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User:JorisEnter/sandbox/Order of precedence in the Netherlands

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The Order of precedence in the Netherlands dictates in which order persons holding official positions in the Kingdom of the Netherlands must be ordered at formal occasions, such as receptions and formal dinners.

Royal family

Title Holder
The King King Willem-Alexander
The Queen Queen Máxima
The King's children Catharina-Amalia, Princess of Orange
Princess Alexia
Princess Ariane
The former Queen Princess Beatrix
The King's brother Prince Constantijn
His spouse Princess Laurentien
The King's nephews and nieces Countess Eloise
Count Claus-Casimir
Countess Leonore
The King's aunt Princess Margriet
Her spouse Pieter van Vollenhoven

High political and diplomatic officials

Title Holder
The president of the International Court of Justice Joan Donoghue
The doyen of the diplomatic corps Carlos Argüello Gómez (Nicaragua, since 1983)
The president of the International Criminal Court Piotr Hofmański
The vice-president of the International Court of Justice Kirill Gevorgian
Alternating: Ambassadors in order of length of tenure in the Netherlands
Judges of the International Court of Justice in order of length of tenure
The prime minister Mark Rutte
The president of the Senate (precedes the prime minister if the King is present) Jan Anthonie Bruijn
The president of the House of Representatives (precedes the prime minister if the King is present) Vera Bergkamp
The deputy prime ministers Sigrid Kaag
Wopke Hoekstra
Carola Schouten
The other ministers, in order of their ministry's chapter in the annual budget:
The minister of foreign affairs Wopke Hoekstra (also deputy prime minister)
The minister of justice and security Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius
The minister of the interior and Kingdom relations Hanke Bruins Slot
The minister of education, culture and science Robbert Dijkgraaf
The minister of finance Sigrid Kaag (also deputy prime minister)
The minister of defence Kajsa Ollongren
The minister of infrastructure and water management Mark Harbers
The minister of economic affairs and climate policy Micky Adriaansens
The minister of agriculture, nature and food quality Henk Staghouwer
The minister of social affairs and employment Karien van Gennip
The minister of health, welfare and sport Ernst Kuipers
The ministers without portfolio, in order of their ministry's chapter in the annual budget:
The minister for foreign trade and development cooperation Liesje Schreinemacher
The minister for legal protection Franc Weerwind
The minister for housing and spatial planning Hugo de Jonge
The minister for primary and secondary education Dennis Wiersma
The minister for climate and energy Rob Jetten
The minister for nature and nitrogen Christianne van der Wal
The minister for poverty, participation and pensions Carola Schouten (also deputy prime minister)
The minister for long-term care and sports Conny Helder
The Dutch member of the European Commission Frans Timmermans
Living ministers of State, in order of appointment: Frits Korthals Altes
Jaime Saleh
Hans van den Broek
Herman Tjeenk Willink
Winnie Sorgdrager
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Sybilla Dekker
Piet Hein Donner
The State secretaries, in order of their ministry's chapter in the budget: Eric van der Burg (State secretary for asylum and migration)
Alexandra van Huffelen (State secretary for Kingdom relations and digitization)
Gunay Uslu (State secretary for culture and media)
Marnix van Rij (State secretary for fiscal affairs)
Aukje de Vries (State secretary for benefits and customs)
Christophe van der Maat (State secretary for defence)
Vivianne Heijnen (State secretary for infrastructure and water management)
Hans Vijlbrief (State secretary for mining)
Maarten van Ooijen (State secretary for youth and prevention)

Other Dutch political and diplomatic officials

Title Holder
The vice-president of the Council of State Thom de Graaf
The president of the Supreme Court Dineke de Groot
The procurator-general of the Supreme Court Edwin Bleichrodt
The president of the Court of Audit Arno Visser
The National Ombudsman Reinier van Zutphen
The chancellor of the orders of chivalry Henk Morsink
The chief of defence Onno Eichelsheim
The highest-ranking Dutch diplomats (if in the Netherlands):
His Majesty's ambassador in Berlin Ronald van Roeden
His Majesty's ambassador in Paris Pieter de Gooijer
His Majesty's ambassador in Washington D.C. André Haspels
The Dutch permanent representative to the United Nations Joke Brand
The Dutch permanent representative to NATO Marisa Gerards
The Dutch permanent representative to the European Union Robert de Groot
His Majesty's ambassador in London Karel van Oosterom
His Majesty's ambassador in Moscow Gilles Beschoor Plug
His Majesty's ambassador in Beijing Wim Geerts
His Majesty's ambassador in Tokyo Peter van der Vliet

Local government officials

Title Holder
The King's commissioners in order of length of service Leen Verbeek (Flevoland)
Han Polman (Zeeland)
Jaap Smit (South Holland)
René Paas (Groningen)
Arno Brok (Friesland)
Jetta Klijnsma (Drenthe)
Andries Heidema (Overijssel)
Arthur van Dijk (North Holland)
Hans Oosters (Utrecht)
John Berends (Gelderland)
Ina Adema (North Brabant)
Emile Roemer (Limburg)
The mayors of the four largest cities in order of length of service: Ahmed Aboutaleb (Rotterdam)
Femke Halsema (Amsterdam)
Jan van Zanen (The Hague)
Sharon Dijksma (Utrecht)


  • The president of De Nederlandsche Bank
  • Major religious figures(?)
  • High-ranking military officers: C-ZEE, C-LAND, C-KMAR, IGK, V-adm, l-gen
  • Director of the King's cabinet
  • HM's ambassadors to other capitals
  • Chargés d'affaires
  • Secretaries-general