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User:K8hyne/Polish Christmas Traditions

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Polish Christmas Traditions have a very special significance for the Polish. These traditions and customs welcome in the Christmas season for Polish families all over the world.

Wigilia (Christmas Eve)


Wigillia (pr. Veegeeleea) is considered a very sacred day in Poland. It consists of the breaking of the Oplatek wafer and sharing holiday wishes with loved ones and going to Mass.



Sharing of the oplatek (pronounced opwatek) is the most ancient of all Polish Christmas traditions. Oplatek is a thin wafer made of flour and water, similar in taste to the hosts that are used for communion during Mass. The Christmas Oplatek wafer is shared before Wigilia, the Christmas Eve supper. The head of the household usually starts by breaking this wafer, and then continues to share it with everyone at the Wigilia table. Sometimes pets and farm animals are given a piece of Oplatek on Christmas Eve too. Polish legend says that if the animals eat the Oplatek on Christmas Eve, they will be able to speak in human voices at midnight.[1]

Koledy (Christmas Carols)


In America, Christmas music is often played in stores right after Halloween or the week before Thanksgiving. It is not heard in Poland until after the Christmas Vigil Mass and the Christmas season often runs until February 2nd. Until the 17th century, most of the religious music, including Christmas music, was Latin in origin. When Polish words and melodies began to become popular in the church, they were not written down, but rather taught to the people by rote. In 1838, Rev. Hioduszewki collected and preserved some of these tunes. He put together the collection called Pastoralki i Koledy z Melodiami (Pastorals and Carols with Melodies).[2]

Quickly On To Bethlehem (Przybiezeli do Betlejem)

Giving their respects in all humility, To the Infant Jesus from hearts lovingly, Glory to God on Highest Glory to God on Highest And on earth, peace to men.

Oddawali swe uklony w pokorze, Tobie z serca ochotnego, o Boze! Chwala na wysokosci, Chwala na wysokosci, A pokoj na ziemi.

In the Still of the Night/Wsrod Nocnej Ciszy Wsrod nocnej ciszy, Glos sie rozchodzi, Wstancie pasterze, Bog sie wam rodzi. Czym predzej sie wybierajcie, Do Betlejem pospieszajcie, Przywitac Pana! Poszli, znalezli, Dzieciatko w zlobie, Z wszystkimi znaki danymi sobie. Jako Bogu Czesc Mu dali, A witajac zawolali Z wielkiej radosci![3]

