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Moga Student agitation 1972

Moga student agitation in 1972 better known as Moga Goli kand 1972 was one of the most violent student agitation not only in punjab but whole India. It was one of few events that still is celebrated by Leftists as a triumph of collective bargaining power of student union. Unfortunately, This event paved the way on banning Student union elections in Punjab that is still placed even today.

Background In 1970s, Punjab had surge in communist movement. Leftist student organisations like Punjab student Union (PSU) was on the rise. In 1972, In student election, PSU won in DM college Moga under the leadership of Comrade Kikkar singh who was also general secretary of PSU state Union.

One of the few demands that students had was free student travel in public and private buses. Comrade kikkar singh met with authorities as well as private bus operators to start student buss pass by which student can came to colleges at no cost. It was revolutionary in nature and this scheme later spread all over punjab. Comrade kikkar Singh can be recognised as Father of Student pass in punjab.

Later After implementation of Student pass, Student Unions had high moral for implementing other promises on their election manifesto. One promise was reducing cinema ticket price for students.In 1970s, The major source of entertainment was Cinema as Television had not deep penetration in India. Comrade Kikkar Singh had meeting with Cinema operators and everyone agreed to student union's demands except Regal cinema on Railway road. Cinema operators asksd that if regal cinema agree to student union demand, they will also cooperate. Then After few days, Student Union went to Regal cinema operators for concession on Cinema ticket. but Regal cinema rejected student union preposition. Later students started agitation by peaceful Dharna infront of Regal cinema. Regal cinema paid money to Lahoria Gang active in Moga to beat student who were sitting peacefully infront of cinema. Many students were hospitalized. Next day Under the leadership of Comrade kikkar singh Students from other colleges also united to take revenge especially village students came with sticks and gandasas on buses. The situation become violent and out of control so police parties were sent to protect regal cinema.DSP of Moga was brutally beaten by Sikh student federation affiliated Harjeet singh and PSU head Kikkar Singh. In the line of fire, Many students were killed.

When this news reached in other districts violent student agitation started against government police action which killed students in Moga. In damage control, Congress government in Punjab never disclosed number of actual student deaths due to firing and try to suppress the issue by paying huge compensation to Student families who died in agitation for their silence. Only students were declared dead but number was much bigger.

PSU came inactive mode by organising student protest in evsry city town of Punjab. Especially Comrade Kikkar Singh, student union leader and eye witness to this massacre went to multiple colleges for public speeches that enraged students. Public sentiment was going against government. Many student activists and protestors were jailed. Later more violence errupted and all over punjab. As a immediate effect, Most of Regal cinemas in Punjab were burnt down with 100s of buses. Section 144 was imposed but Students not only from colleges but also of schools participated in the protest.

As a reconciliation policy, Student Union leaders were released.In Moga, Giani Zail Singh chief minkster of punjab came to meet student union leader Comrade Kikkar singh, tens of thousands student enchanted Giani zail singh Murdabad. In Utter shame, Giani Zail Singh went back to chandigarh but invited Comrade kikkar singh for finding solution to end this protest.

In Chandigarh, Punjab Kisan Bhawan Comrade kikkar singh had meeting with Indian intelligence officers that were sent by go ernment for negotiation. Comrade kikkar singh demanded immediate release of all protestors in Punjab along with closure of All the regal cinemas in Punjab. Government of Punjab accepted the demand and this student protest was formally over.

Aftermath Moga agitation 1972 was one of the bloodies and most violent student Union protest in India. Later realising student union power, Many other political parties affiliated student Unions also started emerging. Further, Government had to ban student Union election in Punjab so that students cannot united like in 1972 for their legitimate demands.