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User:Juce123457/Gabriella Olga Cabiere (art historian)

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At the Restaurants Week in Riga, 2020
Handing over the art work by artist V. Opara to the Latvian National Museum of Art with Mara Lace, 2009

Gabriella Olga Cabiere (nee Khlebnikova) - art historian, writter, art curator, gallery owner.



Gabriella Olga was born in Moscow to a polish-russian family. Her father was in the millitary and her mother a nurse. After she graduated high school she read Cybernetics at Plekhanov Russian University of Economics. After that she entered a newly formed Academy of Art of Ilya Glazunov. During her studies she actecly participated in organisation of art exhibitions. In 2009 she and her family migrated to Latvia. She writes historical fairytales for children that were published in Russia[1] and Latvia, and are ead on radio Maria.

Artistic projects of Gabriella Olga


Her first experince in organising an art exhibions she received in 1990 whilst preparing end of the year exhibit for her Academy of Art. She was also a guide at the art exhibitions of Ilya Glazunov. She was also a freelance journalist for Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper; she articles were also published in an important art magazine Novaya Yunost[2] and others. Magazine Novaya Yunost made her exhibitions into their frontpages[3].

She began she independant career at the Art Center 'Russia', later on established her own gallery - Olga Khlebnikova gallery (dedicating it to her maiden name). The gallery highlighted the views of the owner on modern art and the art of theater and cinema.

Later on established an Auction House "Zabava", that specialised on the art of theater. Auction house had several sales per year[4] with famous showbiz personalities: Valdis Pelss, Leonid Yakubovich etc. Those auctions gave an opportunity to touch history through things, latters, personal belongings of famous people in history.

In 1996 she organized and wrote an introductory article to a now cult exhibition "Ways of Paper", which now is stored in the archives of Garage museum[5]. Through that exhibion the art historican together with all artists involved was able to demonstrate the unique ways of working with paper; the conceptual use of this medium for sculpture, image and projects in 3D.

Gabriella Olga within the framework of her exhibitions also organised recitals for famous actors and directors: Aleksandr Adabashyan[6], L. Polishchuk, A. Vasilyev etc.

In 1999 Olga Khlebnikova gallery together with Auction House 'Zabava' organized a nationwide competition for the best costume of Tatiana Larina dedicated to the celebration of 200-year anniversary of russian poet Alexander Pushkin. The Finale of this competition was translated on the 1 Russian Channel. This project became one of the main celebration that year and gave a chance to young costume artists to present themselves and their talent.

In 2002 she coordinated a project 'Universalniy Krug' (Universal circle). Inviting top names of russian art to participate[7]. Artists were offered to express themselves on the china plates. That exhibition took a step in the direction of propaganda porcelain of 1920th and giving a new form for expression.

In 2003 she was invited by Victor Misiano to take part in the organisation of Russain Pavillion at the 50th Venice Biennale.

Since 2004 was at the board of directors in Moscow City Golf Club, heading the department of culture. Organized private viewing of ukranian artist S. Geta and O. Molchanov.

For several years was a General Secretary of Russian department of AICA, working together with Andrei V. Tolstoy[8]. Gabriella Olga was an iresponsable for country representation adn connection with collegues in France.

After her move to Latvia in 2009 she established her own gallery in Riga and organised many exhibitions for russianх[9], and Latvian artists[10], that was widely reported in press[11][12]. That includes the exhibition of V. Opara[13], whose works were handed to the Latvian National Art Museum работы[14].Her gallery became the first one in Riga to show theater sketches as independant works of art and as a piece of art. It inreached the cultural life of the city and enjoyed a warm response from public.

Since is writting historical novals and historical fairytales for children, that were publushed in russian[15] and latvian languages[16], also her works are reasd on radion Mariaя[17]. Gabriella Olga's fairytales were published in the annual calandar of Latvian Catholic CurchKatolu Kalendars 2022[18]. Those stories highlight traditional morals and chrisitan vertues.


Gallery was established in 1995 in Moscow. Initially the location was in Central House of Artists. Between 1999 and 2002 organized events at one of A.A. Bakhrushin State Central Theatre Museum buildings.

In 2002 Gallery moved to Kropotkinsky street.

In 2008 Gallery opened its doors in Riga, in Alberta iela.

The main work of the Gallery was devoted to the artists of the second part of 20th century. Other avenue of work for the Gallery was work with theater artists.

The Gallery became a pioneer in showing theater sketches for costume and stage designes for dramas and films of 20th century. Gallery introduced new names to the general public of Moscow: V. Khodasevich, Fyodor Fedorovsky, B. Messerer, A. Adabashyan, O. Yarmolnik, M. Romadin etc.

The Gallery also popularize graphic drawings by artists of 30-40th. Gallery also became the first one in Moscow systematically exhibiting such artists as: B. Yefimov, Kukryniksy, S. Eisenstein, V. Pudovkin etc.

Costume sketches for a legendary ballet The Fountain of Bakhchisarai by V. Khodasevich, 1934 from a private collection of P. Kapitsa were also restored and conservated[19].

List of Art Exhibitions and Art Events

  • 1992: Maria Preferansova, Enamel. Moscow
  • 1993: Sergey Polyakov, Pantings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1993: Aleksey Soldatov, Paintings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1993: Kira Soshinskaya, Drawings[20]. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1993: Olga Pogodina, Costume sketches. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1993: Alexander Zavarin, Drawings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Artists from Saint Petersburg, Paintings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: D. Avel and K. Gogol, Paintings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Oleg Shtichno, Paintings[21]. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Anatoly Zverev and Ashot Karapetyan. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Igor Myasnikov, Pantings[22]. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: African Art XIX-XX. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Diana Vouba, Paintings.[23]. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1994: Alexander Affonin and Sayda Butusova, Paitings. Culture Center "Russia", Moscow
  • 1995: Russian Artists, turn of the XX century. Soul, South Korea
  • 1995: Dimitriy Belyukin, One Piece[24]. Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1995: Alexander Adabashyan, Drawings for Cinema. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Valeriy Orlov[25] and Sergei Polyakov. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Alexander Adabashyan, Drawings. Александр Адабашьян, Графика. Belarusian National Arts Museum, Minsk.
  • 1996: EUROP'ART. Geneva
  • 1996: Andrey Mararevich, Drawings. . Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Art-Moscow. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Vladimir Opara[26], Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Valentina Apukhtina[27], Drawings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Boris Turetsky, Drawings [28]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: "Paper ways"[29]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: First Auction, "Zabava" fundation. Social Club "Angliter", Moscow
  • 1996: Pavel Sherbaum, Drawings[30]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Dimitry Kedrin, Paintings[31]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1996: Sergei Polyakov, Paintings. Kazan
  • 1997: Rakhman Shikhaviev, Paintins. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Sergey Polyakov, Paintings. Belarusian National Arts Museum, Minsk.
  • 1997: Vladimid Soldatkin, Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Tatiana Yan, Paintings[32]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: 2nd Auction, "Zabava" fundation. Social Club "Angliter", Moscow
  • 1997: Nikolay Andreevich, Drawings[33]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Sergey Polyakov, "Relics". Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Armenian Artists, Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: 3rd Auction, "Zabava" fundation[34], Social Club "Angliter", Moscow
  • 1997: D. Vouba, D. Kedrin, A. Makarevich, S. Polyakov, R. Shikhaliev. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Nickolay Komarov, Drawings[35]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Drawings of Theater and Cinema Artists. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Diana Vouba, Paintings.[23] Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: 4th Auction, "Zabava" fundation[36]. Social club "Kino", Moscow
  • 1997: Pavel Kaplevich, Theater drawings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1997: Sergey Polyakov, Paintings. Social club "Monomakh", Moscow
  • 1997: 5th Auction, "Zabava" fundation. Social club "Monomakh", Moscow
  • 1998: Valentina Khodasevich, Theater drawings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1998: Antique Art Fair. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 1998: 6th Auction, "Zabava" fundation. Gallery on Malaya Ordinka
  • 1998: A. Vasilyev's Book launch Презентация книги А. Васильева "Beauty in exile"[37]. Central House of ArtistsTsdkh, Moscow
  • 1998: A. Vasilyev, Drawings.[38]Gallery on Malaya Ordinka, Moscow
  • 1998: Antique Art Fair. Central House of ArtistsTsdkh, Moscow
  • 1998: Carnaval in life and theater. Gallery on Malaya Ordinka, Moscow
  • 1998: Competition for the best Mascarade Ball costume. Gallery on Malaya Ordinka, Moscow
  • 1999: Competition for the Best Costume of Tatiana Larina to 200 anniversary of A. S. Pushkin State Museum of A. S. Pushkin, Moscow
  • 1999: Christmas Auction and Drawing Exhibition. Social club "Mayak", Moscow
  • 2000: Charity Auction, paintings 60-90th. Moscow School of Economics, Moscow
  • 2001: Art performance "Hello, Summer", Paintings by Dimitrii Alexeev. Chrystler House, Moscow
  • 2001: Universal Circle. Painting on the porcelain, cult artists of the end of the 20th century. Gallery on Malaya Ordinka, Moscow
  • 2002: Tsigal Art Dynasty[39]. Gallery on Malaya Ordinka, Moscow
  • 2003: Dimitriy Kedrin, Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 2003: Anna Birstain, Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 2004: Lubov Yakovleva, Paintins. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 2004: Photo exhibition of Etery Chaladzinie, "King Lir"[40]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Tsdkh, Moscow
  • 2004: Ukranian artist Sergey Geta, Paintings. Private art show. Moscow City Golf Club, Moscow
  • 2005: Oleg Molchanov, Paintings. Private art show. Moscow City Golf Club, Moscow
  • 2005: Ilya Aidarov, Paintings. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Moscow
  • 2008: Photo exhibition of Etery Chaladzinie «Dreams decorations" [41]. House of the blackheads, Riga
  • 2009: Theater Art from a private collection of Olga Khlebnokova gallery: V. Basov, V. Khodasevich, F. Fedorovsky, A. Vasilyev, A. Adabashyan[42]. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Riga
  • 2009: Biblical stories[43]. Boats and Trains. Vladimir Opara. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Riga
  • 2009: Latvian Theater Artists:[44]: Anna Heinrihsone, Ilze Vitolina, Elita Patmalniece, Ieva Kundzina, Jurate Silakaktina, Inara Gauja, Kristine Jurjane, Kristina Abika, Ieva Kaulina, Izolde Censniece-Suipe, Ieva Jurjane, Liene Rolsteina. Olga Khlebnikova gallery, Riga
  1. ^ Габриелла Ольга Кабьер (2021 год). [рускатолик.рф/istoria-priagki/ "Для детей"] (in Russian). Рускатолик.рф. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help); Check date values in: |date= (help)
  2. ^ "Новая Юность 1999/1 — Журнальный зал". magazines.gorky.media (in Russian). Retrieved 2022-02-22.
  3. ^ Ольга Хлебникова (34(1’1999)). "Ольга Хлебникова представляет: Маскарад на Новой Ордынке". Новая Юность. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  4. ^ Татьяна Маркина (1997-05-28). "Леонид Ярмольник купил башмачки Марии Бабановой". Коммерсантъ (in Russian). Ведомости.
  5. ^ О. Хлебникова М. Фаткулин. "Пути Бумаги". Музей Гараж архив (in Russian). Гараж.
  6. ^ Ольга Хлебникова (Январь-Февраль 1996). "Галерея Ольги Хлебниковой представляет: Александр Адабашьян". Новая Юность. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  7. ^ Елена Титаренко (2001/2008). "Выставка «Универсальный Круг»". Риа новости (in Russian). {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  8. ^ Толстой А. В. (2008). "9. Ближайшее планы" (in Russian).
  9. ^ "Venecija" (in Latvian). 2009.
  10. ^ "Gallery" (in Latvian).
  11. ^ "Atklas izstadi teatris prims" (in Latvian).
  12. ^ "Izstades Vladimira Oparas" (in Latvian).
  13. ^ "Библейские истории" (in Russian).
  14. ^ "Лодки и поезда" (in Russian).
  15. ^ "История мастера Михала". Рускатолик.рф (in Russian). Retrieved 2022-02-23. {{cite web}}: Check |url= value (help)
  16. ^ "Bumbieru likieris". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  17. ^ "Радио Мария, AM 1053". spb.Zoon.ru (in Russian). Retrieved 2022-02-22.
  18. ^ "Maza zaglena davana". {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  19. ^ "Валентина Ходасевич" (in Russian).
  20. ^ "Кира Алексеевна Сошинская" (in Russian).
  21. ^ "Персональные выставки" (in Russian).
  22. ^ "УЧАСТИЕ В ВЫСТАВКАХ" (in Russian).
  23. ^ a b "Персональные выставки" (in Russian).
  24. ^ "Биография" (in Russian).
  25. ^ "Валерий Орлов" (in Russian).
  26. ^ "solo exhibitions".
  27. ^ "Апухтина Валентина Ивановна" (in Russian).
  28. ^ "Прошедшие выставки" (in Russian).
  29. ^ Апухтина Валентина. "Музеи и коллекции". Изобразительное искусство и фотография (in Russian).
  30. ^ "Участие в выставках, аукционах" (in Russian).
  31. ^ "выставке «Итальянские каникулы Дмитрия Кедрина» (1996, ЦДХ, Галерея Ольги Хлебниковой):" (in Russian).
  32. ^ "Персональные выставки" (in Russian).
  33. ^ "Групповые выставки" (in Russian).
  34. ^ "Леонид Ярмольник купил" (in Russian).
  35. ^ "Персональные выставки" (in Russian).
  36. ^ "В клубе "Кино"" (in Russian).
  37. ^ Ольга Хлебникова (32(5’1998)). "Ольга Хлебникова представляет: современный человек из прошлых веков". Новая Юность. {{cite news}}: Check date values in: |date= (help)
  38. ^ "Афиша 3-9 октября" (in Russian). 1998.
  39. ^ "Тесная связь нескольких поколений на выставке" (in Russian). 2002.
  40. ^ "Биография писателя" (in Russian).
  41. ^ "Новое место Декорации снов Галерея — арт-клуб для театралов" (in Russian).
  42. ^ "Olga Khlebnikova Gallery" (in Latvian).
  43. ^ "vladimir opara" (in Latvian).
  44. ^ "Olgas Hlebnikovas galerija" (in Latvian).