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Hello. Welcome to my page. I am part of the course "Translating wikipedia", SS15, University of Freiburg.

Work log:

07.05., 213 words, 25 minutes (Fastnacht)

21.05., 73 words, 15 minutes (Fastnacht)

11.6. proof read, 15 minutes (Fastnacht)

11.6. translate, 25 minutes (Donauquellen)

18.9. translate (Donauquellen)

25.6. translate, proof read (Donauquellen)

2.7. translate, 35 minutes (Nibelungenmuseum)

9.7. proof read, 15 min

15./16.7. read German-themed article, translate E -> D, translate Pacific Crest Trail. 45 minutes (Pacific Crest Trail; Polterabend)

16.7. edit and proof read PCT Article (25 min) (Pacific Crest Trail)

Assisnment: Task: 1/2-1 page: what I learned in class (expressions, interesting aspects, what I can use in the future); rate class members and place yourself: quality of work, quantity of work, participation in discussion. send by email. 19th of aug.


leadership o o ______

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HW for 09.07. 1). Task: proof read german-themed cultural article Article: Polterabend - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polterabend

Origin The origin of the Polterabend is not precisely known. Some believe the origin to be Germanic tribes who threw shards to drive off evil spirits. Others believe the heathen ritual of the shattering of clay sacrificial altars after a sacrifice to the gods to be responsible. It is possible that the Polterabend has a psychological motive: suitors who may have wished to have this bride for themselves have the opportunity to "let the steam out" in a socially appropriate manner, so that peace in the village could better be maintained.

Translation: Die Ursprünge des Polterabends sind nicht genau bekannt. Eine glauben, dass der Ursprung bei den Germanischen Völkern liegt, welche Scherben warfen, um teuflische Geister zu vertreiben. Andere glauben, der heidnische Brauch, heilige Tonaltare nach einer Opferung zu zerschlagen, sei für den Brauch verantwortlich. Es ist möglich, dass der Polerabend ein psychologisches Motiv hat: Verehrer, die diese Braut gerne für sich gehabt hätten, haben die Möglichkeit, in einer gesellschaftlich angemessen Weise Dampf abzulassen.So konnte der Frieden im Dorf besser bewahrt werden.

Quesion: "let the steam out". Isn't that a German expression?

3. HW. 100-200w English Article to German (article of choice) 4. PCTrail: 100w sign up & translate

2.7.2015 Nibelungenmuseum Worms:

Die Themenräume


Das ursprüngliche Raumkonzept umfasste drei Themenräume: Sehturm, Hörturm und Schatzraum. Der unterirdische Schatzraum wurde im Sommer 2007 aus technischen Gründen geschlossen. In diesem Raum besteht seit Mitte 2008 ein „Mythenlabor“, in dem die Besucher noch einmal den Rundgang durch das Museum rekapitulieren können. Vor allem Besucher, denen es aus gesundheitlichen Gründen nicht möglich ist, die Audioführung durch die hohen Türme mitzumachen, können hier - da das Mythenlabor barrierefrei erreichbar ist - die gesamte Führung von Monitoren aus miterleben und nachvollziehen. Mit crossmedialer Technik und einer Großleinwand bietet der Raum auch für Gruppen museumspädagogische Möglichkeiten.

The initial spacial concept contained three rooms with dedicated to different concepts: a vision tower, an audio tower and a treasure room. The underground treasure room has been closed in 2007, due to technical reasons. Since 2008, the room contains a laboratory of myths, in which visitors can once again recap their museum tour. The laboratory of myths is barrier-free. Especially for visitors with health issues, who are not able to paticipate in the audio tour through the upper towers, can witness the guided tour via monitors. With its different media techniques and a big screen, the room can be used by groups for educational museum purpuses.

Link Donauquellen: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:OberMegaTrans/Donauquelle#Forschungsgegenstand_und_Politikum

Zwischen den Städten Furtwangen an der obersten Breg und Donaueschingen an der symbolischen Donauquelle wird seit Jahrzehnten um einen möglichst offiziellen Status der eigenen Donauquelle gerungen, was gelegentlich auch die Landesregierung einbezieht. Beispielsweise ließ das Innenministerium in Stuttgart nach einer Intervention der Stadt Donaueschingen im Jahr 1981 wissen: „Die Bregquelle wird in den amtlichen Reisekarten nicht mehr als Donauquelle eingetragen. Das Landesvermessungsamt wurde entsprechend angewiesen.“[8] Andererseits bestätigte der damalige Minister für Landwirtschaft und Forsten 1982 in einem Schreiben an Prof. Öhrlein: „Zurückkommend auf die Fragen nach dem Donauursprung darf ich Ihnen nochmals bestätigen, daß die sogenannte Donauquelle in Donaueschingen aus hydrologischer und geographischer Sicht sicher nicht die eigentliche Quelle der Donau ist. ... Die Breg kann als Hauptquellfluß der Donau bezeichnet werden.“

The city Furtwangen is located along the upper river Breg, while the city Donaueschingen is located at the symbolic source of the Danube. For centuries, the two cities compete for an official status which declaires their own source as the official source of the Danube. At times, the issue even involves the government of Baden-Württemberg. After the city council Donaueschingen intervened in 1981, for example, the Ministry of the Interior in Stuttgart announced that "the source of the Breg is not anymore displayed as the source of the Danube on ministerial maps. The land surveying office was instructed to act accordingly." However, the former minister for agriculture and forestry confirmed in a document addressed to Prof. Öhrlein in 1982: "Getting back to the issue regarding the source of the Danube, I can once again confirm that the so-called source of the Danube in Donaueschingen is certainly not the real source of the river Danube, if analysed with geographical and hydrological criteria. The river Breg can rightly be called the main headstream of the Danube.

Questions: - Landesregierung, Innenministerium, Landesvermessungsamt?

15:41, 11 June 2015 (UTC)15:41, 11 June 2015 (UTC)15:41, 11 June 2015 (UTC)~~

link Fastnacht text: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:OberMegaTrans/Fastnacht#Geschichte

Translation 2: (Fastnacht)

Unmaskierte Repräsentationsfiguren

There are also single groups and figures which are traditionally unmasked. Figures of soldiers and policemen are common. Other representative unmasked figures, for example, are the "Fasnachtsmutter and Fasnachtsvatter" from Markdorf, the "Bräuteln" from Sigmaringen or the "Trommgesellen" from Munderkingen with their drums, wistles and fountain jumpers. The figures of the guild master and the guild councillors developed predominantly after 1945 and are now obligatory in almost any location of the Swabian-Allemannic Fastnacht.

Translation week 1:

Wilde Leute

Compared to other characters of the Swabian-Alemannic Fastnacht, the characters of the 'wild people' were relatively easy to create for the farmers. For this reason, they were very popular for centuries. Their 'Häs', as the costumes are called locally, was produced with materials which were abundant in the country. Like this, bears of straw were invented. Those are still popular today in Wilfingen and Empfingen. Their 'Häs' is mainly made out of straw and has no ornaments or refinements at all. This is also the reason for the lack of popularity of the 'wild people' in modern times. It may also be due to the fact that in modern times, the used materials are not anymore obtained easily. Above all, such a 'Häs' can one be used for one season and a new one has to be created for the next season. In Singen, a group named 'Hoorge Bäs' has developed out of the bear of straw. However, today the 'Häs' is stiched and has a wooden mask. Like this it can be used for several years. The same accounts for the 'Welschkornarro' from Zell am Harmersbach. The 'Nussschalenhansele' from Wolfach are a different kind of 'wild man'. Instead of using straw as material, heir 'Häs' is decorated with over 3000 half nutshells.