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Juara in front of The Smiling Stone by Indonesian artist Ari Gustiawan
My Wikistress What's that?

Pemula Bicara/Introduction


My name is Rosihan Juara Baharuddin. I am a Malaysian. On the right is me in front of my favourite painting. oKAY GOOD


  • Character Building / Pembinaan Karakter
  • Experential Training / Latihan Eksperantial
  • Swiss Army Knives
  • Luggage and bags
  • Gadgets of all sorts
  • Anything to do with technology
  • Computer Games - Strategy and role playing
  • Contributing to the internet
  • Poetry
  • Visual Arts
  • Sports, all kinds
  • Trivia
  • Boardgames


  • Penerbit/Publisher
  • Jurulatih Pembinaan Karakter/Character Building Trainer

    Apa yang boleh saya sumbangankan ke Wikipedia/What can I contribute to Wikipedia

  • Membaca Pruf/Proof Reading
  • Menyunting/Editing
  • Atur letak/Layout
  • Terjemahan/Translation
  • Kandungan/Content