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My Plan for the DNA Banking Article


I plan on changing the format of what is already posted in this article, leaving the blanket definition (paragraph 2) of DNA banking at the top of the page and sorting everything else into the various sections I am creating. The other information is about the research purposes of DNA banking and preventative genetics. I think these topics would fit well into the section on uses.

Section 1; Uses

  • DNA Banking used for preventative genetics (used to identify patterns and infer which genes lead to specific disorders)
  • DNA Banking used within the criminal justice system to track and identify criminals
  • DNA Banking used for the conservation of various species
  • DNA Banking programs: provide link for different conservation programs as well as programs for personal gene analysis.

Section 2; Methods

  • Blood testing, cell sampling for the collection of DNA
  • technologies & processes for analyzing and saving genetic information

Section 3; How it's Being Used in the UK

  • Compare the fields of DNA banking in the USA to that of the UK.

Potential Sources for DNA Banking


Khoury, M. (2000). Genetics and public health in the 21st century: Using genetic information to improve health and prevent disease. Oxford: Oxford University Press. I have determined that this is a high-quality source based the fact that it was published by Oxford University Press and based on the abundance of contributors that have MDs and PH.Ds in fields related to my topic. This source contains a lot of information including, the Human Genome Project (a form of DNA banking used for preventative genetics), research and information on how we can predict genetic disorders by examining DNA, as well as the methods through which scientists study DNA. This source is hopeful for the future of genetics in public health. I will keep a neutral voice by presenting the facts I find, but not talking about its potential in the future.

Krimsky, S., & Simoncelli, T. (2011). Genetic justice: DNA data banks, criminal investigations, and civil liberties. New York: Columbia University Press. This is a high-quality source because it was published by the Columbia University Press. This text provides information on how DNA banking is used in the criminal justice system to track and identify criminals. Once again I will not include any biased content that I may read in this text.

Meurant, Gerard (2012). Conservation of Plant Genes : Dna Banking and in Vitro Biotechnology. Retrieved from http://www.eblib.com This is a high-quality source because the authors listed are mainly professors and individuals working in this field. This text speaks about how DNA banking is being used to conserve various plant species that may be going extinct. It explains the processes used and the importance of saving these samples. Because the authors are involved and potentially working in this field they are a little biased about the projects importance. I will not bring in any of their personal view. I will just present the facts of their project.

Stewart, A. (2007). Genetics, health care, and public policy: An introduction to public health genetics. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. This texts speaks about more specific and up to date genetic technologies. It should give similar, but more up to date information, to the Oxford text. It also emphasizes the various pros and cons of DNA banking used for preventative genetics so I could potentially make a section for possible benefits and issues.

Widdows, H. (2009). The governance of genetic information who decides? Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. This is a high-quality source because it was published by the Cambridge University Press and was created by PH.D professors specializing in related fields. The section I would like to use is about the use of bio banking and how it has been implemented in other countries (UK).


DNA banks worldwide. (n.d.). Retrieved October 21, 2015, from http://wiki.bgbm.org/dnabankwiki/index.php/DNA_banks_worldwide This is a Wikipedia source so I cannot say with any certainty how high-quality it is except for the fact that I researched a lot of DNA banking companies and projects and saw many of those listed here. This is a list of the various DNA banking projects and companies. I thought it would make a valuable addition to the article.

I found various websites describing these companies and projects. I thought it would be interesting to add some sections about those, but a majority of my sources are websites (.org, .edu). I would love some feedback on whether or not websites such as these would be regarded as quality sources.

Natural History Museum, London and Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew make their genomic collections discoverable via GGBN. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015. http://www.dnabank-network.org/

Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015. http://www.offa.org/chicdnabank.html

DNA Bank Database. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015. http://apps.kew.org/dnabank/homepage.html

CLARKE, A. G. (2009), The Frozen Ark Project: the role of zoos and aquariums in preserving the genetic material of threatened animals. International Zoo Yearbook, 43: 222–230. doi: 10.1111/j.1748-1090.2008.00074.x http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1748-1090.2008.00074.x/full

Biospecimen Repository and Processing Core | Duke Biobank. (n.d.). Retrieved October 20, 2015. http://biobank.duke.edu/biobanking-resources/biospecimen-repository-and-processing-core

Sources Feedback


Sources and plan look good. Just want to confirm you are editing DNA bank article, not creating a new article on DNA banking.KatieBU (talk) 15:01, 30 October 2015 (UTC)

First Draft


DNA Banking is the secure, long term storage of an individual’s genetic material. DNA is most commonly extracted from blood, but can also be obtained from cheek cells, saliva, or other tissues.



DNA banking is used to conserve genetic material, especially that of organisms that face extinction. This is a more prominent issue today due to deforestation and climate change, which serve as a threat to biodiversity. The genetic information can be stored within lambda phage and plasma vectors. The NIAS DNA Bank, for example, collects the DNA of agricultural organisms, such as rice and fish, for scientific research. Most DNA provided by DNA banks is used for studies to attempt to develop more productive or more environmentally friendly agricultural species. Some DNA banks also store the DNA of rare or endangered species to ensure their survival.

The DNA bank can be used to compare and analyze DNA samples. Comparing the samples allowed scientists to work on the [Human Genome Project], which maps out many of the genes on human DNA. It has also led to the development of preventative genetics. Samples from the DNA bank have been used to identify patterns and infer which genes lead to specific disorders. Once people know which genes lead to disorders people can take steps to lessen the effects of that disorder. This can occur through adjustments in lifestyle or even gene therapy. DNA can be banked at any time during a person’s life. Approximately 75% of all diseases can be traced to our genetic makeup. With testing you can know what diseases you are at risk of developing. By doing this you can take preventative measures to minimize these risks. Current technology is already capable of using DNA to predict certain health predispositions in the family, and advances are being made to identify many more. Knowing your family’s genetic history assists in early detection, making it possible to take measures to prevent or mitigate the devastating effects of the disease before it is too late.[2]

DNA data banks were introduced to the criminal justice system in the 1980s. This system makes it possible to rule out or confirm the verdict of a suspect based on their personal genetic code. Once an individual’s DNA is stored, it remains in the system. Evidently law enforcement can identify and track criminals more easily. There is some controversy about this topic because some individuals believe the storage of citizen’s DNA is an invasion of privacy.



Scientists are capable of retrieving genetic information from hair, skin, blood, sperm, tissue, and saliva as long as the sample contains intact DNA. Nucleotide sequences between humans differs by only 0.1%. Even so, this 0.1% includes approximately three million bases. DNA can be analyzed through restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and polymerase chain reactions (PCR). The RFLP process was introduced in 1988. Restriction enzymes digest portions of the DNA, leaving short fragments. These fragments are sorted through gel electrophoresis. The gel demonstrates how long the fragments are. Fragments length allows specialists to determine whether the fragments come from the same or different people. If there is significant variation they come from different people. PCR is more commonly used today because it more efficient and requires smaller samples of genetic samples.



There are various organizations founded for the purpose of storing and analyzing DNA sample. The UK Biobank aims to develop into a resource that contains the samples of 500,000 individuals between the ages of 40 and 69. More organizations can be seen through the following link, http://wiki.bgbm.org/dnabankwiki/index.php/DNA_banks_worldwide.