Spare0011 glitch Collection. Animal Jam Play Wild.
A user by the name of (Spare0011) has the ONLY Online copy of the music, back in 2022 May, a new variant of the copy named (Unlocalized:51992) was later featured through out the games trading system. But was later removed by the Owner of the game (AJHQ) back in October.
This mysterious user also can go by Inventory0, a hacker who took scammers items, and gave them back to the scammed meanwhile never to be caught in the attack, This user was Known in the community for their act, while also being feared among others.
Spare0011 has a random appearance in game and can be usually found in Popular trading dens like Aparri, Wootmoo, and other popular trading dens.
Invintory0 is now a official INACTIVE account, some say he was banned from AJPW/AJC and some believe he quit after him being feared in the community.
Not much is known about Invintory0.
Spare0011) has obtained a Rare Brain Helmet in WHITE. Which in Animal Jam Play Wild should not be obtained, Color variants like Hot Pink/default, gray, blue, purple, lime, yellow colours exist in the game, We will not count the Leilani version since that can be Obtained by trading a NPC by anyone.