Global Aviation is a Microsoft Flight Simulator server organization. It was created in March 2005 by Founder/CEO Garrett Brittle. Ryan McMillan was the Vice President. The first member was Steven Zurafa, who was promoted to an administrator. One week following the founding, Jonathan (Jon) Hensley came on board as an ATC for Kansas City International (KMCI). He too, became an administrator. Jon later hosted the server system from his home at Parsons, KS. In october 2005, Garrett Brittle stepped down as the CEO, and Jon became the 2nd CEO of Global Aviation. In January of 2006, after a series of hackings, Jon closed down Global Aviation, in violation to the Standard Operating Policies and Procedures (SOPP) that had been adopted by a board of member pilots and administrators. After pressure from former pilots and administrators, Jon summoned former adminsitrators to a Charter Executive Committee Convention in March 2008. The Convention convined in June 2008.