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User:Kalathei95/sandbox/CGAW/Test-List-Countries/Cixo-Noxorean/New Oörcian

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Oörcian, or New Oörcian is the official language of Oörcia, and is widely spoken across the Southern portion of the Azollynean microcontinent.




Bilabial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Stop Voiceless p t c k q
Voiced b d ɟ ɡ
Fricatives Voiceless ɸ θ s ɕ x h
Voiced (β)[a] (ð)[a] (z)[a] (ʑ)[a] (ɣ)[a] ʕ
Approximants j w
Lateral l ʎ
Trill r ʀ
  1. ^ a b c d e Allophonic variations of their phonemic voiceless counterparts. Occurs intervocalically.


Front Central Back
Short Long Short Long Short Long
High i u
Mid e eː ə əː o
Low a



ai, oa, ui, ie, ei, au, ea, ao, ua


Low tone à
High tone á
Neutral a







Default word order is typically SVO. Oörcian has does not feature passive construction, though it may be indirectly expressed from subject dropping.



-VC Declension 1

Singular Plural
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nominative -wi -wë
Accusative -i -a
Dative -eñ -ela
Genitive -śa -śo -śahi -śohi
Instrumental -aʕ -aʕin
Vocative -e -awa

-V Declension 2

Singular Plural
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nominative -wi -wë
Accusative -ye -wë -ya
Dative -yeñ -yela
Genitive -śo -śahi -śohi
Instrumental -wa -qi
Vocative -ye -dewa

-V(V)N Declension 3

Singular Plural
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nominative -ia
Accusative -ca -tu -te
Dative -dyë -dë
Genitive -s -say -soy
Instrumental -aʕ -aq -eqí
Vocative -e -awa

-q/ʀ Declension 4

-q/ʀ class Singular Plural
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nominative -wa
Accusative -u -ul
Dative -di -dë
Genitive -si -sa -say -soy
Instrumental -wa -i
Vocative -e -awa

Syphounic Declensions 5

Irregular class Singular Plural
Animate Inanimate Animate Inanimate
Nominative -do
Accusative -mi -lam
Dative -ee -wa
Genitive -s -sa
Instrumental -uʕ -eʕ
Vocative -e -awa

Pronouns and demonstratives

Pronouns Demonstratives
1st person 2nd person 3rd person Proximal Medial Distal
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Nominative ma rak ru cim timóí dwa dwali tìmo bíca þiklu śalàn laibun xya yul aláís lya tika
Accusative fis þús śi pi kààm sal bès feg ŋùs begwa wayi want þirëka wantwa
Dative òlyo þúsak ogita nʔo mùùlk nʔo weag quahi quahiwa xiŋ xiŋgu xinama lihiwa
Genitive þihi haig uug plie gyëm tsaw śàw reìs śàwo reìsu śàwosu sèsa śàwotwa
Instrumental lyuʕ lyuʕak duqi duqáí śugwʕa hàìwë awʕan hàìwa śugwʕa hàìwë śugwʕa hàìwë

All pronouns can serve as standalone words, but more often than not are encliticise to suffixed to verbs to conjugate number, person, transitivity and polypersonal agreement in clauses.



Verbs in Oörcian inflect for tense, mood and evidentiality. Only a handful of common unbound verbs exist, but more complex verbs are derived from nouns and adjectives compounded and suffixed with a variety of verbalisation markers, and can take auxiliary verbs to convey more specific meanings. As is unique with all Sergatic-Noxorese languages, Oörcian verbs inflect for the hesternel tense (events that happened yesterday) and hodiernal tense (events that happen today). Reduplication of a verb creates the imperfective aspect, though longer words are rarely reduplicated and are understood by context.

Pre-Hesternel Hesternel Gnomic Hodiernal Post-Hodiernal
Irealis -anya -oma -èt -es
Realis Inferential -siya -si -a -ga
Experiential -eaya -ea -ètea
Hearsay -lasya -las -ètal
Visual -osya -os -èòs