hank to remain silent by crafting a fake confessional videotape in which he states that Hank is Heisenberg. Walt buries his money in seven barrels on the Tohajiilee Indian Reservation and convinces Jesse to go into a relocation program. While waiting to be picked up, Jesse figures out that Walt poisoned Brock. Hank approaches Jesse and offers to help bring down Walt. With Hank's help, Jesse lures Walt into a trap by claiming to have found his money. Walt makes arrangements with Jack and his men to kill Jesse, in exchange for promising to help teach Todd how to cook meth. When Walt realizes Jesse is with Hank, he tries to call off the deal to protect Hank but is subdued by Hank and his DEA partner Steven Gomez. Just then, Jack and his men arrive and fire on the group, killing Gomez and wounding Hank; Jack then executes Hank, despite Walt pleading for his brother-in-law's life. Jack's men take all but one barrel of Walt's money and abduct Jesse; as Jesse is taken away.

Walt tries to persuade Skyler and Walter Jr. to go on the run with him, but they refuse. He calls Skyler, knowing that the police are listening in, and berates her for failing to follow his orders, as a way of clearing her of involvement in his crimes. Walt then goes into hiding and is sent to live in isolation in New Hampshire.

Hank's funeral 2011-01-07

After several months alone, Walt goes to a local bar, where he calls Walter Jr. and tries to give him money. Walter Jr. angrily rejects the gesture, however, and hangs up. Feeling hopeless, Walt calls the DEA and gives himself up. As he waits for them, however, he sees Gretchen and Elliott on Charlie Rose downplaying his contributions to Gray Matter and resolves to return to Albuquerque to put things right.

Final showdown factory

When Walter arrives in Albuquerque – on his 52nd birthday – he confronts Gretchen and Elliott at their home and coerces them into putting his remaining money into a trust fund for Walter Jr. He then visits Skyler and provides her with the location of Hank and Steve's unmarked grave which he suggests she use to barter for a deal with the prosecutor, and finally admits to her that he entered the meth business for himself, not his family. As a token of appreciation, Skyler lets him see his daughter, Holly, one last time. He then arranges to see Lydia, surreptitiously poisoning her drink with ricin after learning where Jack has taken Jesse. Walt drives to Jack's compound and demands to see Jesse. When they bring Jesse, who has been chained up in a lab and forced to cook meth since his abduction, Walt dives atop him while simultaneously activating a remote machine gun mounted in his car that injures Jack and kills all of his men except for Todd. Jesse proceeds to strangle Todd to death, while Walt finishes off Jack by shooting him in the head. Walt asks Jesse to kill him, but Jesse tells him to do it himself. Walt then finds that he has been wounded by a ricocheted bullet. He answers a call from Lydia on Todd's phone and coldly informs her that she is going to die as a result of the poisoned drink she consumed. He exchanges a knowing nod with Jesse, who escapes the compound. Walt takes a moment to admire the lab equipment Jesse had been using, then collapses dead on the floor with a look of satisfaction on his face as the police arrive.

Jesse Pinkman after that be arrested with the charge for 13 years in prison.

Skyler Walt by her cooperation with police, she received no prison charge.

Schrader Marie sometime appeared in her older sister house.

Walter White's funeral



Walter White has been the subject of several books, including the following:

  • Heisenberg (2013), how he became infamous and ultimately died.
  • Kings of Blue Meth (2014), retells the history and operations of the guys.
  • Walter White: My husband (2016), retells the history and operations of her husband.


  • Heisenberg : The King of Blue Meth (2017) is a TV movie documentary by National Geographic, featuring archival footage and commentary by stakeholders.
  • Breaking bad (2018) was delayed because of producer Oliver Stone's involvement with the George W. Bush biopic W. (2008). As of 2018, the release date of Heisenberg. Regarding the film, Stone said: "This is a great project about a fascinating man who took on the system. I think I have to thank Scarface, and maybe even Ari Gold."
Mural of Walter White