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If anyone else takes a look here, note that these are not necessarily correct; there seems to be something wrong with my derivations, which is why I'm poking around here.


My derivations

- no guarantee over this, or that the here is the one equal to .

Old A

- but see Weisstein's section below and New A section

New A



- no guarantee over this, or that the here is the one equal to .


- see Weisstein's section below

Damn, the different area formula is making things even worse?!? Maybe it's the definition of that's not what I'd expect? It needn't be the mass-energy equivalence of the entire mass of the black hole.

- Why this apparent equivalence? I have no idea. It could also be that .

Let's try a comparison with the gravitational binding energy formula. I doubt it has any relevance, but I'll see what it generates.

- Well, it's in the ballpark, and I'm pretty sure that binding energy formula doesn't allow for relativistic effects. But I still don't think it has anything to do with it.

Continued: emission

Using my new S & T
Using their S & T

as in article

(natural units)

examples in article




Odd, it does come out the same as the usual formula as surface area of a sphere. My mistake must lie elsewhere.

compared to my derivations


For some reason, is coming out twice as large as . It naturally follows that this would lead to being 16 times larger than . I thought event horizons might have a surface area that was not equal to that of a conventional sphere, but that doesn't seem to explain it.

as in article


(was Black hole entropy)

as in article


(was Laws of black hole mechanics)

as in article

(natural units)
(natural units)

as in article


I noticed this in the table of equations with their nondimensionalized equivalents:

Thermal energy per particle per degree of freedom

This may be the key, if it's half of , much like threw me off with that half, when I was very young.


, ,

as in article


as in article

- Here's where it's different! That's not the formula for an undistorted sphere.

Black Hole Radiation and Volume Statistical Entropy by Mario Rabinowitz


as in article




SI units


Solar-mass black hole


1-second black hole


Solar-mass black hole


1-second black hole
