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User:John f.Lorne

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John F. Lorne

Land of the free

Also known as Slip3, Slip Kid, was born Oct 7, 1964) in The Bronx, New York is an artist. As early as 13 John F. Lorne was painting New York City trains and is the founder of one of the most well known graffiti crews in the world Morris Park Crew or abbreviated (M.P.C.) The M.P.C. crew was catapulted into the world spotlight by its most famous member Cap MPC in the 1983 P.B.S. documentary Style Wars. The M.P.C. have been in countless publications regarding the genre and had a reputation of being more of a gang than that of a traditional graffiti crew.

Growing up in the Morris park section of the Bronx during the late 1970’s John F. Lorne was a troubled youth, due in part to drugs and alcohol. This would lead him in 1978 at the age of 14 to go to the drug program Phoenix house on 74th street New York City. Through Phoenix house that same year he was a chosen guest on the Phil Donahue show in Chicago. The Topic? Youth and drugs .Later that year he would also participate as a youth in the Scared Strait program at Rahway state penitentiary. 1979-1980 were his biggest years painting trains. During the early 1980’s while living with infamous graffiti legends Tracy 168 and Billy 167. He witnessed his peers of the era make the transformation of placing their art from trains to canvas and shown in galleries like Sidney Janis, and fashion MODA. Unfortunately still consumed by street activity John re entered Phoenix House to no avail and continued down a self destructive road .

1988 With no concrete plans other than needing a change and to leave the Bronx, he and his now wife of 25 years got on a bus with a one way ticket to California but, settled on New Mexico. It was there that he and his wife settled down and raised a family. Late 2007 inspired by his son’s doubt that he even wrote graffiti he began his quest to get proof through images from friends. That in turn after 20 years sparked a new motivation and he started vigorously painting again. 2009 he began receiving requests for commissioned works and also had his first exhibited solo show at the new Rio Rancho Library in New Mexico.2010 he was part of the 516 arts show “Street text art from the coasts& The Populist Phenomenon Where he represented New York alongside fellow artists Lady Pink, Henry Chalfant, Chaz Borjorquez, Shepard Fairey, Swoon, Ernest Doty and others. He also exhibited at the Wooden Cow and Toni Chi galleries where he was part of the RISE project.2011 he participated in the urban revitalization mural program in Albuquerque N.M. Later was asked to teach a mural class at Warehouse 508 sponsored by the City Of Albuquerque .

2012 He became a published author Morris Park Crew The official history publisher Schiffer books. He also participated in a mural sponsored by All City Paint during the week of Art Basel in Miami beach Fl.During which he also had a book signing at a solo exhibition for Blade,held at the Adjust Gallery 2013 John continues to work as a visual artist as well as mentoring youth to encourage and promote positive aspects of urban art. He also was honored with a limited signature spray can from the L.A. Underground’s, All City Paint brand in Albuquerque N.M and is Currently working on new works to conquer the world.


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