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1. Schroeder, Christopher G. "Sanctuary or Prison: Queer Youth and the Family, Household and Home." Social & Cultural Geography 16.7 (2015): 783-97. Web. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14649365.2015.1023824

This journal article tackles the nuanced reality of life for LGBT youth in the family. It is largely ethnographic, taking real home life experiences from real LGBT youth to demonstrate the intricacy and variation in familial experience. It also discusses the "queering" of families, the destruction of heteronormativity, as a process that can have positive and negative outcomes for the LGBT individuals. It is a relevant source for my article because it would lend itself to my introduction of LGBT ideas to the Family page, discussing LGBT youth interaction with family and it also briefly discusses the idea of the "gay family," or family of choice I want to add. It meets the Wikipedia standards for reliable sources since it comes from a scholarly journal about social and cultural geography that introduces underrepresented minority points of view as well as majority ones.

2. Bertone, Chiara, and Maria Pallotta-Chiarolli. "Putting Families of Origin into the Queer Picture: Introducing This Special Issue." Journal of GLBT Family Studies 10.1-2 (2014): 1-14. Web. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1550428X.2013.857494

This journal article talks about the importance of LGBT individuals' relationships with their families and the family dynamics that emerge or change from members coming out as LGBT. It also discusses current prevalent media portrayals of families and the relationship between what those are, and could be, and how families react to LGBT members coming out. It is relevant to my article in that it translates the assumed heterosexual families currently in the article to ones that "become" LGBT families, and explores that process. It meets the Wikipedia standards for reliable sources, coming from a peer-review journal about GLBT Family Studies.

3. Snapp, Shannon D., Ryan J. Watson, Stephen T. Russell, Rafael M. Diaz, and Caitlin Ryan. "Social Support Networks for LGBT Young Adults: Low Cost Strategies for Positive Adjustment." Family Relations Fam Relat 64.3 (2015): 420-30. Web. http://ejournals.ebsco.com/Direct.asp?AccessToken=23S3Y9L8SEEWYAAMX333Z9YAAELX8FYF31&Show=Object

This journal article discusses the scientifically shown strong, positive impact support from the family can have on LGBT young adults. It also talks about actions of family members that impact the support of other family members. It is relevant to my article in that it discusses the family dynamic directly in regards to LGBT life and satisfaction, and the article currently lacks inclusion about family that isn't hetero-normative. It meets the Wikipedia standards for reliable sources, coming from a scholarly interdisciplinary journal about Family Studies.