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Excess Winter Deaths


Excess winter deaths (or mortality) are defined by the Office for National Statistics (UK) as the difference between the number of deaths during the four winter months (December to March) and the average number of deaths during the preceding autumn (August to November) and the following summer (April to July). The UK has one of the highest excess winter deaths in the EU, varying between 20,000 to 50,000 annually.

The death rate has been linked to the low average house temperature during the winter months. It is believed that the relatively low insulation value in homes and the relatively high cost of home heating are major contributing factors.

http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=574 (this page has a graph 1997-2007)

Excess winter deaths in the East of England, February 2006, Eastern Region Public Health Observatory

http://www.poverty.org.uk/40/index.shtml (has a graph 1996-2007)

World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe


British Medical Journal

Excess winter mortality: influenza or cold stress? Observational study
by G C Donaldson, senior research associate and W R Keatinge, emeritus professor