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( (talk) 22:18, 31 July 2008 (UTC)) Hello! I am a new volunteer to the Global Warming Project HotSeat out of the Salem Oregon City Area. I have some ideas I would like to get some feed back on. I was thinking what about a benifit concert that could also possibly conjoin with Three River Cities run out of West Linn. I have this idea for new and advancements for windmills , solar power and Hydocell Fusion. We need financal support for both projects and there capacity to develope, test and sell more green resources in the future. Getting our Congress to make and improve law is of course important, also money for projects that develope, test and sell is also necessary so as to really provide the people of the USA with solutions to dammaged rivers, pollution, energy inefficience @ green resources. Windmills that can do more than just produce electicity along rivers where the air supply never stops, that can clean the rivers, provide soils to reinforce dykes and leveys, provide fresh water to communities and farms that are backed by solar units that produce large amounts of electricty along with heating water for purification. Also and ID I've been kicking around in my head and talking with others on is the United States Railroad Industry. Desiel fuels are killing the industry, well what has happened to the steam engines? I hear we sold them to South America or something like that, well this conversion to hydrocell fusion could be a answer someday and also help the teamsters out there pay less for the fuel that is avaliable. I therefore purpose: 1. a unity for the cause 2. A benift series for the financial support to develope, test and sell wind, solar and steam across america and throughout the world (lets not forget new fuels) 3.Organized developement (providing jobs and new companies) and 4. Getting Congress to make these laws go and support the above (still of course only in the theory and/or discussion stage.) WELL LET ME KNOW WHAT YA THINK PEOPLE! Written by Julie Ann Nolting Volunteer Oregon City, Oregon Salem Project Coodinator Sophia ( (talk) 22:18, 31 July 2008 (UTC))