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Life of a teen living with scleroderma.

Scleroderma is a malicious disease ,

Living with scleroderma is not easy , specially when you are a teenager .

My name is lebohang motloung , I'm a 17 years old girl from springs in gauteng doing grade 12.

It's been 7 years since this disease has invaded my body , not only my body but my confidence and soul ,

Sad news is The disease cannot be cured could you imagine being a girl , girls wear shorts in summer but you can't because you have horrible scleroderma scars on your thighs and legs?

That moment you watch other girls passing by & thinking to yourself , if only I had those legs , if only I didn't have scars , if only I had those thighs ,

That is the most horrible feeling ever because , you denying the body you have , you're not proud of what you have , you compare yourself to the other girls forgetting that you're different and there's nothing you can do about it .

I don't want people to pity me but instead I want them to understand me & know more about the disease .

I wish I could give advice to the others but I'm still trying to understand and accept that I carry the disease.