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Introducing Myself


Hi everyone. I'm a long-time, but very ad hoc and casual, contributor here to Wikipedia. I use it a lot, and make it a practice to just clean up errors and typos, smooth awkward language, and add cites whenever I come across something that needs help.

A friend of mine suggested that I introduce myself. I suppose you can read the entry about me on Wikipedia (Kari Chisholm), but here's the short version: I'm a blogger, activist, and political consultant. Ooohh... nasty political consultant, you're thinking. Maybe. That's up to you to decide. But here's something I recently wrote on Facebook, for what it's worth:

"As a political consultant, here's what I'll say about this: There are good ones and bad ones. And I don't mean, successful ones and unsuccessful ones.
"What I mean is that there are those consultants who help a candidate find their voice, organize their supporters, and step beyond the natural timidity that happens when you're putting your life, your soul, your ego, and your reputation out for the public to cast judgment upon. And there are those consultants who advise their candidates to shade away from their real views, who encourage inflammatory rhetoric for the mere purpose of inflaming the haters, who engage in silly proxy wars with other consultants and organizations, and who put their own personal profit margins ahead of the interests of their clients and their clients' supporters.
"I do my best to avoid working with the latter sort, and I aspire to be the sort of political consultant who is an activist first, and a businessperson second (or third or fourth). And I think my bank account can attest to my success at that."

Karichisholm (talk) 17:20, 19 December 2012 (UTC)